Kemampuan Biodegradasi Bakteri Selulolitik Pada Ekosistem Mangrove (original) (raw)

Kapasitas Hidrolisis Bakteri Pendegradasi Selulosa Dari Ekosistem Mangrove

Journal of Tropical Marine Science

Muntok merupakan daerah di sisi barat Pulau Bangka yang memiliki potensi perikanan lepas pantai, penambangan, dan peleburan timah. Penambangan dan peleburan timah dapat memengaruhi bakteri selulolitik sebagai salah satu integrasi dalam hutan bakau. Bakteri selulolitik dapat meningkatkan ketersediaan karbohidrat terdekomposisi untuk organisme lain. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dari 3 lokasi mangrove, yaitu Mangrove Tembelok, Mangrove Peltim, dan Mangrove Sukal. Skrining dan identifikasi kualitatif bakteri selulolitik berasal dari sedimen, kayu lapuk dan serasah daun di hutan bakau Muntok. 54 isolat bakteri diidentifikasi dalam skrining dengan media yang diperkaya CMC 1%. 24 (44,5%) isolat diantaranya memiliki nilai HC tinggi pada indikator Lugol dan 21 (39%) isolat pada indikator congo-red. Mangrove Tembelok memiliki isolat dengan nilai HC tinggi terbanyak pada sampel sedimen, sedangkan Mangrove Peltim pada serasah daun dan Mangrove Sukal pada kayu lapuk. Nilai HC isolat bakteri selu...

Eksplorasi, Seleksi dan Identifikasi Kandidat Bakteri Selulolitik Asal Ekosistem Mangrove Sungailiat, Pulau Bangka

Jurnal Sains Dasar, 2021

Mangrove memiliki potensi sebagai sumber bakteri pendegradasi selulosa. Pulau Bangka, yang kaya mineral timah, belum dikaji potensi bakteri selulolitiknya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan kandidat bakteri selulolitik melalui seleksi isolat dari serasah daun lapuk, kayu lapuk, dan lumpur mangrove, serta mengevaluasi patogenisitas kandidat bakteri selulolitik melalui uji patogenisitas secara in vivo. Penelitian terlaksana pada bulan Januari sampai dengan April 2018. Materi uji yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah kandidat bakteri selulolitik yang diisolasi dari lumpur, serasah daun dan kayu lapuk dari tumbuhan mangrove dan ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus). Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode deskriptif dan eksperimental. Metode deskriptif digunakan pada pengujian bakteri secara in vitro, pegamatan gejala klinis ikan dan kondisi organ dalam ikan setelah diberi perlakuan. Metode eksperimental digunakan pada uji patogenisitas untuk pengamatan parameter kelangsunga...

Isolasi Bakteri Selulolitik Indigenous Pendegradasi Limbah Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit

Metamorfosa: Journal of Bilogical Sciences, 2021

Pertumbuhan industri kelapa sawit yang terus meningkat sampai saat ini menyebabkan limbah yang dihasilkan juga semakin banyak. Salah satu bagian dari kelapa sawit yang terbuang dan akhirnya menjadi limbah adalah tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS). Komponen terbesar yang terkandung di dalam TKKS adalah selulosa. Komponen ini sangat sulit mengalami degradasi karena berbentuk kristal dan tidak dapat larut dalam air. Beberapa agens hayati dari kelompok bakteri diketahui dapat mendegradasi selulosa karena memiliki kemampuan selulolitik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengisolasi bakteri dari limbah TKKS yang memiliki potensi selulolitik, sehingga nantinya dapat dimanfaatkan dalam mendegradasi limbah TKKS secara optimal. Tahapan penelitian dimulai dari pengambilan sampel TKKS terdekomposisi yang berada di area perkebunan kelapa sawit PT Agro Sinergi Nusantara Kabupaten Aceh Jaya, Aceh. Kemudian sampel tersebut dilakukan tahapan isolasi bakteri. Hasil isolasi tersebut telah diperoleh sebanyak 18 isolat bakteri. Selanjutnya isolat-isolat tersebut dipurifikasi dan diuji potensi selulolitiknya dengan cara ditumbuhkan pada media CMC. Berdasarkan hasil uji potensi selulolitik diperoleh sebanyak 15 isolat yang memiliki potensi dengan indikator terbentuknya zona bening di sekeliling koloni. Di antara 15 isolat tersebut terdapat 4 isolat bakteri dengan kategori potensi selulolitik tinggi berdasarkan nilai indeks selulolitiknya yaitu isolat BK608, BK610, BK713 dan BK818, dengan indeks selulolitik berturut-turut sebesar 9

