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Introduction. The article analyzes the contents of the monograph “Warriors and Peasants: The Don Cossacks in Late Imperial Russia” of modern English historian Shane O’Rourke, who is the prominent representative of western English-language historiography. Discussion. The authors note that researches of western (English-language) historiography are the most productive in studying the history of the pre-revolutionary era Cossacks abroad. Analysis. Shane O’Rurk reveals not only political and military plots from Cossacks’ history, but also everyday life of the Don Cossack Host in his book. The author focuses attention on such key elements of Cossack history as the mechanism of consolidation of the Cossack world, Cossack motivation, relations between men and women in Cossack stanitsas, organizing Cossack landed property etc. The conclusions Shane O’Rurk made studying the Don Cossacks during its transformation of the late 19th – early 20th centuries are important for the historiography of the Cossacks. In this period he emphasizes on the idea of inevitable, but, perhaps, nevertheless not final disintegration of Cossacks as estates. Shane O’Rurk recognizes country essence of the Cossacks and therefore it seems to him that there is good reason for the parallel between “accident of the peasantry” and inevitable accident of the Cossacks. Shane O’Rurk, developing the myth about special relationships of the imperial power with the Cossacks, focuses attention on the fact that traditionalism became an ideological and practical base of existence of the Don Cossack Host. Shane O’Rurk comes to the conclusion that Don Cossacks nevertheless had chances to avoid final disintegration as the class component of Cossack “nature” had a unique phenomenon of ethno-social identity which was improving in cultural interaction with other people. Results. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the main value of Shane O’Rurk’s work consists in representing the history of the Don Cossacks, which appears not closed on itself, but placed in the general context of Russian history
О том, что в начале XIX в., в эпоху русско–персидских войн, династия Каджаров имела сторонников в горах Дагестана известно давно. Ими были знатные лица – правители территорий, имевшие возможность выставлять на поле боя до 5 тыс. воинов, причем прекрасно подготовленных – способных успешно сражаться с подразделениями армий Ирана и России. Об этой теме исследователи знали по иранским хроникам и шахским фирманам, а также – по материалам российских архивов. Работая над вы- явлением дагестанских арабоязычных материалов по истории южного Ава- ристана (в пределах Республики Дагестан и Азербайджанской Республики), мы наткнулись на три подлинных документа, показывающих особенности политической активности Каджаров в горах Дагестана. В числе этих особенностей следует отметить и географию распространения влияния Каджаров, т.е. те силы, на которые они предпочитали опираться. С этими уникальными для Северо–восточного Кавказа материалами мы и хотим ознакомить широкий круг ориенталистов и кавказоведов.
Chornomors’ka Mynuvshyna, 2021
Readers are offered for the first time translations of annotations of Ottoman-Turkish documents containing information about the service of the Danube Cossacks in the Ottoman Empire during the Russian-Turkish War of 1806-1812 and stored in the Government Ottoman Archives of Istanbul (Turkey) (Başbakanlık Devlet Osmanlı Arşivi). The documents have significant information potential and need further translation. However, even translations of annotations allow for the first time to identify and supplement various aspects of the service of the Cossacks during the Russian-Turkish war. It was found that the documents can be divided into several thematic groups. In particular, one of them testifies to the service of the Cossacks in the fortress of Braila and its defense under the leadership of Nazir Ahmed Pasha, also describes the service of the Nazir himself; a significant group of documents informs about the financial component of the Cossack service; another group states that the Danube ...
Иванюк С. А. Померанский поход (1712–1713): разведывательная и диверсионная дея-тельность русской армии // Вестник Волгоградского государственногоуниверситета. Серия 4, История. Регионоведение. Междунаро дные отношения. – 2024. – Т . 29, № 3. – С. 6–15. , 2023
Introduction. During the Great Northern War, the Russian army conducted many military campaigns in various theaters of combat operations. Many research papers have been devoted to the study of these events, but the events in Northern Germany (1712-1713) were not sufficiently disclosed. The article, with the involvement of sources on the history of the so-called "Pomeranian campaign," including those not yet introduced into scientific circulation, reveals the features of conducting intelligence and sabotage activities of the army of Peter I in the conditions of a small war. Мaterials. The research is based on both published documents and those stored in archives, which allow us to restore the chronology of events and the methods of conducting intelligence and sabotage activities of the Petrovsky troops. Analysis. A comparison of the documentary evidence of the participants of the Pomeranian campaign, as well as research by Danish military historians, made it possible to determine the main methods of conducting reconnaissance and sabotage activities of Peter I's troops in this theater of operations and to build a chronology of the events of the period 1712-1713, as well as the place and role of tactical intelligence assessment in the overall course of the campaign. Results. Despite the conditionally zero result of the Russian army, it was possible to achieve several significant results in Pomerania, in which the reconnaissance and sabotage activities of its troops played an important role, with the ability to expect the actions of the enemy and to stop threats from his side.
