La alfabetización digital necesaria o innecesaria en la formación del docente universitario ocasionada por el COVID-19: Experiencias de docentes de CESCIJUC (original) (raw)
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Revista de Comunicación y Salud, 2020
El impacto del confinamiento por el Covid-19 ha transformado el modelo de educación acelerando nuevos canales de comunicación basados en la digitalización. De forma repentina el alumnado debía continuar su proceso de aprendizaje desde casa, la actividad docente basada en la presencia del profesor y el alumnado en el mismo espacio se ha transformado para convertirse en un espacio digital. El nuevo modelo no ha estado exento de complicaciones, esta investigación ha permitido analizar cómo se ha desarrollado el proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje a través de la comunicación digital para descubrir los nuevos riesgos que se deben prevenir en la educación online. Aplicando un cuestionario online el profesorado ha expresado su experiencia como docente virtual y ha definido riesgos que se deben afrontar y superar: la brecha digital, la carencia de competencias digitales, el docente como transmisor, la desmotivación y el abandono del alumnado. Se ha verificado la hipótesis que establece relac...
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Covid-19 brought great restrictions to face-to-face classes throughout the university system in Spain. In the field of health sciences, face-to-face teaching has been transformed into a virtual format. In most cases, teaching activities could not be prepared or planned, leading to unprecedented challenges for students and teachers, making it clear that some teachers have not developed an optimal level of digital skills. Materials and methods: This descriptive-comparative study aims to analyse the level of digital teaching competence among the university health sciences teaching staff in two Spanish autonomous communities: Andalusia and Catalonia. 561 teachers participated in the study and answered the DigCompEdu check-In questionnaire. Results: The results show how, in general, the level of their professed digital skills is basic, without significant differences between the participating communities. Further, technological mastery appears to be greater than pedagogical mastery with respect to one of the classroom technologies. The lack of technological training is highlighted and there is a discussion of the structuring of personalized learning itineraries by competences. Conclusions: With regard to possible limitations of the research, we could reflect on the different areas for improvement and how comparative studies between future works with similar characteristics should be approached. One of the main weaknesses lies in the types of samples used, since the intentional sampling method indicates that it is not random, therefore, the results found should be considered non-extrapolatable to other areas of knowledge.
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A situação causada pelo COVID-19 leva à suposição de que o futuro é incerto e imprevisível. No campo educacional, esse problema fez da tecnologia educacional a melhor aliada. Por isso, a competência digital dos professores é fundamental para a realização de processos de ensino-aprendizagem de qualidade. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa busca refletir sobre as principais características da "pandemia educacional" provocada pelo COVID-19. Do mesmo modo, apresenta-se parte dos resultados do projeto "Desenho, produção e avaliação de t-MOOC para a aquisição de competências digitais de professores universitários" financiado pela Junta de Andalucía (Espanha). Nesse sentido, as competências digitais dos professores universitários espanhóis são descritas com base no European DigCompEdu Framework. Os resultados mostram a necessidade de estruturar ações formativas voltadas para as competências pedagógicas. Portanto, os benefícios de projetar e avaliar usando t-MOOC são discutidos.
In this paper, the results of a pedagogical investigation have been presented, the objective of which was to identify the causes of teachers' stress in the times of COVID-19 due to the need to teach their classes with the support of digital media and the ways to reduce this agitation studying the Mexican experience. The carried-out study showed that teachers who work in the classroom mode are not prepared to work as online moderators. Precisely this fact generates the emotional state of stress and anguish in the teachers. Taking into account the main features of the teaching work activities that imply a high concentration and tension, as well as the concern for the health of their relatives and their own in times of the COVID-19 pandemic, the concern about the need to teach their classes using mediation technologies, it becomes that "drop that spills the water": the teacher's mental health is shaken, his/her nervousness causes physical discomfort of different kinds. This emotional state of stress and anguish in teachers is aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic. This stress can be reduced if the teacher internalizes the basic precepts of e-moderating and if, while training them in the use of ICT, teaching is organized in a way that complies with andragogic precepts and foresees the collateral risks implied by technological academic "literacy" of the teacher of face-to-face system. On the other hand, the authors establish that it is vital to foresee the collateral risks implied by the academic and technological "literacy" of the classroom teacher: the possible waste of their very inestimable "traditional" skills: reading, handwritten notes and the written expression of their position before what is read, confidence in confiscated sources, capacity for critical analysis, reflection, imagination, creativity, among many others.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2021
The impact and benefit that information and communication technologies (ICT) have in the educational field require new teaching skills. This fact has been increased by the recent crisis caused by COVID-19. This study tries to investigate the level of digital teaching competence (DTC) of Higher Education teachers of Health Sciences, and its relationship with several variables. For this, it has the participation of 300 teachers from the 9 universities of Andalusia (Spain). The research is structured through a descriptive (RQ1) and inferential (RQ2) design. The answers given to the DigCompEdu Check-In questionnaire adapted to the Spanish context are analyzed. The results, which show high levels of reliability of the questionnaire (Cronbach and McDonald) and validity (CFA), indicate that the level of competence is basic-intermediate. In addition, the area in which teachers excel is digital resources. For this reason, it is proposed to structure personalized training plans and continue expanding the characteristics of this study at an international level.
