Evaluation of Drinking Water Needs in Wae Decer, Manggarai Regency, Nusa Tenggara Timur Province (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan (Program Studi Magister Ilmu Lingkungan, Program Pascasarjana Universitas Diponegoro), 2023
Dinamika yang terjadi pada akses air minum layak di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dari tahun 2017 hingga tahun 2021, dapat juga terjadi pada kondisi masyarakat. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi dinamika yang mungkin terjadi pada kondisi masyarakat dari aspek sosial ekonomi (tingkat pendidikan dan kemiskinan) dan aspek kesehatan (tingkat penyakit diare), serta hubungannya dengan akses air minum yang layak. Dinamika kondisi masyarakat dianalisis berdasarkan perhitungan persentase rata-rata tahunan pada tingkat pendidikan, kemiskinan, dan penyakit diare dengan menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif komparatif. Kemudian kaitannya dengan akses terhadap air minum yang layak dihitung dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode analisis regresi linier. Hasil pertama, terjadi peningkatan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat seperti yang terjadi pada akses air minum yang layak, namun terjadi penurunan tingkat kemiskinan dan penyakit diare. Hasil lain juga menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan dengan akses terhadap air minum yang layak, dibuktikan dengan nilai signifikansi F sebesar 0,0315. Hal ini menunjukkan terjadinya dinamika kondisi masyarakat, dan saling terkait/saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain dengan akses terhadap air minum yang layak.. Kata kunci: tingkat pendidikan, tingkat kemiskinan, tingkat kejadian penyakit diare, akses air minum layak,
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
There are a large number of people in the world who live without an adequate supply of clean water, and spend hours to get clean water. For this reason, access to water and water sources is one of the main keys to meeting the needs of the community’s clean water, specifically rural communities in the semi-arid regions of Indonesia. This study aims to analyze the extent to which access to clean water sources affects the patterns of water use and fulfillment of rural communities. The method used is a survey completed with a questionnaire and observation. The object of the research was the rural water user community in TTS Regency, East Nusa Tenggara Province with a total of 87 families, and water sources in the study area. Samples were divided into three areas which were categorized as dry, normal and wet. based on the analysis of rainfall data at 14 rain stations. The results showed an average water use level of 49 Lpcd (SD = 25) and the distance to the water source as far as 521 m (...
Accelerating the Provision of Safe Water Supply in Urban and Rural Areas of Indonesia
Kesmas: National Public Health Journal
Over the past 100 years, the provision of a safe water supply to drink in Indonesia has been slowly progressed with low coverage. The majority of the population does not have access to safe water. Morbidity and mortality of water-related diseases, including diarrhea, are very high. The provision of safe water is not a technological issue but good water management that comprises content, institutional, and communication layer. This paper provided information for strategic and operational decisions to accelerate the provision of safe water services in urban and rural areas. Benchmarking good water management with the characteristics of the water supply location is required to improve the health status of the population, mainly the poor urban and rural areas with limited resources, including time and cost.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
Access to safe water as a basic infrastructure is still a major problem throughout the world, and it is the main concentration to be solved as stated in SDGs pillars 6 and 9. Availability access to basic needs such as infrastructure of water is also one important homework to deal with for the Indonesian government along with the Universal Access 100-0-100. The research aim is to measure the Water Poverty Index (WPI) through the 5-component to propose a poverty eradication strategy of the water infrastructure at the community level. Jabung District in Malang Regency is chosen as the case study, wherein at about 33, 19% and 16% of households are the receiver of Raskin (Poor Rice) program and Program Keluarga Harapan (Family Hopes Program) – the poverty alleviations programs in Indonesia. Both field observation and depth interviews are conducted towards 548 heads of households at the compiling data. The WPI measurement indicates that 1 of the 15 villages have the low safe value of WPI....
Study of Clean Water Needs Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
Proceedings of the Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Environmental Science and Sustainable Development, ICESSD 2019, 22-23 October 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2020
Clean water in human life has a very important function. The Human need for clean water is directly proportional to the population growth. In Balikpapan, which is the capital city of East Kalimantan Province has population 735,850 people by 2015, which represents 22% of total population of East Kalimantan. The results obtained for needs of clean water have not been sufficient and the water quality data has qualified the water requirements Class I. In the calculation of clean water needs of Balikpapan City above, the percentage of non-domestic with domestic demand is 50.30% its mean Balikpapan City have a lot of facility especially office and international company. Balikpapan City needs to immediately add the capacity of Intake because in 2017, is unable to meet the needs of clean water in Balikpapan City. Tirta Manggar PDAM has almost reached 80% service coverage, but loss of water equal to 36.92%.
