Maiman revisited: tuneable single mode CW ruby ring laser (original) (raw)
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When considering dynamically stable resonators, ring lasers are good choices because they have a twice larger stability interval when compared to linear resonators and sensitivity to misalignment decreasing with pump power, however literature does not provide easy design guidelines. A ring resonator utilizing Nd:YAG side pumped by diodes allowed single frequency operation. The output single-frequency laser had good output characteristics, however the overall length of resonator did not allow for building a compact device with low misalignment sensitivity and larger spacing between longitudinal modes which could improve single-frequency performance. Based on previously developed equations, which allow for ease of design of a ring DSR, we discuss how to build an equivalent ring resonator, aiming to building a shorter resonator with the same stability zone parameters. The study of the symmetric resonator containing a pair of lenses allowed finding the conditions to build the shortest p...
Doubled Single-Frequency Nd:YLF Ring Laser Coupled to a Passive Nonresonant Cavity
Applied Optics, 2004
We demonstrate an original solution to obtain a single-frequency ring laser coupled to an external passive nonresonant ring cavity, which plays the role of an optical diode. This system provides more output power than systems with an intracavity unidirectional device. To the best of our knowledge, this work marks the first demonstration of a unidirectional planar ring laser at 1.3 m. Using 12 W at 797 nm to pump a Nd:YLF laser, combined with intracavity second-harmonic generation, we achieve yields of 440 mW at 661.3 nm and 340 mW at 656.0 nm.
Quasi-monolithic ring resonator for efficient frequency doubling of an external cavity diode laser
Applied Physics B, 2010
A quasi-monolithic second-harmonic-generation ring resonator assembled with miniaturized components is presented. The ring contains a 10-mm-long bulk periodically poled lithium niobate crystal for second-harmonic generation, four plane mirrors and two gradient-index lenses. All parts are mounted on a glass substrate with an overall size of 19.5 mm × 8.5 mm × 4 mm. As pump source a broad-area laser diode operated in an external resonator with Littrow arrangement is utilized. This external cavity diode laser provides near diffraction limited, narrow-bandwidth emission with an optical output power of 450 mW at a wavelength of 976 nm. Locking of the diode laser emission to the resonance frequency of the ring cavity was achieved by an optical self-injection locking technique. With this setup more than 126 mW of diffraction-limited blue light at 488 nm could be generated. The opto-optical conversion efficiency was 28% and a wall plug efficiency better than 5.5% could be achieved.
Frequency Locking of Tunable Diode Lasers to a Rubidium-Stabilized Ring-Cavity Resonator
Applied Optics, 2004
We demonstrate a technique for locking the frequency of a tunable diode laser to a ring-cavity resonator. The resonator is stabilized to a diode laser which is in turn locked to an atomic transition, thus giving it absolute frequency calibration. The ring-cavity design has the principal advantage that there is no feedback destabilization of the laser. The cavity has a free-spectral range of 1.3 GHz and Q of about 35, which gives robust locking of the laser. The locked laser is able to track large scans of the cavity.
Dynamically stable continuous single frequency green ring laser
2019 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC), 2019
A single-frequency ring laser using two standard commercial diode-pumped Nd:YAG modules is demonstrated. Employing a dynamically stable resonator design, multilongitudinal mode operation at 1064 nm with 53 W of output power was obtained. When inserting a LBO crystal in the resonator, 1.8 W of single-sided, single-frequency output at 532 nm was achieved. The measured linewidth was 3.6 MHz, close to the resolution limit of the scanning etalon used to measure the longitudinal mode structure.
Monolithic ring resonator with PPLN crystal for efficient cw SHG of 976 nm emitted by a diode laser
Nonlinear Frequency Generation and Conversion: Materials, Devices, and Applications VIII, 2009
A new setup for efficient blue light generation that consists of two passively coupled optical resonators is presented. The first resonator is based on a broad area laser diode (BAL) in a Littrow external cavity with a special off-axis design. This external cavity diode laser provides more than 450 mW diffraction limited and narrow bandwidth emission at 976 nm. A compact cavity design with 40 mm length could be realized. The second resonator is a monolithic high finesse ring cavity containing a 10 mm bulk periodically poled lithium niobate (PPLN) crystal for resonant second harmonic generation. This ring resonator consists of four small mirrors with appropriate reflectivities and two GRIN lenses for stability reasons. All parts of this ring cavity are mounted monolithically on a glass substrate with a size of 19.5 mm x 8.5 mm. First experiments showed good passive matching of both cavities without any active closed-loop control. With this setup efficient SHG was achieved. A maximum optical output power of 70 mW blue light at 488 nm was obtained. The conversion efficiency was better than 15%.
Monolithic, unidirectional single-mode Nd:YAG ring laser
Optics Letters, 1985
We have built a nonplanar ring oscillator with the resonator contained entirely within a Nd:YAG crystal. When the oscillator was placed in a magnetic field, unidirectional oscillation was obtained with a pump-limited, singleaxial-mode output of 163 mW. In this Letter, we describe a new solid-state laser design that achieves high single-mode output power by using a unidirectional nonplanar resonator. Excellent frequency stability is achieved because the ring resonator is constructed from a single Nd:YAG crystal. We refer to the design as a MISER (Monolithic Isolated Single-mode End-pumped Ring) design. We developed this source as an oscillator for a long-range coherent Doppler anemometer. 1 Other applications areas include coherent communications, coherent optical radar, and inertial rotation sensing. Ideally, a continuous-wave homogeneously broadened laser should oscillate in a single axial mode. The laser
Unidirectional Single-Frequency Operation of a Nd:YVO4 Ring Laser With and Without a Faraday Element
Applied Optics, 2004
We demonstrate high-performance unidirectional and single-frequency ring-laser operation based on a diode-side-pumped Nd:YVO 4 bounce amplifier, obtained in a ring system both with and without a Faraday rotating element. Ring-laser operation with intracavity Faraday unidirectional element produces 15-W cw output in a TEM 00 and single-longitudinal mode with beam propagation parameter M 2 Ͻ 1.1 with 35-W diode pumping. A novel non-Faraday-based ring laser uses a polarization-dependent output coupler and asymmetric polarization state in the birefringent Nd:YVO 4 gain medium and is demonstrated to produce highly unidirectional ͑1200:1͒ single-frequency output of 14 W in a TEM 00 mode with beam propagation factor M 2 Ͻ 1.2 at 30 W of diode pumping.
Ein optisch gepumpter FIR-Ringlaser als offener Resonator mit variabler Auskopplung
Archiv für Elektrotechnik, 1993
We describe the design, construction and first experimental results with an open triangle FIR ring resonator with Michelson interferometer output coupling, which we combined with a Brewster-windowless lOW C02 pump laser to a compact laser package of Im length. The achieved stability of power and frequency of this system is very high, typically on the order of :kO.Ol% over several hours and <20kHz per hour at 800GHz. For the design, we investigated the balance of all laser processes and determined the optimum dimensions for the open resonator cavity. This analysis is based on a rad/a//y homogenous overall laser model, including commonly accepted simplified rate equations together with molecular parameters for weak FIR laser lines. In accordance with the modelling the efficiency on the very most prominent lines is better than with conventional waveguide lasers, giving up to ~4 times better efficiencies especially on lines with low absorption pump transitions. Several laser lines, however, have substantially enhanced pump thresholds on purely copropagating emission, suppressing laser operation below about lOW pump power threshold. We show that this can not be due to effects from the interferometer.