Revista de Comunicación y Salud, 2020
Tras el establecimiento del estado de alarma provocado por la COVID-19 y, el consiguiente cierre de los centros educativos a nivel nacional, la educación formal se ha trasladado de un contexto de enseñanza presencial a entornos virtuales de aprendizaje en cuestión de horas. La competencia digital supone una asignatura pendiente en la formación del profesorado. A pesar de los esfuerzos puestos por las administraciones educativas en digitalizar el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje en los entornos y sistemas formales educativos, su aplicación en las rutinas cotidianas de enseñanza dista mucho de la realidad. Además, es necesario tener en cuenta la diversidad del alumnado y aplicar medidas de disminución de las desigualdades del alumnado, ya que el rol compensador de la escuela (como institución) no puede suplirse a través de la virtualización de la enseñanza. A través de este estudio que presentamos, vamos a analizar la competencia digital de los docentes y las medidas de atención a...
Teacher Digital Literacy: The Indisputable Challenge after COVID-19
The COVID-19 outbreak opened a new scenario where teachers must have adequate digital literacy to teach online and to implement a current and innovative educational model. This paper provides the most relevant results obtained from a quantitative study in which 4883 Spanish teachers of all education levels participated to measure their digital skills, during the last school years. It also proposes a digital skills teacher training plan, taking the joint framework of digital skills of INTEF (Spanish acronym for National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training) as its reference point. The tool ACDC (Analysis of Common Digital Competences) was used for data collection. The results of descriptive analysis show, overall, the low self-perception that teachers have of their digital skills. In addition, this paper studies the relationship existing between the characteristics that define the population and the teachers’ digital skills level. This relationship is obtained t...
Práticas de estudo na comunidade acadêmico-digital
Revista Internacional de Educação Superior
Este texto relata a experiência de três professoras universitárias a partir de um projeto apresentado ao Programa de Assistência Estudantil (PAE), elaborado com o intuito de introduzir os estudantes no ensino remoto emergencial no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19. O curso proposto “Práticas de Estudo na Comunidade Acadêmico-Virtual”, teoricamente fundamentado na aprendizagem dialógica, trouxe elementos essenciais para o bom desempenho dos estudantes, explorando diferentes linguagens acadêmicas muito utilizadas nos cursos de graduação: leitura crítica, escrita de resumos e resenhas, elaboração e gravação de seminários. Os estudantes inscritos eram de diferentes cursos de graduação da universidade e estavam em semestres iniciais em sua maioria. Entendemos que a oferta do curso, baseado em evidências científicas de máximas aprendizagens foi fundamental para o acompanhamento dos estudantes em seus cursos de graduação e para nossa formação continuada, oportunizando a vivência da co-docê...
The central objective of this article is to produce theoretical reflections on digital literacy for educators in a post-pandemic context. Qualitative research in education was used as a theoretical methodological procedure. During the investigative process, a bibliographical review was carried out based on studies by Coscarelli, Buzato, Kenski, Levy, Moran, among others, seeking to develop a solid theoretical framework for greater solidity in the studies. The studies were systematized and anchored in the delimited bibliography and allowed the following conclusions to be reached: a) technologies brought new expectations to the demands of social literacy practices; b) there is an urgency to adapt technology in the context of teacher training and pedagogical performance; c) teachers’ lack of digital literacy; d) technologies need to be mediated in constant dialogue regarding the need for digital citizenship. This study sought to understand the difficulties involved in integrating technological instruments into pedagogical practice, as well as their effectiveness in teaching and learning. Therefore, it is believed that the analysis of this research opens new perspectives to strengthen the conscious thinking of training that meets the needs of technology-mediated learning in basic education in public schools.
Basic digital skills to guarantee the academic continuity caused by Covid-19
Apertura, 2021
The migration from face-to-face to non-face-to-face education due to the pandemic caused by Covid-19 has led to the transformation of learning scenarios. In this research, the perceptions of the students regarding the implementation of teaching strategies based on communicative interaction, the selection of learning materials, and for the evaluation based on the use of technologies were analyzed. The study subjects were high school students from a private educational institution located in Mexico. The study was descriptive, based on the application of a Likert-type scale questionnaire. The recovery of the data was carried out using a digital form designed expressly for the investigation. 248 students who were about to complete the fourth semester in the period January-June 2020 participated. The results revealed that there was a favorable acceptance of the activities carried out by teachers with digital tools, some areas of opportunity were evident, such as face-to-face interaction, the scarce diversification of the content selected for learning and evaluation, and the absence of evaluation actions based on the use of discussion forums.