Quaestio Rossica, 2020
This article analyses the peculiarities of the military service of Don Cossacks in the Caucasus during the Caucasian War (1801–1864). The key problem is to determine the reasons for the decline in the combat effectiveness of Cossack regiments and the spread of negative assessments of their service. The author refers both to published historical evidence such as memoirs of participants in the Caucasian War and to archival documents not previously introduced into scholarly circulation. The temporary service of the Don Cossack regiments on the empire’s southern outskirts prevented their adaptation to “Caucasian methods of war”, as well as local climatic conditions. Another factor that did not allow the Don Cossacks to show their best qualities was the fragmentation of regiments into small groups for convoy duty. The annexation of the Caucasus was a great test for the Don Cossacks. Government resettlement by decree caused the uprising of 1792–1794, which managed to defend the traditional principles of resettlement (voluntarily and by lot) but did not stop Don Cossack colonisation of the Terek and Kuban. The Don Cossack regiments, which went to the Caucasus every three years, experienced serious difficulties in adapting to regional conditions of war and peace. The failures of the Don Cossacks in the Caucasian War accelerated the discussion about reforming the organisation of the Cossack army, from creating a permanent headquarters for the Don Cossack regiments in the Caucasus to holding military exercises for Cossacks. Представлен анализ особенностей военной службы донских казаков на Кавказе в период Кавказской войны (1801–1864). Ключевой проблемой является выяснение причин снижения боеспособности казачьих полков и распространения среди современников негативных оценок их службы. Статья основана как на опубликованных исторических свидетельствах, представленных мемуарами участников Кавказской войны, так и на архивных документах, ранее не введенных в научный оборот. Временная служба донских казачьих полков на южных окраинах империи препятствовала их адаптации к «кавказскому образу войны», а также к местным климатическим условиям. Еще одним фактором, не позволившим донским казакам проявить свои лучшие качества, была раздробленность полков на небольшие группы для конвойной службы. Присоединение Кавказа было большим испытанием для донских казаков. Правительственное переселение по указу вызвало восстание 1792–1794 гг., участники которого сумели отстоять традиционные принципы переселения – добровольно и по жребию, но не остановили колонизацию донских казаков Терека и Кубани. Полки донских казаков, которые каждые три года отправлялись на Кавказ, испытывали серьезные трудности в адаптации к региональным условиям войны и мира. Неудачи донских казаков в Кавказской войне ускорили дискуссию о реформе организации донского казачьего войска, которая включала в себя различные аспекты, от организации постоянного штаба донских казачьих полков на Кавказе до проведения учений.
Introduction. The study is connected with the issues of electronic corpora of historical sources and diachronic linguistic corpora and is based on office documents of the 18 th c. reserved in the Mikhailovsky Stanitsa Ataman archive fund (State Archive of Volgograd region). Methods and materials. The article considers donosheniya and reports as the main documents that were submitted from lower to higher authorities and had "donoshenie" (message, report) and "report" (report) designation. Solving source meta-markup problems the author examines the origin and meaning of words "donoshenie" and "report", analyzes the content and functions of the documents, their text format and verbal formulas representing the components of the form. Analysis. The paper shows that the words have different origin, but common semantics reflecting the document function. Word "report" entered the Russian language in the early 18 th century as a synonym for the original "donoshenie". Initially, relevant documents were not distinguished, but gradually they were differentiated not only by name. Donosheniya can come from military men and civilians often contain a message and request. Reports are used mainly between host and stanitsa atamans, other military officials and are mostly informative documents. Reports are also often used as accompanying documents for other documents. The text format of donoshenie and report has similarities, but can be represented by different verbal formulas. As an accompany document report has a more concise and simple structure. Results. The author concludes that including donoshenie and report to the created source corpus as independent documents is necessary for faciliting their search and more exact representation of using language units. Standard speech markers can be applied for automatic recognition of texts as well. Волгоградский государственный университет, г. Волгоград, Российская Федерация Аннотация. Введение. Исследование находится в русле проблем создания электронных корпусов исто-рических источников и диахронических лингвистических корпусов русского языка и базируется на материа-ле делопроизводственных документов середины XVIII в., отложившихся в фонде Михайловского станичного атамана в ГАВО. Методы и материалы. В статье рассматриваются доношения и рапорты как основные документы, которые подавались из низших инстанций в высшие. Решая вопросы метаразметки источников, автор анализирует значение наименований «доношение» и «рапорт», содержание и функции документов, их формуляр и речевые формулы, которые репрезентируют компоненты формуляра. Анализ. Показано, что названия имеют разное происхождение, но общую семантику, отражающую назначение документов. Слово «рапорт (репорт)» вошло в русский язык в первой половине XVIII в. как синоним исконного слова «доноше
Плеханов, А.А. Герасимов В.К. Формирование украинского литературного канона о войне в Донбассе: эмоциональные матрицы нонкомбатантов // Этнографическое обозрение. – 2021. – № 4. – С. 176-191., 2021
В статье анализируется репрезентация нонкомбатантов в украинской литературе в контексте формирования канона о войне в Донбассе. Исследовательский вопрос посвящен литературным практикам реконструкции опыта переселенцев и оставшихся в зоне боевых действий мирных жителей, который отображается в соответствующих эмоциональных матрицах. В данной работе мы исходим из теоретико-концептуального аппарата междисциплинарного направления истории эмоций, разработанного У. Редди, Б. Розенвейн и А. И. Зориным. Данное исследование,представляющее собой синтез антропологического и литературоведческого подходов, основано на анализе ключевых текстов современной украинской литературы, посвященных теме войны на востоке Украины. Авторы приходят к выводу о том, что в формирующемся литературном каноне о войне тема опыта беженцев и мирных жителей, оставшихся в зоне боевых действий, потенциально может стать одной из наиболее важных. / The article examines the representation of non-combatants in Ukrainian literature in the context of formation of a literary canon on the Donbass war. The research focuses on the literary practices instrumental in reconstructing the experience both of the displaced persons and of the civilians trapped in war zones, and aims to show how this experience is reflected in emotional matrices. We draw on the data collected during the 2016–2018 fieldwork in Ukraine, and attempt to analyze it conceptually in the perspective of the interdisciplinary field of studying history of emotions, associated with the work of William Reddy, Barbara Rosenwein, and others. By employing both anthropological and literary approaches, we explore the key texts of the contemporary Ukrainian literature on the subject of war in the East of Ukraine. We argue that the theme of experience of the civilians and the displaced persons, running through the emergent narrative canon, may come to constitute its dominant part.