Sejarah Perkembangan Hukum Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia dan Implikasinya bagi Praktik Perbankan Nasional (original) (raw)
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Sejarah Hukum Perbankan Syariah DI Indonesia
Since 1934, the idea to establish an Islamic bank has arisen. It began with the concept that the banks’ interest is haram. Then the establishment of Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) which used zero interest in its operational system. MUI banking team was established in 1992, after Lokakarya Bunga Bank MUI, to manage the establishment of first Islamic bank, namely Bank Muamalat Indonesia on 1 November 1991. In era law no. 10 of 1998, dual banking system appeared, and the acknowledgement of three banking types existence began in law 21 of 2008 because those were mentioned in law no. 21 of 2008. The method used in this research is a historical method, in which search for data and facts from past that has correlations with the implementation of Islamic banking from the first establishment until 2014 (1992-2014) then recite it in this research. The finding revealed that the existence of legal act (Law No. 21 of 2008) have been giving an increase in the number of Sharia Commercial Banks whic...
Sejarah Pembangunan Hukum Perbankan Syariah DI Indonesia
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In this article the author traces the historic development of Islamic or sharia banking in Indonesia and this will be done by analysing the evolution of a series of successive laws promulgated over time. From these laws (Law Nos. 7/1992; 10/1998 and 21/2008) we can discern, how over the years, the Indonesian government gradually accept and recognized sharia banking principles, resulting in the establishment of Sharia Banks alongside conventional Banks. These successive laws also shows the gradual process of policy changes which involves a top-down, bottom up and again a top down approach. Through this process, Sharia Banks develops in Indonesia and has been able to meet society’s need not only for a modern banking system, but also more importantly, providing banking services in line with the sharia.
Sejarah Praktek Perbankan Syariah
Jurnal Tabarru', 2022
Praktek-praktek konsep bank syariah seperti menerima titipan harta, meminjamkan uang untuk keperluan konsumsi dan untuk keperluan bisnis dengan sistem syariah, serta melakukan pengiriman uang, telah lazim dilakukan sejak masa Rasulullah SAW. Tujuan penelitian ini membahas sejarah praktek perbankan syariah, dengan menelusuri praktek-praktek perbankan yang dilakukan oleh umat muslim sepanjang sejarah. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian ini, paper ini dibagi menjadi lima bagian yang di jelaskan secara singkat. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa praktek perbankan yang sesuai dengan syariah sudah ada dimasa Rasulullah SAW, masa Khulafaur Rasyidin, masa Bani Umayyah dan Bani Abbasiyah namun belum berbentuk lembaga komersial. Setelah jatuhnya Bani Abbasiyah praktek perbankan lahir dari Italia karena kata teknis 'bank' berasal dari kata Italia 'banco' yang berarti meja atau bangku yang digunakan penukar uang Italia untuk menampilkan uang dan catatan mereka serta melakukan transaksinya.
Pola dan Perkembangan Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia
Istidlal: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Hukum Islam, 2019
The development of Islamic banking in Indonesia with the complexity of the problem in its journey has shown good results and as a reference for the pattern and strategy for developing financial institutions. Islamic banking with its (the) sharia principles of avoiding usury practices and prioritizing mutual benefits have proven to be a complete banking system. But besides that, additional supervision is needed to ensure the implementation of sharia principles, namely by the existence of a sharia supervisory board (DPS) to implement fatwas as guidelines for the operation of Islamic banks issued by the National Sharia Council (DSN).
Lahirnya Perbankan Syari'Ah DI Indonesia
AT-TIJARAH: Jurnal Penelitian Keuangan dan Perbankan Syariah, 2019
With the development of increasingly advanced times, the bank continues to make new innovations so that at this time the bank is no longer just an institution that functions to collect and distribute funds, but at the same time also as an intermediary in the payment traffic. However, the Muslim community strives to realize banking based on sharia principles. For this reason, several Muslim countries have slowly begun to establish Islamic Banks. The development of Islamic banking is quite significant in several countries, but of the many countries, Indonesia actually has a different side. The difference lies in the term used to refer to a non-conventional bank. While other countries commonly refer to it as an Islamic Bank, in Indonesia it is actually called the Sharia Banking because the idea of the Islamic Bank is alleged to have contained political and SARA elements. With high stretches owned by several Muslim countries to establish shari'ah banking, Indonesia as the country with the largest Muslim population in the world established the first sharia banking under the name Bank Muamalat Indonesia (BMI) which was officially operated in 1992. From year to year, Sharia banking growth is very fast.
Falsafah Hukum Perbankan Syariah DI Indonesia
Wujud sebuah konsep mesti dapat menjawab pertanyaan secara filosofis. Sebagai bangsa yang mayoritas beragama Islam, eksistensi perbankan syariah merupakan wujud cita-cita yang sudah lama dipendam. Eksistensi hukum perbankan syariah di Indonesia tidak hanya menyuguhkan legalitas implementasinya tetapi juga linealitas dengan nilai sumber utama hukum Islam yaitu Al-qur’an dan hadis. Tulisan ini selain menarasikan aspek ontologisnya, juga menyajikan sudut epistemologis dan aksiologisnya sehingga tulisan ini menjadi sangat penting sebagai pintu masuk menyelami dinamika hukum perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Abstract The form of a concept must be able to answer questions philosophically. As a nation that is predominantly Muslim, the existence of Islamic banking is a manifestation of long-buried ideals. The existence of sharia banking law in Indonesia not only presents the legality of its implementation but also the lineality with the main source values of Islamic law, namely the Al-quran a...
Perkembangan Bank Syariah Di Indonesia: Sebuah Kajian Historis
JES (Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah), 2019
Banking in Indonesia is now increasingly enlivened by the existence of Islamic banks, which offer financial and investment products in different ways than conventional banks that have long existed. Even conventional banks in Indonesia are now following the trend by establishing their own Islamic institutions or Islamic business units. Recorded in 2012 Islamic banks have increased rapidly to become 11 Islamic Commercial Banks (BUS) and 24 Sharia Business Units (UUS). Islamic banks were born and developed in Indonesia starting from the birth of Bank Muamalat in 1992. Law Number 7 of 1992 concerning banking was born because in that year Bank Muamalah was the only bank that carried out business activities based on the principle of profit sharing. Furthermore, the culmination point has been reached with the enactment of Law Number 10 of 1998 concerning banking which opens the opportunity for anyone who will establish a Shari'ah bank or who wants to convert from a conventional system ...