Sister Local Tradition Existence In Rural Development: Sharing Space in Participative Development Planning in Neglasari Village (original) (raw)
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Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 2017
Modernization and democratization of rural area which executed by the New Order until this day turns out does't eradicate local tradition that lives and develop on unity of law community like Neglasari Desa that located in Kecamatan Salawu Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. In every desa's decision that taken, every local elite now can go back take the decision based on tradition which they have, notwithstanding the state willed liberal tradition as the main basis. This research intended to analyze deeper about articulation mechanism of people interest based on local tradition in composing desa policy as manifestation of public policy innovation in desa level. With intention like that, the research approach used is qualitative, whilst for data accumulation technique is through documentation and deep interview. As for data analysis done on tier by tierResearch result shown that by going back based local tradition, desa's decision that took when musyawarah desa tend to more qualified ...
The Role of Village Institutions in Participatory Development Planning
International Journal of Qualitative Research
Development essentially has a goal that is none other than to create a just, prosperous and prosperous society. In advancing the development of rural communities, village institutions have an important role that can assist the implementation of the process of forming a prosperous society. This study aims to determine the role of village institutions in participatory development in Samaenre Village, Maros Regency. The method in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through direct observation, in-depth interviews, and FGD. Determination of informants was carried out using the purposive sampling technique with 6 informants. The results showed that there were several village institutions located in Samaenre Village, Mallawa District, Maros Regency, namely the Village Government, Polindes, BPD, Farmers' Groups, Youth Organizations, Posyandu, Bumdes, PKK, Educational Institutions and Taklim assembly. The role in planning and implementing de...
Village Head Partnership, Village Consultative Body and Customary Institution in Village Development
The Government of Kayeli village is an integral part of the District government Buru where the administrative elements make the Kayeli village government have to run the administrative tasks strictly in their activities, in fact A involvement in traditional institutions that eventually affect the orientation and implementation of development. The three elements of village institutions namely village Governments, village consultative bodies and indigenous institutions are able to collaborate from planning to monitoring the development of the Kayeli village community. This research is a qualitative study aimed at describing the partnerships that awakened between institutions in the village of Kayeli. The research site is focused on Kayeli village. The number of informant interviews of 30 people consisting of village apparatus, public figures, indigenous people and local communities is taken purposive. The analytical techniques used to follow the concepts given by Miles and Huberman include data reduction, data presentation and withdrawal of conclusions. The results showed that the relationship that awakened from these three institutions was able to create harmonization of village development that materialized through the planning, implementation and supervision conducted jointly with Communication and active role in village development.
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Ekonomi Studi Pembangunan
This study aims at investigating the level of community participation in a rural development planning (Musrenbangdes) in Lapok village, and seeking the factors influencing the level of their participation. It is a qualitative study in which the data are generated through library research, in-depth interviews semi-structured with informants in the field and observations. Informants selected by purposive sampling with the scope of the informants are people who are involved and have a significant influence in the implementation of the Village Planning Forum activities ranging from the preparation, implementation and post-implementation activities. Finding shows the level of community participations in development planning through in the Village Planning Forum in Lopok village is still in the level of apparent (degmess of tekonism). This illustrates that the community involvement in these activities to the extent that new proposals and have no influence and power in determining the final decision. In addition, factors which affect the level of their participation are the low education levels, community work, weak leadership of the village head, lack of socialization and cooperation between communities and village government.
Developmental local government in a rural context : a case study of Jozini Municipality
South Africa is facing a backlog with regard to service delivery in rural areas. Therefore, local government reform has been one of the pertinent issues which has occupied the political landscape since the early 1990s. Key to this transitional period to democracy was a realization that different communities have diverse experiences with traditional leadership depending on their geographical location in South Africa. But to a large extent the changes that took place in traditional leadership were imposed on the local structures by the national government. Thus, most traditional leaders and their advisers found themselves implementing policies which they did not necessarily support. This study seeks to explore developmental local government in a rural context through the use of the case study of 10zini Municipality. A key issue in this study is to look at the nature of the relationship that exists between the modem and traditional structures and the impact thereof on development.
