Analysis of Scientific Literacy Abilities of Junior High School Students in Palembang (original) (raw)
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Biology, Sciences and Education (ICoBioSE 2019), 2020
21st century education aims to improve students' scientific literacy skills. The results of PISA study show that the scientific literacy of Indonesian students is in low category. The low scientific literacy of students is caused by several factors in education system, both from the curriculum, teachers, and students themselves. This study aims to analyze the ability of scientific literacy of Grade X SMA in Sungai Penuh City in terms of the competency aspect of science and the level of science literacy questions. This research is a descriptive research using mixed method and using sequential explanatory design. Sample in this research were 86 students who came from three high schools with high, medium and low categories taken by cluster random sampling technique. The instrument used was a scientific literacy test item and an interview guide sheet. Data analysis technique is done by giving a score for each of students answer then described into value and category of scientific literacy achievements and analyze the interview results. Based on the study results, it is known that the average value of each scientific competency is, 22.66 for competence to explain phenomena scientifically, 47.15 for evaluating and designing scientific investigations competence, and 28.44 for the competence to interpret scientific data and evidence. Based on the question level, the highest score was obtained at level 1 questions with an average value of 46.08 and the lowest was on level 6 questions with an average value of 7.17.
Jurnal Pijar Mipa, 2021
This research aims to describe the student ability of science literacy in Biology at the second grade of Junior High School State in Mataram district Lombok Island Indonesia. This research used a qualitative descriptive method. The subject of this research was second-grade students. The data collection technique used the instrument ability of science literacy test regarding indicators competence of science literacy. The technique of data analysis was done descriptively. These results show that the student ability of science literacy at 53.7. At the same time, students' achievement is dominated by the aspect of competence in evaluating and designing investigation scientifically at 65.5%. The average in the element of competence explains the phenomenon scientifically at 49.2%, and the lowest competence in interpreting data and evidencing scientifically at 45.8%. Therefore, the student ability of science literacy of Junior High School state in Mataram sub-district including the low...
Analysis of Scientific Literacy Through PISA 2015 Framework
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This study aims to measure the quality of teaching in secondary schools in the city of Bandung. The quality in question is with the emergence of scientific literacy indicators according to the PISA 2015 study was conducted in three schools using 12 kinds of instruments to see the indicator-indicator scientific literacy on the Lesson Plan (LP), Teaching and Learning Process (TLP), and Midterm Exam (MTE). Subjects were students aged 13 years at three schools, three documents LP, and three documents of MTE. The results show that the data analyst aspects most often arise is the aspect of competencies with a total accumulation 1428 poins. The results also show that the school is located in the central of city shows the emergence of sub-scientific literacy than schools in the north and south..
Analysis of the Science Assessment Items Using Scientific Literacy Competencies
Gagasan Pendidikan Indonesia, 2021
This research aimed to analyze the science assessment in Junior High Schools in Tangerang Selatan City using scientific literacy competencies. This study used a descriptive method by collecting questions for the final semester assessment from four schools in Tangerang Selatan City, Indonesia which were determined by random sampling. A total of 180 science item test from four schools in Tangerang Selatan City, Indonesia were analyzed using scientific literacy competency indicators contained in the 2018 PISA framework. The results showed that only a small proportion (7.22%) of the items contained scientific literacy competencies. The items used tend to directly ask students' mastery of concepts and do not present data/information that students need to investigate on the items. Most of the questions presented are in the form of concept/definitions so that it does not require students to think at high levels, especially at the reasoning stage.
International Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Education, 2017
This research was conducted to describe scientific literacy skills, to know the comparison of scientific literacy skills based on geography and to see the relationship of scientific attitudes on the dimensions of content, context and process of junior high school students in North Labuhanbatu Regency. Sample used was 180 students, taken by using purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques were conducted using science literacy tests, science process skill observation sheets and scientific attitude questionnaire. The result showed that scientific literacy skills of junior high school students in North Labuhanbatu Regency was 60,3 (low). As for scientific literacy skills based on dimension, obtained value of content dimension 50,2, context 53,3, process 62,01 and science attitude 58,6. Based on geography there was no difference in scientific literacy skills of students whom live in town or village, both in low category. Furthermore, to know the relation between dimension of scientific attitude toward content dimension, context and process, correlation test and regression test was done as follow-up test. The value of r count relationship of scientific attitudes with content was 0.611, r count relationship of scientific attitudes to context was 0.478, and r count scientific attitude toward process was 0.882. Correlation test showed that there was a close relationship between dimensions of scientific attitude towards dimensions of content, context, and process and the correlation was positive. The results indicated that teachers, school and education authorities in regency need to make improvements in the learning process to improve student's science literacy.
