KHALED'S RESUME (original) (raw)

EJBM-Special Issue: Islamic Ma anagement and Business amic Ma anagement and Business www

Human motivation, like a powerfuul magnet, has attracted psychologists, sociolog ists s, anthropologists, psychoanalysts and management thinkers. Human behavior is totally built on the motives and m mo tivation of human beings. To help understand raison d etre of what motivates a human being and what const ti tutes different personality structures based on motivation, seveeral western behavioral scientists have unle ashed, in leaps and bounds, theories, propositions, prescriptions, ideas, cooncepts and models. The painstaking resear ch carried d out across the globe does not totally validate the concepts de eveloped by western behavioral scientists. This shock king contradictory outcome even in the same culture, throws lighht on the fact that these theories have no universal valiidity. Islam which claims to be a revealed knowledge should h have universal relevance and empirical studies shou uld be able to establish its theories across all the cultures (M Muslim as well as Non-Muslim). An attempt ha s beeen made in this study to empirically investigate the universa al validity of Islamic concept of personali ty and busin ness stress in predominantly non-Muslim business organizations in India. Nearly 90% of business organizations in Ind dia are owned and managed by non-Muslims. The results have e established the validity of the claim that Is lam is not a culture specific ideology; further the findings of the study pro ovide inconclusive support to the hypothes is that Islam mic concepts of personality, namely , Nafsul ammara,Nafsul lavvama and Nafsul Mutmaina do predict business s stress.


Al-‘Abqari: Journal of Islamic Sciences and Humanities, 2018

This special issue brings together thirteen selected articles of which nine of them were presented at International Conference on Da’wah and Islamic Management (IC-DAIM 2017) which was held on 31 October to 1 November 2017. The conference was organized by Dakwah and Islamic Management Program, Faculty of Leadership and Management, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).

Managerial competencies: comparing conventional and Islamic perspectives

Jurnal Pengurusan UKM Journal of Management, 2014

The objective of this article is to share the authors’ understanding of the concept of managerial or executive competencies from the Islamic perspective. The paper discusses managerial competencies models developed by Western researchers and compares them with the Islamic models. The striking differences between the two approaches are in each model’s philosophy and stance. The Islamic model holds firmly to the divine principles, which serve as a foundation for managers to achieve their worldly goals, without separating life in this world from life in the hereafter. On the contrary, conventional models are developed based on culture and value of thought. Keywords: Managerial competencies; conventional perspective; Islamic perspective ABSTRAK Objektif artikel ini adalah untuk berkongsi pemahaman pengarang tentang konsep kompetensi pengurusan atau eksekutif dari perspektif Islami. Beberapa model kompetensi pengurusan yang dibangunkan oleh penulis Barat dikemukakan. Model-model ini diba...

The effects of religiosity and knowledge on the perceptions and attitude of muslim doctors that influence the intentions that impact on behavior in using halal drugs in Indonesia

Journal of Community Medicine and Health Solutions, 2022

Introduction: In the spirit of maintaining health and seeking medicine to cure a disease, the question of halal and haram still needs to be answered. This coincides with the words of the Prophet Muhammad SAW "Verily Allah does not make your healing in what He has forbidden you" (HR. Imam Bukhari). The purpose of this quantitative study was to determine the eff ect of religiosity, perception, knowledge, and attitudes of Muslim doctors on the use of halal drugs in Indonesia. Materials and methods: This quantitative research method with correlational type examines the relationship between religiosity, perceptions, knowledge, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors that are shared online using google form. Data was measured using a Likert scale. A fi ve-point Likert scale was used for statements: Strongly Disagree: 1, Disagree: 2, Uncertain: 3, Agree: 4, and Strongly Agree: 5. The sample size used was 435 Muslim doctors. The data obtained were then processed using the SmartPLS 3.0 application. Results: The results obtained are that there is a relationship between the religiosity of Muslim doctors on perceptions so as to encourage intention so that there is a change in behavior in the use of halal drugs in Indonesia. In addition, there is a relationship between knowledge and attitudes so as to encourage intentions that cause behavioral changes in the use of halal drugs in Indonesia by Muslim doctors. In fact, every practice depends on the intention, therefore it is important to maintain the intention, which in this study is infl uenced by perceptions and attitudes so that charity will result in commendable behavior that is blessed by Allah SWT. In addition, there is also a need for education about halal drugs that are appropriate to be taught at the medical faculty of Islamic universities in Indonesia.

