An Analysis of Lecturers’ Metacognitive Learning Strategies in Teaching English for Young Learner at English Education Program of Muhammadiyah University of Bengkulu (original) (raw)

STUDENTS’ METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH (A Descriptive Study at Second Year Students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu)


 No pain, no gain  Trying is a part of failing. If you are afraid to fail then you are afraid to try DEDICATION  My beloved father, Syaifullah, and my beloved mother, Erwani, thank you for all your prayers  My dear sisters, Esy Yulita, Silvia Reni, and Dita Oktaviani, thank you for all of your supports and advices  My best friends, Agung Maldi Saputra, S.H., M. Amdiansyah, S.Pd., thank you for all time we spend together  All my friends in English Education Study Program, thank you for all of your supports and cheers  Special beloved, Tharadiva Fatria S.Pd., thank you for everything, may God bless you a good life and a bright future vi ABSTRACT Hidayat, Ade. 2014. Students' Metacognitive Strategies in Learning English (A Descriptive Study at Second Year Students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu). The objective of this research was to find out the most dominant metacognitive strategy in learning English and the most preferred aspects of each metacognitive strategies applied by second year students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu. It employed a descriptive quantitative method. The population of this research was 203 students with 50 of the students were used as sample of the research. The data were collected in two ways: distributing a set of questionnaire items and interviewing 10% of the samples. The research found that students" proportions in metacognitive strategy were: 34.74% in strategy in planning learning activities and behaviors; 32.10% in strategy in monitoring the learning process; and 33.16% in strategy in evaluating the learning that have been occurred. Based on the result, all metacognitive aspect was in "moderate" predicate. The mean scores of each strategy are: planning 3.32 in which the most preferred aspect was ability analysis; monitoring 3.07 in which the most preferred aspect was watching their friends" activities to help them decide what to do; and evaluating 3.17 in which the most preferred aspect was appraisal. From the result, it can be concluded that students used metacognitive strategy in proportional way. However, the most dominant strategy in metacognitive strategy that the students used was strategy in planning the learning activities and behaviors.

The Role of Metacognitive Strategies Training in Teaching English in Indonesian Efl Classrooms


This article aims to explore the roles of metacognitive strategies training in teaching English, especially as a foreign language as it is learnt in Indonesia. Teacher should teach the students in order to help the students to understand the materials in both form of concepts and methods. In order to teach the students well, the teacher must construct and teach an appropriate learning strategies, choose appropriate media, and develop positive atmosphere of teaching and learning process. Thus, it is important to develop students learning strategies to be independent in their learning. The students must improve themselves in learning. They have to be creative manage their learning to control what they are learn and what they are going to learn. Therefore, it is necessary to find out effective learning strategies to overcome those problems. The solution is by providing the effective strategies for teaching Learning Process that is metacognitive strategy. Based on Oxford (1990), metacog...

Students’ Perception toward Implementation of Metacognitive Strategy in Higher Education


Metacognitive strategy is described as a thinking strategy of gaining knowledge and comprehension by knowing what students know and what they do not know. Since college students struggle to be successful in their study, they should have an awareness of applying this strategy in learning, so it can empower them to think about their own thinking process, enhance their control over their learning, and increase their autonomy to reach the goals. Therefore, teachers should consider incorporating metacognitive strategies in designing a lesson plan. This study aims to investigate the students’ perception toward metacognitive strategies used in class. It was done in two classes in D3 English Department. The participants consist of 49 students. Data was gained from distributing questionnaire to students after metacognitive strategies was applied in the class. There are two types of data, quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data was analysed using descriptive analysis, the qua...

The Relationship between the Use of Metacognitive Strategies and Achievement in English

Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2010

This study aims to determine the relationship between the use of metacognitive strategies and achievement in English among students in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia using a set of questionnaire. It also aims to identify if there are differences based on gender, ethnic and achievement in Malaysian University Entrance Test (MUET). The sample consists of 50 undergraduate students. Results show that there are no differences in the use of metacognitive strategies based on gender and ethnic groups. Rehearsal strategy is the most frequently used strategy. There are differences in the use of metacognitive strategies among proficient and less proficient English language learners.

The Implementation of Metacognitive Strategies in Teaching Speaking in Indonesian Efl Classroom


This research aims to determine the teachers' perceptions of metacognitive strategies in teaching speaking, the implementation of metacognitive strategies and their impact on students' speaking performance. This research is qualitative research with two teachers as subjects and students from each class taught by the teacher. The instruments used were interview sheets and checklist observation sheets. The interview sheet was given to the teachers to find out perceptions, implementation and the impact of metacognitive strategies in teaching speaking. Checklist observation sheet to find out the implementation of metacognitive strategies and students' speaking skills based on observations of student activities when learning takes place and it is filled by the researcher as an observer. Then, the data obtained is analyzed through four stages, namely data collection, data condensation, data display, and data verifying and conclusions. Based on the results of data analysis, it ...