This study aims to describe the scientific literacy ability of elementary school students in class V and the factors form of the background of the ability of scientific literacy in elementary school students.One way to improve the quality of education in Indonesia is through increase scientific literacy learning. Learning scientific literacy is very important for students to understand what is learned. The instruments used were tests and interviews.The test given to students in the form of questions about the description of scientific literacy on ecosistem material. The study sample consisted of 42 students in class V SDN 1 Tangkil with 25 female students, 17 male students, Susukan District Cirebon District in 2018/2019 school year. From the results of tests on students' scientific literacy abilities, and interviews conducted with students, shows that elementary students' scientific literacy skills are still low
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Journal of Research in Instructional, 2024
The study aims to analyze the scientific literacy skills of elementary school students. In addition, differences in scientific literacy based on gender were also examined in this study. The study is quantitative and measures students' scientific literacy. Researchers investigated the literacy profile of sixth-grade students in one of the primary schools in Malang City. The target population was 107 sixth-grade students. The sampling technique was saturated, and the population was included in the sample. Data were collected using ten multiple-choice tests. The findings were analyzed by calculating the results of the validity and reliability tests, percentages, mean, and the Mann-Whitney test to calculate the differences in scientific literacy of boys and girls. The results showed that ten items were valid (sig. <0.05), and the reliability was 0.72. The results of the study showed that the less category dominated students' scientific literacy, while only 2.80% achieved excellence. The average total scientific literacy of students was less (45.51). There is no difference in the scientific literacy of girls and boys. It can be concluded from this study that the scientific literacy skills of sixth-grade primary school students are lacking but do not show significant differences between boys and girls. The results of this research are the basis for developing students' scientific literacy in the future by creating appropriate learning.
Scientific Literacy Among Junior High School Students in Different Curriculum
Proceedings of the International Conference on Education in Muslim Society (ICEMS 2017), 2018
Indonesia has applied two curricula, namely the former curriculum (2006-best known as School-Based Curriculum) and the new curriculum (2013-best known as Content Standard Curriculum) simultaneously since 2014-2017. This study is aimed to determine the student's Scientific literacy on both curricula. The study used survey method which involved 278 students of grade 9 th in South Jakarta. Samples were selected by stratified random sampling, including public junior high schools and also madrasah (Islamic junior high school) in upper, middle and lower level. The instrument of TIMSS (Trend International Mathematics Science Study) was adopted and focused on Biology especially reproduction concept. The result showed there was no significant difference in students' scientific literacy on 2006 and 2013 curriculum (Sig 0.236). The scientific literacy was also not known by gender and types of school. Scientific literacy correlates significantly with the students' interest in biology and reproduction.
The aim of this study was to determine the scientific literacy skills of students at junior high school (JHS) in biology teaching in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This research was a survey research. Sampling was selected through a progressive random sampling technique with stratification. The research samples were four junior high schools, they are: JHS 4 Makassar, JHS 26 Makassar, JHS 2 Maros, and JHS 4 Sinjai with the total samples were 235 students. Each school was represented by 2 classes. The results of research showed that the students of junior high school who were able to understand the inquiry method that leads to scientific knowledge as much as 17.02%, and ability to organize, analyse, and interpret the quantitative data and scientific information as much as 36.23%. Overall, the conclusion of this study was the scientific literacy of junior high school students in biology teaching was still low. The constructivist learning method should be used by the teacher, such us using inquiry method and completed by an innovative media and learning resources to enhance students' scientific literacy.
The Profile of Students’ Scientific Literacy Competence Skill at SMA Batik 2 Surakarta
International journal of environmental and science education, 2018
Some research showed that many teachers have literacy skills, but they have not used them in the classroom yet. This research aims to describe scientific literacy competence of SMA Batik 2 Surakarta students and teacher. The research used a qualitative descriptive method. The study was conducted at SMA Batik 2 Surakarta with 10th grade science class students as the subjects. There were 88 students as and two teachers the subjects. The samples selected by using total sampling technique. The research instrument used in this study is scientific literacy test adapted from PISA (Programme for International Student Assesment). The data analysis technique used is percentage. The result of this study shows that 57.41% student mastered the scientific literacy competence, the student completed in scientific literacy competence included in the middle level of this research. The interviews with teachers and students show that the use of scientific literacy in the classroom is still low. This re...