Perceptions of the Muslim religious leaders and their attitudes on herbal medicine in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study

BMC Research Notes, 2011

Background: Herbal Medicines (HMs) are playing major roles in the health of the millions of people worldwide. Muslim Religious Leader (MRLs), being an important component of the society with huge influence on it, could contribute a lot to promote HM. This study was aimed at evaluating perceptions of the MRLs, their satisfaction and attitudes towards HM in Bangladesh. Methods: This cross-sectional study collected data from a purposive sample of 503 MRLs using an intervieweradministered structured questionnaire during December 2010 and January 2011. Main outcome measures included sociodemographic variables, MRLs' preferences in using HMs, their satisfaction and intent to use HMs in the future, and finally MRLs' attitudes toward HM use. Results: Although two-fifth (40.4%) of the MRLs preferred HM among different form of complementary and alternative medicines, they used orthodox medicine (OM) more frequently than HM in last one year. Majority believed that HM was effective for all age groups (52.6%) and both sexes (74.5%). One-third felt that HM was more effective for chronic diseases, 68.5% felt that it only promotes health, and 40.8% said it keeps them relaxed. About 98.0% of the respondents experienced 'no harm' but 'benefit' from HM; naturally, they were satisfied with HM and were willing to recommend it to others. Urban, older (>40 years), and 'single' respondents were more likely to use HM (gender and education adjusted odds ratios = 1.7 [95% confidence interval, CI = 1.1-2.6], 1.9 [95% CI = 1.3-3.0], and 1.6 [95% CI = 1.2-2.1], respectively). Overall, respondents exhibited very positive attitude towards HM with mean score of 4.2 (range, 3.7-4.6) of a 5-point Likert scale (Score 5 for strongly agree to 1 for strongly disagree). Conclusions: We report adequate perceptions, satisfaction, and very positive attitudes towards HM among MRLs. Mass media had a significant contribution towards its promotion. If HM are to assume a respected place in the contemporary healthcare, its acceptance among general population needs to be established through incorporating MRLs in the process of HM promotion in Bangladesh.

Merancang Strategi Pembelajaran Agama Islam di SMP Negeri: Studi Kasus

Tarbawi: Jurnal Keilmuan Manajemen Pendidikan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana guru mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam menyusun strategi pembelajaran dan mengidentifikasi kesulitan guru yang lebih mampu dalam menguasai strategi dan pendekatan pembelajaran. Metodologi deskriptif kualitatif digunakan dalam penyelidikan. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Dalam penelitian ini, analisis data berbentuk kata-kata yang disusun secara metodis, faktual, dan tepat mengenai fakta, sifat, dan hubungan fenomena yang diteliti. Hasil temuan menunjukkan bahwa guru mata pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam SMP Negeri 7 Sungai Penuh mempertimbangkan memilih strategi pembelajaran yang tepat, memilih media dan alat pembelajaran, membuat alat evaluasi pengajaran, menggunakan metode dan media, mengelola kelas, mendekati siswa, mengajar sarana dan prasarana pendukung, serta lingkungan belajar yang kondusif dalam merancang strategi pembelajaran. Meskipun beberapa guru besar Pendidikan Agama Islam ...

Complementary and alternative medicine practice and perceptions of Saudi subjects in Western region of Saudi Arabia

World Family Medicine Journal /Middle East Journal of Family Medicine, 2022

Background: Trainee doctors in postgraduate programs go through many challenges and stressor events in their life which may affect their mental health. Objective: This study aimed to measure the prevalence and risk factor of depression, anxiety and stress among trainees of Saudi Board programs in Qassim region. Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 119 postgraduate trainees enrolled in Saudi Board Program in Qassim region. Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS-21) was used to measure the outcome variables. Logistic regression was used to assess the risk factors of depression, anxiety and stress. Results: A quarter (25%) of the respondents were female, and half (51%) were married. The prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress were 49.6%, 57% and 39.5% respectively. We found that failing the promotion exam adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 4.43(95% CI: 1.45-13.50), being in Internal medicine AOR 3.94 (95% CI: 1.22-12.66) and other specialties AOR 3.56 (95% CI: 1.22-10.39) were significant risk factors of depression. Risk factors for anxiety included; failing promotion exam AOR 4.46 (1.18-16.86) and being in internal medicine AOR 8.95(95% CI: 2.39-30.84) and other specialties AOR 5.78 (95% CI: 1.88-18.72). On the other hand, being unmarried was protective of anxiety AOR 0.23(95% CI: 0.08-0.60). The only significant factor associated with stress was not passing part one exam AOR 5.06 (95% CI: 1.70-15.1). Conclusions: We found a high prevalence of mental disorders among postgraduate trainees in Qassim region of Saudi Arabia. This calls for implementing screening and support programs for trainees to improve their mental health and thus their learning and quality of care being provided by them.

Ideal Type of Islamic Healing in Indonesia: A Case Study on Pak Endog Alternative Islamic-Type Medication


The map of Islamic healing is often interpreted based only on the values of Islamic teachings. Some cultural and religious concepts and practices concerning spiritual or supernatural relationships are often ignored because they are contrary to the concept of Islamic teachings. This article analyzes the Islamic healing practiced in the socio-cultural life inherently. The religious space practice in terms of identification, healing and restoration of illness illustrates that the interaction between religion and culture is not rigid in addressing health and humanitarian issues. This article is based on field research at alternative healing in Tuban East Java which elaborated by enrichment of literary texts. The results of this study discuss various types of Islamic-based healing as alternative medicine that spreading in Indonesian culture. This study map analyzes the characteristics of Islamic healing, both Normative Islam and Cultural Islam. Both cannot be ignored as variants of relig...