Identifikasi Bakteri yang Berpotensi Mendegradasi Hidrokarbon dari Substrat Mangrove dengan Tekstur Berpasir, Berlumpur, dan Tanah Liat

Journal of Marine and Aquatic Sciences, 2020

Hydrocarbon compounds are commonly found in petroleum and gas, plastics, paraffins, and bitumen. Although hydrocarbons are the constituent compounds of the materials used by humans, some hydrocarbon compounds have adverse effects on the environment and humans. One alternative to solve this problem is by using Mangrove substrate in Ngurah Rai Forest Park, Bali which is the habitat of several species of bacteria that interfere with degrading hydrocarbons. This study aims to identify the bacteria that interfere with hydroxon, through macroscopic observation, microscopic and biochemical tests. The results of this study showed six isolate bacteria that interfere with degrading hydrocarbon compounds. Six isolates were from the genus Alcaligenes of sandy mangroves, Pseudomonas and Bacillus genus from muddy mangrove soils, and two genera of bacteria from clay substrate namely Alcaligenes and Bacillus. The disturbing bacterial proposals underlying the highest hydrocarbon were found on clay with a value of 58.51% and the lowest on sandy substrates, with a discount value of 0%. The highest value on the clay substrate can cause the clay substrate to bind hydrocarbons, air, nutrients, and oxygen higher than sandy and muddy soils. The lowest value on sandy substrate can lead to low bacterial capability and it takes a long time for bacteria to degrade hydrocarbons.

Identifikasi Molekuler Isolat Bakteri Selulolitik Dari Mangrove Sungailiat Dan Tukak Sadai DI Pulau Bangka


Bakteri selulolitik memiliki kemampuan degradasi selulosa dan membuat karbohidrat lebih mudah dicerna bagi ternak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi bakteri selulolitik di tanah, kayu lapuk dan daun dari mangrove pulau Bangka melalui skrining dan analisis gen 16s rRNA. Penelitian dilakukan dari September 2017 hingga Maret 2018. Isolat TSL7 dan TSS4 dari Mangrove Tukak Sadai dan SLS5 dari Mangrove Sungailiat yang memiliki kemampuan mendegradasi selulosa terbesar berdasarkan hasil skrining menjadi isolat yang diidentifikasi pada gen 16S rRNA untuk diurutkan dan analisis BLAST. Analisis gen bank menunjukkan kedekatan dengan Pseudomonas aeruginosa dengan query cover 37% - 87%. Hasil query cover rendah dihasilkan karena sekuens yang sesuai pendek. Kontaminasi dan perubahan komunitas karena seleksi lingkungan dengan adanya logam berat dapat menjadi penyebab dominasi Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Pseudomonas aeruginosa yang bersifat patogen tidak disarankan untuk diaplikasikan seba...

Kemudahan Biodegradasi Selulosa Bakteri Dari Limbah Cucian Beras Dengan Penambahan Gliserol, Kitosan, Dan Nanopartikel Perak

Jurnal Kimia VALENSI, 2016

The objectives of this research were to study the effect of glycerol and chitosan addition toward biodegradability of cellulose based rice waste water, the effect of biodegradation time toward mass lost and biodegradability, and determine functional group and crystalinity of the highest biodegradability composite. Bacterial celluloses were prepared from 100 mL rice waste water that fermented by Acetobacter xylinum for 7 days with addition of glycerol (for Cellulose-Glycerol and Cellulose-Glycerol-Chitosan). Then, bacterial celluloses were immersed in chitosan solution (for Cellulose-Chitosan and Cellulose-Glycerol-Chitosan). The water in bacterial cellulose and its composites was removed by heating, then deposited silver nanoparticle on the bacterial cellulose and its composite. The silver nanoparticles were prepared by chemical reduction with using AgNO3 solution, trisodium citric as reducing agent, and gelatin as stabilizer. The silver nanoparticle was deposited into bacterial ce...

