Smart Learning with Smart Technology (original) (raw)



The 1st International Malaysian Educational Technology Convention held in Skudai, Johor from 2-5 November 2007 was a morale booster to the endeavours of the Malaysian Educational Technology Association [META] in its effort to raise the Convention to an international status. The theme selected for this year is “Smart Education: Converging Technology, Pedagogy and Content”.

Smart Learning through Pervasive Computing Devices

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Second Edition

An increasing number of educators are calling for high standards and challenging learning activities for students. Learning blended with technology can especially provide all possible sources of education. The technologies are not only going to act as technical add-ons to the system but also they can try their best to improve the quality of education. New technologies can provide meaningful learning experiences for all learners, especially those who are in the developing countries. Educational centers that capitalize on the technological and educational reforms will help students to develop higher order skills and to function effectively in the world beyond the classroom. Achieving such fundamental change, however, requires a transformation of not only the underlying pedagogy but also the kinds of technology applications typically used in classrooms serving at-risk students. The vision of classrooms structured around student involvement in challenging, long-term projects and focused...


In the present IT age, mode of education is changing rapidly. Use of smart electronic devices in education is increasing. In high tech schools students are instructed to bring own tab, laptop as notebook. This mode of education has some advantages with so many disadvantages. Present study is focused on finding of various mode of education using smart electronic devices in schools.

Emerging Technologies to Smart Education

International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology, 2020

Digital transformation is all set to change the face of education towards the coming decade. Along with technology, the transformation is bound to be a parallel shift across learning. Today, technology like the Internet of Things, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, blockchain, cloud technology, mobile internet, machine learning, deep learning, etc. have the potential to add significant business value. These technologies play a major role to shift from traditional education to smart education. Smart education is one of the main segments with the biggest impact in the smart environment. The objective of this research is to study the emerging technologies that are used to design smart education system. With these emerging technologies, education is becoming an intelligent, institutive and ubiquitous. The emerging technologies increase the effectiveness and enhancing the efficiency of smart education.


International Journal Of Education, Information Technology, and Others, 2018

Rapid technological changes have caused many changes, including in learning. The effects of information and communication technology (ICT) play a role in reshaping education increasingly emerging. ICTs that are integrated into the classroom have shifted from ICT to supporting traditional teaching to be the main factor that shapes re-teaching and learning. ICTs in education, not only enrich forms of teaching and learning, but also radically change the requirements for skills students must possess namely global awareness, communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, social and cross-cultural skills, and self-direction and interactive. Learning is understood not only understanding knowledge but cognitive skills, interpersonal skills, intrapersonal skills, and consideration. Smart learning is a learning activity that involves changes in the learner's mental system. The effectiveness of learning depends not only on the external environment but also on the suitability of the learning process with the mental features of students. Smart earning defined as self-directed, motivated, adaptive, enriched resources and the use of technology. INTRODUCTION Smart learning is a learning activity that involves changes in the learner's mental system. An effective smart learning cycle consists of three factors: mental systems, learning behavior, and learning outcomes. The key components of the mental system are motivation for learning, meta-cognition, and independence. Efekt smart conditionlearningif is that learners have the motivation to accept the task of learning and want to participate in learning activities. Only when learners believe that learning activities have a positive value on their individual development will effective learning occur. Learning behavior is a two-way interaction between students and the learning environment, aimed at causing changes that are relatively stable in what students know and know what they can do. Students can decide on learning objectives and learning progress and choose an adequate learning strategy themselves. What's more, students can use interactive tools to communicate with each other in certain subjects, and learn through online or face-to-face collaboration. Learning behavior can be summarized as information retrieval behavior, information processing, information release, and interpersonal communication. The learning outcomes according to Gagne are five categories that include intelligent skills (procedural knowledge), verbal information (declarative knowledge), cognitive strategies (executive control processes), motor skills, and attitudes. Associated with learning behavior in smart learning where students must decide on learning goals, learning progress and self-learning strategies. Here students must have good self-regulation. This condition is in stark contrast to students in Indonesia where in general students' independence in making decisions and taking responsibility is still in the sufficient category [2] [3], in other studies the level of student independence in the dimensions of desire and self-control is lacking [4]


The term M-Learning, or "mobile learning", has different meanings for different fields. In other words, with the use of mobile devices, learners can learn from various locations. The term covers: learning with portable technologies including computers, notebooks, mobile phones and tablets. M-learning focuses on the mobility of the learner, interacting with portable technologies, and learning that reflects a focus on how society and its institutions can accommodate and support an increasingly mobile population. New mobile technology, such as hand-held cellular based devices, is playing a large role in redefining how we receive information. The recent advances in mobile technology are changing the primary purpose of mobile devices from making or receiving calls to retrieving the latest information on any subject

Do Smart Devices Make Smart Learners?


Pettit, John and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2008). Do smart devices make smart learners? In: Proceedings of the MLearn 2008 Conference, 7-10 Oct 2008, Ironbridge Gorge, Shropshire, UK. ... Link(s) to article on publisher's website:

Smart Learning Gateways for Omani HEIs Towards Educational Technology: Benefits, Challenges and solutions


Globally, higher education institutions (HEIs) is completely transformed with the growth of information and communication technology. This change is due to the advancement of information technology in the world, which has led to the creation of conceptual frameworks that design the smart learning environment across the globe for Educational Technology. Therefore, a great deal of today's teachings relies heavily on the information and technology resources where most HEIs are starting to digitize their courses curriculum. The smart learning matter has gained a global trend for the past few years but still did not discuss thoroughly in the Omani environment. This research aims at providing innovative ways of using information and technology in higher education learning. The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges that higher learning students encounter in higher education institutions with the implementation of technology-enhanced learning, the benefits of the smart ...

Smart Classroom-An Innovative Concept of Modern Education

International Journal of English Learning and Teaching Skills, 2020

Quality education is essential in today’s competitive environment because of the rapid development of technology. The concept of “Smart Classroom” square measures a progressive methodology of education, that serves students to develop higher conceptions, educational achievements, improved reading skills, etc. The traditional approach of giving lectures and taking notes have lost its effectiveness in the modern day around education. In efforts to grow academics, it must be considered that differentiated modalities of teaching and learning are necessary for better conceptual development. It is the responsibility of the education system to use this sort of ideas to comprehend student interests and orchestrating educational progression throughout childhood and adolescence. Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), has changed from being a technology of information & communication to a curriculum creation and transmission system for learners. With the development of technologies, new strategies of teaching are being introduced in the curriculum, one of which is known as “Smart Classroom”. It uses instructional material, 3D animated modules and videos to make students understand. Nowadays, students are excited at this idea of innovation and interactive learning method. The Smart Learning approach provides people of all ages a framework and a bunch of Smart Thinking Tools that encourage higher levels of understanding and innovative ideas. Structured talks and assessment as and for learning are fastidiously woven into the method to create a thoughtful context for learning and to advance the thinking of all learners. Both teachers and students are working on “Smart Education” projects for more development of the concept. In today’s education system “Smart Classroom” concept is a great innovation and one-stop resource for students needing analysis and technology. Nowadays, both teachers and students have become technology inclined, students adapt to new technologies or concepts very quickly, which helps them in the professional world. Smart devices like cameras, projectors, remotes are technologies that result in a lot of engaged learning for students and adaptation to a spread of learning designs. The concept of “Smart Classroom” has not only made education interesting but it created a great platform for students to enhance their performance. Besides this, it helps students to understand the concept faster than verbal or written notes because visual concepts help them to understand the thing more clearly and easily.