Preservation of intangible and tangible cultural heritage using digital technology (original) (raw)
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On the implementation of a digital map for cultural heritage
International Journal of Computational Intelligence Studies, 2016
Digital Cultural Heritage Map is a crowd-sourced web application that combines web-mapping, digital archives and multimedia. A back-end CMS allows manipulation of the user-generated content, making the system dynamic and easy to maintain. The goal of the application is to gather cultural data of a specific geographic area and relate them with multimedia, metadata and spatial data. This study presents the philosophy and the guidelines that influenced the interface design and the innovations of the application. We also describe the implementation strategy that can inspire the development of other applications that are device-independent and available to users on the move.
Requirements on System Design to Increase Understanding and Visibility of Cultural Heritage
Applications and Environments
How can technology be used to increase visibility and understanding of numerous sites that are not yet able to attract the amount of people they deserve? Focusing on this question, the authors report on their activities started with MUSE, a project started within the Italian National Research Program on Cultural Heritage PARNASO and continued within the "Mobile and Ambient Systems" Work Group of the European Network of Excellence in Open Cultural Heritage as part of the CIMAD project. The authors use their experience on a 7th Framework Programme project called SOFIA within the ARTEMIS Joint Technology Initiative to consider future and prospective research directions and present a vision of how Cultural Heritage would benefit from making "information" in the physical world available for smart services.
The combination of digitization and 3D technologies allows cultural heritage that brings the past and present together to be preserved on digital platforms and presented to large audiences. These methods enable people to establish a stronger connection with historical and cultural heritage, increase knowledge and understanding, and support the transfer of the value of the past to future generations by bringing the value of the past to the present. With the development of technology, digitization is nowadays used as an important method to reduce the physical visits of people to historical environments and archaeological sites and to prevent the use of these sites beyond a certain limit. This approach plays an effective role in facilitating access for the user and ensuring the preservation of cultural heritage with minimal contact. Today's technologies, known as 3D technology, virtual reality, augmented reality, or mixed reality, play an important role in the analysis of cultural heritage. This study examines how cultural heritage is digitalized with developing technology, how it is preserved, disseminated, and exhibited through methods such as virtual museology, and how cultural heritage is used under the umbrella of education. It was evaluated whether this method makes a sustainable contribution to the preservation and restoration of cultural assets and works of art.
Yök Tez, 2020
Geçmişten günümüze somut ve soyut öğeleri, yaşamsal ve kültürel değerleri barındıran tarihi kentler, kentsel alanlar ve çevreleri, bugün her toplumun kültürel değerlerinden kaynaklanan farklılıkların birer zenginlik olduğunu ve korunarak yaşamını sürdürmesi gerekliliğini göstermektedir. Seyitgazi ilçesi, Antik dönemden günümüze değin önemli bir merkezdir. Temel sivil, dini ve sosyal işlevlerin bir arada geliştiği ilçede anıtlar, korunması gerekli arkeolojik alanlar ve özgün kentsel dokusu ile sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel olarak doğrudan ilişkili olan ‘Cumhuriyet Meydanı, kent peyzajı ve kimliğinin algılanıp anlaşılmasında etkili olan en önemli düğüm noktası veya merkez /meydan olması çalışma alanı olarak seçilme nedenini oluşturur. II. Derece Arkeolojik Sit alanı içerisinde yer alan meydan ve çevresinde geleneksel sivil mimarlık yapılarının varlıklarını koruyarak bugüne gelmiş olmaları, fakat koruma adına herhangi bir çalışmanın yapılmamış olması geleneksel kent dokusunda kayıplara neden olmuştur. Bu nedenle kentsel mirasın kavranmasını, algılanmasını, yaşanmasını statik ve dinamik yönden etkileyen oluşumu ile Cumhuriyet Meydanı’nın çalışma alanı olmasını zaruri kılmıştır. Bu kapsamda hazırlanan çalışmada, Seyitgazi ilçesinin tarihi zenginliği ve geleneksel mimari dokusu tanımlanarak, günümüze kadar gerçekleştirilen planlama ve koruma yaklaşımları incelenmiş, bu çalışmaların kentin tarihsel gelişimi ve çok katmanlı yapısı ve tarihi çevre ile uyumlu olup olmadığını belgelemek adına bölgenin koruma açısından yasal süreci irdelenmiştir. Ardından Seyitgazi’de tarihi çevredeki yerleşim alanında mevcut durumun değerlendirilmesi için analitik analizler geliştirilmiş, tarihi çevre içerisinde kalan kent mekânları, anıtsal ve geleneksel sivil mimarlık yapıları çevreleri ile birlikte incelenerek belgelenmiştir. Çalışma alanının fiziksel sorunları ve konfor durumları tespit edilerek tüm alana yönelik belgeleme ve tespit çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Yapılan tüm araştırmalarda elde edilen veriler ışığında Çarşıiçi, Hamamyolu ve Eskişehir caddelerinin geleneksel sivil mimari yapıları incelenerek yeni yapıların tarihi çevre ile uyumu hedeflenmiş ve “Sokak Sağlıklaştırma Projesi” hazırlanmıştır.