Isolasi Bakteri Selulolitik Pendegradasi Selulosa Dari Kompos


This study aimed to isolate cellulolytic bacteria that have the potential to degrade cellulose taken compost samples from Temesi and Bondowoso, this study was also conducted to determine the ability of bacteria to degrade cellulose based on Congo red test and filter paper degradation test. All isolates were tested for cellulolytic activity using soluble Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC). Characterization was carried out by growing selected pure isolates on CMC media and then dripping 0.1% congo red to test the cellulolytic potential (cellulolytic potential was characterized by the emergence of clear zones around the colony). The results of isolation of bacteria obtained 38 isolates, namely 26 Bondowoso sample isolates and 12 Temesi isolates that were able to grow and utilize cellulose as a carbon source. But only fourteen isolates produced clear zones in the Congo red test with diameters ranging from 1.66 cm to 6.76 cm. Six isolates that have the largest diameters clear zone, were test...

Restorasi Ekosistem Mangrove Pada Media Biodegradable DI Pesisir Desa Waai

MESTAKA: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Mangroves are plants that live on the coast and are affected by sea tides. Mangroves play an important role in estuary areas, namely the border between seawater and fresh water because they have ecological, economic and chemical functions to support the life of organisms. Mangrove ecosystems can experience threats from both natural and human factors. Human activities that cause damage to mangroves are due to a lack of public awareness regarding the importance of mangrove ecosystems for organisms. This is the condition that occurs in the mangrove ecosystem in Waai Village, therefore, it is necessary to restore the mangrove ecosystem. Mangrove ecosystem restoration uses one of the potential media, namely BESE-Element, which is a biodegradable material. Community service is carried out in collaboration with the Pattimura University Maritime Center and Wardenburg Ecology International. The community service activities were carried out for two days, 7-8 February 2023. The result of the a...

Isolasi Dan Skrining Bakteri Selulolitik Dari Beberapa Tanah Hutan DI Bali


Soil is one habitats of the cellulolytic bacteria. Soil containing manure and decayed wood is habitation for cellulolytic bacteria. This research is aimed to isolate and screen cellulolytic bacteria from the soil in Bali that has the potentials to degrade cellulose. The soil samples ware taken from forest in Gunaksa-Klungkung, Telaga-Karangasem, Sukahat-Karangasem, Gilimanuk-Jembrana, and Mangrove forests in Suwung-Denpasar. Each single cellulolytic bacteria colonies which grown on solid media containing carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) were isolated. Screening of cellulolytic bacteria using congo red 0,1 %, staining bacterial isolates which were created clear zones in around the colony were selected. The isolation result are 67 isolated cellulolytic bacteria covered in five soils sample. Twenty-one bacterial isolates were producing cellulase enzymes with an indication of a clear zone in around the colony. Nine superior isolates have high cellulolytic index (CI), namely: G2-8 (5.41), ...

Isolasi Dan Karakterisasi Bakteri Pendenitrifikasi Yang Diisolasi Dari Lumpur Kawasan Mangrove


The aim of this research is to isolate denitrifying bacteria which have the highest activity to reduce nitrate. The sources of the denitrifying bacteria were mangrove sediment collected from Cilacap Regency, Central Java and Indramayu Regency, West Java. Basalt medium containing KNO 3 as a source of nitrogen was used for isolating the denitrifying bacteria. Double layer agar was used for making anaerob condition. Fourty-one isolates were obtained at the first step of the isolation, 29 of them have nitrate reduction activity at a range of 0.77-95.62%. Three isolates, i.e. D19.2, DR2.1 and D27.3 having the highest activity were selected for further examination. The selected isolates were characterized and identified. Characterization includes colony and cell morphology, Gram staining, motility, spore staining and biochemical tests as catalase and oxidase. Identification was done by using profile matching to Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology. The results indicate that isola...