Since January 2012, Malinau Regency Government has been implementing a development concept based on people participation, namely Program of Village Self-Sufficiency Development Movement (Gerdema). The purpose of this research is to describe the management of the participation of stakeholders such as regional government, village governments and communities in planning Gerdema. This research was a qualitative research in two villages. The result of the research shows that regional government's participation in village musrenbang (forum of development planning) is the presence of a representative of SKPD (regional working units) in order to absorb the results of village musrenbang and present a picture of the activities that SKPD is going to do in the current year. The planning done by the village government of Respen Tubu and Malinau Seberang normatively faces contraints such as time, place and proposed activities. Some of these constraints are then followed up by the village government of Respen Tubu by implementing pre-musrenbang at RT level. Such thing has caused the village communities to be very enthusiastic about participating in the planning process because of time flexibility, a representative place, and a better representation of the proposals.
Assessment of Local Communities Standpoint about Rural Development (Case Study: Boyerahmad County)
PurposeThe main objective of present study is analysis of viewpoints of Boyer-Ahmad local communities about rural development. The criteria of rural development are identified by a systematic approach from the standpoints of people who are aware of current rural issues in the investigated villages. In the next stage, the level of development of settlements was determined according to the identified criteria. Design/methodology/approachThe current study is based on qualitative methods (grounded theory) and quantitative (descriptiveanalytical and survey). The required data was collected through the field methods (questionnaire and interview). The sample population of the study was determined to extract the indicators purposefully and based on the snowball method until the theoretical saturation of the interview with 18 people was reached. The statistical population of the study is the people living in the villages of Boyer-Ahmad County. 380 people in 10 rural settlements are assessed ...
Head of Village Participation in Thematic Village Policy in Pamekasan District
Journal of Public Policy and Administration
Thematic Village Policy (KDT) is one of the priority policies of the Pamekasan Regency Government in the 2018-2023 Regional Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMD). This policy emphasizes its implementation in the village area, so it is clearly needed the support and participation of the head of village as the leader at the village level to make it happen. One year after the launch of the program, the significance of this program was not yet apparent, so researchers were interested in gathering head of villages in KDT. This qualitative research using interview method used 4 informants from villages that had different qualifications, namely the Independent, Advanced, Developing and Disadvantaged Villages selected based on the southern, central and northern regions of Pamekasan Regency. KDT did not invite many head of villages, and the technical guidelines had not been developed properly, but the participation of head of villages as a whole was very high, meaning that all villages could realize KDT, according to a qualitative agreement, participatory participation was low, because there were findings that appeared not based on a complete understanding with regard to the policy concept, it is therefore agreed that standard negotiations be made, optimizing the driving factors and inhibiting factors, and it is necessary to replicate the ideal model of head of village election so that it is more optimal.
Indonesian Journal of Social and Environmental Issues (IJSEI)
The purpose of this study was to determine the kinds of community participation and the factors driving community participation in rural development in Oengkolaki Village, Mawasangka District, Buton Tengah Regency. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques through literature review and field research conducted through observation, interviews, and documentation. After the data has been redundant, then completed the analysis by using qualitative techniques. The results of the study aimed that the form of community participation in rural development in Oengkolaki Village, Mawasangka District, Buton Tengah Regency included participation in development planning, development implementation, and participating in utilizing the results of development. The factors driving community participation in development are awareness, community capacity, and rising community income.
Public Participation in Rural Development Planning in Semarang Regency
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Indonesian Politics, SIP 2019, 26-27 June 2019, Central Java, Indonesia, 2019
Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Rural provides an opportunity themselves to carry out participatory rural development planning processes by involving the community as much as possible. However, the reality on the ground shows that not all regions have local regulations on rural development planning and the role of sectoral institutions in this process is still dominant. This research seeks to describe how public participation in rural development planning, by taking a case study in Semarang Regency. This research is product oriented and is designed using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) model. The results show that in Semarang Regency formally, the procedure for preparing rural development plans still refers to higher regulations, namely regulations issued by the Ministry of Villages. On the other hand, symptoms of the emergence of awareness of the importance of public space and dialogue efforts in utilizing existing public spaces for all components of society to build their villages are clearly visible. Development program planning is very synchronous with the implementation of regional development programs, realized by the nature of partnerships and togetherness among community members. In fact, the role of actors who are less able to encourage change, such as the role of village clerics who no longer determine the determination of development programs. Therefore, forms of community participation, both direct and indirect, should be applied at all levels and at all stages of the program determination process.