Non-verbal Skills: Unavoidable in Communication (original) (raw)

Impact, Importance, Types, and Use of Non-Verbal Communication in Social Relations

Linguistics and Culture Review, 2022

The problem of today's social and economic developments is based on communicative relations, which are the main factor in the development of human society. Most of all, the recent changes in communication reports proved how important communication is in achieving the goals not only of the speaker but also of society. Human society's important means of communication in all its types and dimensions, the relationship and mutual influence of these types are becoming more and more obvious. Over the years, different language schools have dealt with different approaches on the importance, cognition, and functionality of communication, not only linguistic but also non-linguistic, communication that does not rely on different grammatical tools and forms, or structured language, but also on the linguistic, or nonverbal element. Today's controversies in linguistics raise issues of meaning and significance, which often come from questions: 'What does it mean? 'However, the c...



The real value of nonverbal communication lies in the insight it can give to your own behavior. It is impossible to discuss oral communication without taking nonverbal communication into account because “only up to one-third of a message in a person-to-person situation is conveyed by words alone (Beisler F, Scheeres H, & Pinner D. 1990, p. 38). Even silence and absence can be considered as nonverbal messages. This paper discusses and describes the different categories of nonverbal communication or messages(e.g., oculesics, paralanguage, proxemics, haptics, chronemics, head movements and postures, gestures, personal presentation, environment, artifacts, olfactics, silence, absence, color) as interpreted in other cultures and communities which most students have not studied in depth.

Non-verbal Communication An Essential Cultural Dimension

Traduction et Langues , 2012

Communication embodies verbal and non-verbal signs. Among the various non-verbal signs, body language is very important and helps to understand the message transmitted. It varies from a culture to another and is generally indicative of the culture one belongs to. It includes gestures, facial expressions, touch, glance, body motion, eye contact, proximity and so on. Non-verbal communication (which is perhaps the most important component of communication) responds to cultural rules. Ignoring or violating these rules may lead to confusing, misleading or embarrassing situations that may break the whole process of communication (which is the most important component of communication). What is perceived as normal in one culture can be perceived as illogical, rude or shocking in another. The fact that all cultures have internal variations, and that they continuously evolve, adds up to the difficulty of understanding cultures.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communications in the Workplace

Mastering the Art of Effective Communication, 2023

This paper on communication was presented at the workshop titled "Speak Up, Write Well: Mastering the Art of Effective Communication in the Workplace" organized by S&P Global and HM2455C Program, UiTM Pulau Pinang Branch, Permatang Pauh Campus on 19 June 2023. Communication is about people interacting with each other. A good and effective communication must take into consideration of people's understanding, feelings, their moods and emotion. You can't separate all these, it's what makes a human, human. By including personal stories, you will form some personal connection, a sense in the back of your mind will emerge "oh, I know this guy". With that sense, you are more likely to absorb the message and understand them. Without the humanization of communication, the conversation will be very dry.

The Role of Non-Verbal Communication in Enhancing Workplace Communication

International Journal of Innovations in TESOL and Applied Linguistics (IJITAL), 2024 This paper aims to explore how nonverbal communication helps in fostering positive working relationships by elaborating on the way nonverbal signals such as body language, facial expressions, gestures and eye contact are crucial in enhancing professional associations and team culture. Through a study of the main theories and works such as modern interpretations of cultural differences in non-verbal communication, the paper highlights the significance of suitable nonverbal communicative conduct for any professional of an organization. This paper also examines the effect of nonverbal communication on leadership capabilities, managing conflict and team building.

Non-verbal communication in business : Final paper


It is no secret that non – verbal communication has a significant impact on rating business successful or not. People often overlook the importance of what is not said and pay more attention to what someone says. In today's business, it is crucial to find a place of untapped potential and thus better rank in a very competitive market. To do so, every manager, entrepreneur, salesperson, or CEO needs to take advantage and pay attention to every little thing that can help them to grow. By successfully learn how to read body language and interpret non – verbal cues, a person will gain power and control over negotiation, pitching, making deals. This paper aims to explain non – verbal communication in more detail, explain its importance, and learn how to turn body language to an advantage.Nije tajna da neverbalna komunikacija ima značajan utjecaj na ocjenu poslovanja kao uspješnog ili ne. Ljudi često previđaju važnost onoga što nije rečeno i obraćaju više pažnje na to što netko govori...

Nonverbal communication and its Role in Teaching a Second Language

International journal of humanities and social sciences, 2016

Since language speakers’ competence is not merely limited to knowing lexical items and syntactic structures, considering all the different aspects of linguist knowledge is important in teaching and learning a second or foreign language. In the present paper, after a brief review on the different types of competence introduced so far, another probable aspect of competence that is nonverbal competence is considered using some examples indicating potential sources of miscommunication resulted from not being competent in this regard. It seems in teaching a foreign or second language the importance of this aspect of language knowledge cannot be ignored.

3-IJBGM-Nonverbal Communication An Influential.pdf

While one can choose to shut off all the linguistic outlets of communication, it is impossible to circumvent the non-verbal communication as the body keeps sending signals intentionally or subconsciously. It is, therefore, that the non-verbal cues become a powerful tool for controlling, organizing, directing and coordinating in any field which significantly involves interpersonal relationship and group dynamics. To be able to produce powerful messages through one's non-verbal signals and to be able to interpret non-verbal communication correctly are important skills one must master for effective management and workplace relationship. The present paper attempts to establish the role of non-verbal communication in effective management. It examines the case specifically by keeping under review the four areas of nonverbal communication: kinesics, proxemics, vocalics, and chronemics.

Non-verbal Communication A significant aspect of Proficient Occupation

IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS) , 2017

Nonverbal communication has been a focus of consideration for some time in areas such as corporate performance skills and individual societal skills. However, it has received little consideration, in language teaching as an accompaniment to spoken language, though recent drifts in neuro-linguistic programming concerning reflecting and corresponding body language have sieved into current research and practice. Comparatively very few techniques have been proposed for teaching nonverbal communication compared to its importance. This paper discusses components and tips of non-verbal communication and how to improve them.