Analysis of household food demand and its implications on food security in Kenya: an application of QUAIDS model (original) (raw)

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Structure and properties of urban household food demand in Nairobi, Kenya: implications for urban food security Cover Page

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Heterogeneity in Rural Household Food Demand and Its Determinants in Ondo state, Nigeria: An Application of Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System   Cover Page

Household Food Security in a Subsistence Economy: Application of Translog Cost Function to Cross-sectional data in Vihiga District, Kenya


Vihiga, one of the poorest and densely populated districts in Kenya is perpetually food deficit (GOK, 2005). While food demand continued to rise, production fell behind both targeted production and district demand. To make matters worse food deficit situation worsened over the last decade. Rising population and competition for resources have curtailed efforts to improve household food production in the district. Unfavorable poverty indicators in the district only make matters worse. About 57.6 percent of the population and more than 50 percent of households live below absolute poverty line while 57 percent of the population and households live below food poverty line (GOK, 2005). Poor welfare indicators for Vihiga district underscore the importance and urgency for addressing its basic needs. Understanding determinants of food security in Vihiga district will improve targeting, the focus and success of policies for addressing food insecurity. The paper examines food security in a sub...

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Household Food Security in a Subsistence Economy: Application of Translog Cost Function to Cross-sectional data in Vihiga District, Kenya Cover Page

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Household food insecurity in sub-Saharan Africa: lessons from Kenya Cover Page

Food demand elasticities in Ethiopia: Estimates using household income consumption expenditure (HICE) survey data


How households adjust their consumption in response to changes in prices and income is crucial determinant of the effects of various shocks to market prices and commodity supplies. These adjustments in demand are particularly significant in Ethiopia, where many households consume inadequate quantities of calories, protein and other nutrients. Household consumption behaviour in the country is also rather complex. Regional consumption patterns differ considerably with no single staple dominating. Instead, four different cereals (teff, wheat, maize and sorghum) are major staples in parts of the country and even within most regions, two or more food staples account for relatively large shares of total calories and food expenditures1.

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Food demand elasticities in Ethiopia: Estimates using household income consumption expenditure (HICE) survey data Cover Page

Food Availability and Price Stability in Kenya


There is an increasing need to improve upon availability of food in our households. Increased access to food is determined by food production and distribution networks; the financial situation of governments and consumers also determine the ability to get imports or movements of food inside the deficit countries or areas. The aim of the study was to determine factors influencing food availability and price stability in Kenya. This paper analyses secondary literature on the influence of food security on food availability; the influence of new Technology on food availability and food price influence on food availability. The findings indicate that, at Regional level, the number of food surplus countries has decreased thus creating dependency on the global markets and food Aid. At the national level few countries produce enough food to meet their own needs, making the rest dependent on their capacity to purchase imported food. Most households are poor and cannot cover their own require...

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Food Availability and Price Stability in Kenya Cover Page

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The Analysis of Food Poverty. An Dlustration from Kenya Cover Page

The Analysis of Food Poverty: An Illustration from Kenya

The Pakistan Development Review

The study describes a methodology which is used to estimate the magnitude and regional distribution of food poverty among Kenyan smallholders. One-fourth of all smalll1Older-households were estimated to have a food intake below the recommended daily allowance. Notable differences were found in the provincial incidence of food poverty. Despite these inter province differences, considerable variation in food consumption levels appeared within regions. Some possible causal factors underlying the prevailing pattern of food poverty are brought out.

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The Analysis of Food Poverty: An Illustration from Kenya Cover Page

Analysis Food Demand of Java Households with Aids Model Estimates

Media Ekonomi dan Manajemen, 2022

The quantity and quality of food consumed by the community are determined by the price level and household income. Household food expenditure share is still dominated by rice commodities. The aims of this study are 1) to analyze the level of household expenditure on food in Java and (2) to analyze the expenditure elasticity and price elasticity of household food demand in Java. The data used was March 2015, 2016, and 2017 SUSENAS data. Household consumption data was estimated using the AIDS Model. The results showed that household food expenditure share for medium and low-income groups (Q3 and Q4) for urban and rural areas was more than 50 percent. This shows that the household is food insecure. The own-price elasticity for all commodities is negative and inelastic. Changes in food prices do not significantly affect changes in demand for food commodities because their elasticity is inelastic. Household food demand is more influenced by food prices than household income for food comm...

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Analysis Food Demand of Java Households with Aids Model Estimates Cover Page

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A Food Demand System Estimation for Rural Malawi: Estimates Using Third Integrated Household Survey Data Cover Page