Kaloyan NIkolov, 2018
Abstract: The present work examines the role of infor-mation technology in preserving the Intangible Cultural Herit-age. The ability to digitize, archive, promote, and popularize through new information technologies gives a new look and a fundamentally new approach to passing the traditions from generation to generation. Keywords: Folklore, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Dig-itization, Traditions, Customs, Information Technology
Design and Development of Digital Products, 2013
This chapter describes the evaluation methods conducted for a digital heritage system, called ARCO (Augmented Representation of Cultural Objects), which examines the tools and methods used for its evaluation. The case study describes the knowledge acquired from several user requirement assessments, and further describes how to use this specific knowledge to provide a general framework for a holistic virtual museum evaluation. This approach will facilitate designers to determine the flaws of virtual museum environments, fill the gap between the technologies they use and those the users prefer and improve them in order to provide interactive and engaging virtual museums. The proposed model used not only quantitative, but also qualitative evaluation methods, and it is based on the extensive evaluations of the ARCO system by simple end-users, usability experts and domain experts. The main evaluation criteria were usability, presence, and learning.
Digital practices to enhance Intangible Cultural Heritage
International Archives of the Photogrammetry Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, 2021
The term "cultural heritage" has been enriched with multiple contents in the last decades, partly thanks to the protection instruments developed by UNESCO. Despite the past, the cultural heritage is not limited to monuments and collections of objects. The term nowadays includes tangible and intangible cultural heritage (ICH). ICH includes traditions or living expressions inherited from our ancestors and passed on to our descendants, such as oral traditions, performing arts, social practices, rituals, festive events, knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts. Within this context, the Museum of "Passione di Sordevolo" preserves and spreads the cultural and social value of the largest representation of popular Christian theatre in Italy, called "La Passione di Sordevolo". The paper presents the results of the research of the reconstructive modelling and visual storytelling project called "Digital historical scenic design". The project explores the use of digital technologies to create new content compatible with the Museum's mission: dissemination, communication and valorization of the documentary heritage (photographs, sketches, drawings) and the systematic collection of the oral tradition of this theatrical tradition.
Cultural Heritage and Web-Mapping
The use of computerized information is a growing part of our society; people use geographic, social, economic, political and environmental information to answer practical questions. Information mining and sharing is therefore of crucial importance: drawings, photographs, documents and surveys information enhance the understanding of resources; map positioning offers a new way to examine resources not only individually but also in relationship to each other. GIS technology is very useful because it offers a powerful set of tools for collecting, storing, analyzing and visualizing spatial data. Finally, publishing GIS on the Internet makes it possible to share information with a large amount of people, thus enhancing the exploitation of resources. The system developed in our Institute is intended to explore such potentialities in the field of cultural heritage; the prototype is based on SQL-server for data and DbMAP ASJ for cartographic publication and data query over the Internet; the extensive use of codes makes the system very flexible.