Metacognitive Strategy in Indirect Learning Strategies Used by Efl Students in Academic Speaking Class of English Department Surabaya State University 1 Metacognitive Strategy in Indirect Learning Strategies Used by Efl Students in Academic Speaking Class of English Department Surabaya State Univ...

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana metakognitif strategi dalam indirect learning strategies digunakan oleh siswa dalam kelas academic speaking di program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris dari Universitas Negeri Surabaya dan bagaimana penampilan berbicara mereka setelah menggunakan metakognitif strategi. Dalam hal ini, metakognitif strategi diambil berdasarkan teori dari Oxford (1990). Dia mengatakan bahwa strategi ini memiliki tiga strategi utama; centering, arranging & planning and evaluating the learning. Selain itu, data-data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara dan speaking rubrik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif sehingga hasilnya akan digambarkan melalui kata-kata. Peneliti mengambil semua siswa dalam kelas F academic speaking. Peneliti juga fokus pada enam siswa sebagai perwakilan subjek dalam penelitian ini. Hal ini dikarenakan penelitian kualitatif harus menganalisis subjek secara mendalam. Hasil pertama dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa siswa menggunakan metakognitif strategi dengan berbagai cara. Kebanyakan siswa selalu menggunakan tiga strategi utama dari metakognitif strategi seperti centering, arranging & planning and evaluating the learning dalam proses pembelajaran mereka untuk dapat menyelesaikan tugas-tugas secara maksimal. Dalam hal ini, siswa melakukan paid attention and delayed speeches dalam centering the learning. Kemudian mereka melakukan found out, planned dan seeking practice opportunities dalam arranging & planning the learning. Terakhir, siswa melakukan self monitoring dan self evaluating dalam evaluating the learning. Dengan menggunakan metakognitif strategi, siswa dapat lebih mudah untuk menyampaikan presentasi dan menguasai materi dengan baik. Strategi ini membantu siswa meningkatkan kepercayaan diri. Hasil kedua menunjukkan bahwa penampilan berbicara siswa menunjukkan hasil yang memuaskan setelah menggunakan strategi ini dalam academic speaking. Kebanyakan siswa sudah memenuhi kriteria untuk sebuah penampilan berbicara yang baik. Kesimpulannya, penggunaan metakognitif strategi dapat membantu meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa dalam menyampaikan presentasi.

Reflection on Metacognitive Strategies - Teaching Learning Perspective


From the perspectives of instructional methodologies metacognition which involves more efficient use of strategies are found desirable. Metacognition benefits the learners more than any other learning methodology. Because in a metacognitive environment, thinking, planning, goal setting, problem-solving, evaluating, informing and connecting education with life etc., come into play in a big way. In this paper focus on the reflection of metacognitive strategies and the corresponding creation of metacognitive environment to facilitate effective teaching and learning.

Metacognitive Aspects in Indonesian Learning in Senior High Schools in Jember


Metacognition is important in learning since it is a higher order thinking process. Metacognition emphasizes on the students’ autonomy to determine the learning process which is right for them. Th is research was conducted on tenth grade class students in Jem ber. Research on three students was collected through interview s and observation s . The research result was obtained in three parts, procedural, declarative, and conditional knowledge in each variable. The variables consist of self, task, and strategy. The results showed that the three metacognitive knowledge were closely related to the student learning process. The highest level in the learning process is procedural knowledge, then declarative and conditional knowledge .

The Impact of Metacognitive Learning Techniques on Learners' Essay Writing Performance: A Study on Pre-Service Teacher Students at Teacher Training School of Bouzeareh

Aisian Scholars Network, 2022

This study was carried out to investigate whether pre-service teacher students are aware of using Metacognitive Learning Techniques (MLT) in writing their academic essays, and to explore which metacognitive learning Techniques (MLT) is mostly adopted by the students in essay writing. The study also examined the significant relationship between MLT and students' essay writing performance (EWP) and established which MLT is a predictor of students' EWP depending on the views of pre-service teacher Training School of Bouzareah students, Algeria. The questionnaire employed was adapted from Farahanian's MLWQ. The data was analysed using SPSS V28 by employing the mean scores, correlation matrix, and regression. The findings indicated that most of the respondents are aware of using metacognitive learning strategies in their essay writing and that Planning, Organization, and Goal setting were the commonly used strategies by the students. The results identified a substantial connection between MLT and students' performance in essay writing. And that Awareness was found to be the only predictor of students' EWP. The study, therefore concluded that students do not only learn effectively by using metacognitive writing strategies but also can transfer skills learned beyond the classroom activities. This implies that metacognitive strategies-based teaching is highly essential and beneficial as the influence of metacognitive learning strategies (awareness) has been established in this study as part of the reasons behind students' essay writing performance. By implication, higher institutions of learning, as well as education policymakers, are urged to include metacognitive learning techniques into the pedagogical approaches and make necessary emphasis on its usage.