Vide Leaf, Hyderabad eBooks, 2022
Clean water is a basic need of the community to live properly following the targets of development policies to realize the Cipta Karya program 100-0-100, namely 100% access to clean water, 0% slum settlements, and 100% access to good sanitation. Considering that clean water is an unlimited and sustainable need that must be fulfilled every day, it is not only about a sufficient amount of discharge but in quality, it meets a proper standard and in quantity and continuity must be able to meet the needs of the population it serves. In the aspect of economic life, water is also important for agriculture, cultivation, power generation, transportation, and industry. The entire population of Indonesia has the right to obtain adequate, adequate, and affordable clean water infrastructure and facilities. The purpose of this research is to analyze the projections and mapping of the need for clean water sources for the population and the need for facilities and infrastructure to increase the availability of water sources. The research location covers the entire administrative area of Muna Regency which consists of 22 districts that oversee 152 villages/wards, namely Kontunaga, Watopute, Katobu, Lohia, Duruka, Batalaiworu, Napabalano, Lasalepa, and Towea districts (Zone I). Furthermore, the districts of Tongkuno, Tongkuno Selatan, Parigi, Bone, Marobo, Kabawo, Kabangka, and Kontu Kowuna (Zone II). And in the districts of Wakorumba Selatan, Pasir Putih, Pasi Kolaga, Maligano, and Batukara (Zone III). The data obtained are in the form of population data, population projections, projected domestic water needs for the population, projected non-domestic water needs for the population, projected total water needs for the population, and projected drinking water supply system needs which are then analyzed from 2015-2035 in quantitatively descriptive. The results showed that the results of the calculation of the projected water needs of the population according to the Water Source zone of Muna Regency in 2015-2035 showed that the water demand of Muna Regency in 2015 was 8,606 m 3. The water demand for the next five years, namely in 2020 for the entire zone, is 9.600 million m 3. It was further explained that the total water demand for the entire water source zone of Muna Regency in 2025 was 10,709 million m 3. The total water demand for the Prime Archives in Sustainability: 3 rd Edition 3 www.videleaf.com entire water source zone of Muna Regency for the next five years, namely in 2030 is 11.946 million m 3. Furthermore, it is explained that the total water demand in the study area in 2035 is 13,326 million m 3. As for the number of drinking water supply systems in Muna Regency, there are 27 units in Zone I as many as 13 units, Zone as many as 10 units, and Zone III as many as 4 units. The need for drinking water supply systems in Zone I is 19 units, Zone II is 12 units and Zone III is 5 units.
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences
Through structured interviews and statistical analyses, this study investigated access to water and strategies of 1227 vulnerable households in Bandung, Indonesia. The use of mixed water sources, household water treatment, and home storage suggest low trust in improved sources, and compromised safety and reliability of water. While official statistics suggest a high level of access to improved water sources, full-time access to such sources is overestimated. Integration of user behavior into the new monitoring approach for the water supply sector in the post-2015 development framework is proposed.
T here have been major problems with the sustainability of water supply development and provision in urban areas of Indonesia, carried out by PDAMs under local government control. Two critical issues that are being faced by PDAMs are: (1) the capacity of PDAMs to increase the current coverage of the provision, which currently is only 40% of urban population and (2) the capability of PDAMs to carry on their developmental mission in providing clean water in urban areas. The main objective of this thesis is to examine the most influential factors behind the failure of water supply development in urban areas of Indonesia. The research findings in this thesis propose the necessary reformation to be taken in order to give the right orientation to water supply development. Based on a review of the literature, field work, discussions, correspondence and experiences of the author. I argue that the most influential factors concerning sustainable development of urban water supply of Indonesia ...
Solution to Water Scarcity in the Eastern Indonesia: A Case Study of the Lembata Regency
International Journal of GEOMATE, 2020
The Lembata Regency, which is located on Lembata Island in eastern Indonesia, is a region with high water scarcity. Appropriate efforts should be made to ensure the drinking water supply in the area. A water supply-demand analysis is needed to determine the condition of water sources (surplus or deficit). Water supply is determined based on rainfall data, while water demand is calculated based on domestic, nondomestic and irrigation needs, including evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration is calculated using the Thornthwaite method. The results showed that a water deficit would exist in the Lembata Regency in 2033 for seven months per year (May to November), although the amount of accumulated water in one year would still be surplus. Therefore, it is recommended to store water in a raw water reservoir during the rainy season for use during the dry season. The minimal total reservoir capacity is 95,000,000 m 3 , and the reservoir should be spread among watersheds in Lembata. The raw water reservoirs need to be lined with a geomembrane to prevent lost water from seeping into the soil.
The Supply of Clean Water and the Problems in Benjeng Sub-District, Gresik, Indonesia
Clean water is vital needs for life. Societies, in six villages in Benjeng Sub-District, Gresik, Indonesia, were difficult to obtain clean water moreover in dry season. Therefore, the aims of this study are getting the depiction about the availability of clean water and the problem in the location of the research. This study was conducted by survey, laboratories analysis, and interview. The researchers conducted the survey in several locations of water resources. The researchers interviewed government officials and the society in these areas of the study. The research result shows that the society use lake water and water resource as clean water which is used for their needs. The main problem which is faced by the society is the availability of clean water that has not been full filled in dry season. Generally, well-water is available in year-round but, well-water sources are only found in few research locations. There are less than 30% who could consume well-water from the total of society in each village. Then, lake water is not almost available in summer season, especially in long summer. The problem is not only water quantity but also water quality which has not met the requirement of water quality. It was showed from several parameters in physics, chemistry and biology. Those all parameters are exceed the maximum limit of clean water standard based on Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 of 2017. TDS is a parameter which has not met the parameters which have not met the requirements were TDS, turbidity, color, surfactant, organic matter, E. coli, and total coliform. As consequently, well-water and lake water are needed to treat before the society consumes that water.