Corporate Communications in Ukraine in the Conditions of the War with russia (original) (raw)

Evolution of Ukrainian trade editions as components of the system of professional communications

Printing Horizon, 2021

The current article examines the evolution of trade media in the context of the development of electronic communication among professionals. Based on the analysis of 67 trade sites on various topics, it was possible to establish changes, which have taken place in the functional purpose of trade electronic media during more than 20 years of the Internet in Ukraine.The emergence and transformation of trade sites are due not only to technological progress but also the demand for efficiency and ease of use of information sources for professionals: trade sites have taken over the functions of trade periodicals, resulting in reduced demand for it.The vast majority of trade periodicals have their own websites, which are separate electronic media for publication, require administration and have significant advantages as a means of promoting the brand of the industry periodical.It was found that the graphical design of the versions of the sites that appeared during 2000-2005 was more modest than the current ones, was represented by fewer pages, and communication took place outside the Internet.Since 2005, sites have been not only channels of information, but also communication through the emergence of forums. For some time there was a demand for electronic software on physical media, but with the advent of the Internet in the remotest regions of Ukraine, the demand for this information product has disappeared.After the emergence of social media in Ukraine, industry periodicals have mastered these channels to attract readers, adapting their text content, videos, photos to the principles of each of the online services.The key to the existence and development of trade media is the ability to adapt changes taking place in the online environment, intelligently implement changes, offering increasingly high quality and useful content on platforms that are easy to perceive by professional audiences.

Information and communicative technologies in the Russian companies

RUDN Journal of Economics, 2010

Information and communication technologies are the key changes in the economy as a whole, and in modern companies in particular. The economic development of the country and its competitiveness in recent years more and more dependent on factors related to innovation, information and communication technologies, the use of global computer networks at all levels. The article analyzes the current use of information and communication technologies in the companies of the Russian Federation. Today companies are forced to attend to ICT in order to remain competitive, but still face several challenges.



Based on a communicative approach and linguistic studies, the author of the article demonstrates that there may be various models of communication between government and society, but not all of them may lie in the basis of truly legal communication. The author argues that truly legal communication is based on the principle of mutual legal recognition, that is recognition of the equal legal personality of each other by participants in legal communication. This principle can only be realized within the framework of a dialoguesymmetric-communication model. All other models (one-sided, two-sided asymmetric, pseudoand quasi-communication) are deformations of legal communication, the "inferiority" of which arises due to inadequate interpretation, lack of desire of actors to reach mutual understanding or inferiority of one of the parts of communication. The author argues that in order to change the legal ideology in Post-Soviet Russia a partnership strategy should be used for the "dialogue symmetric communication" between state power and society, a theoretical basis for which it is possible to develop within the framework of the legal communication theory.

IN THE SYSTEM OF SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS The Problem of Ukrainian Army's Strategic Communi- cations Formation in the Context of NATO Documents

Наукові записки Інституту журналістики. Том 1 (74), 2019

The main purpose of this article is to investigate the possible gaps in the strategic communications system proposed by the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, trying to suggest also the ways to reconcile the possible divergences. Methodology. The study uses a comparative analysis to compare the key points of the Strategic Communications Concept of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine as well as the NATO Strategic Communications Concept. Based on the differences revealed by the method of ideal modeling, the accents are proposed that should be considered when making changes to the existing document and developing such normative legal acts. Results/Achievements. In 2017, the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine introduced the system of strategic communications as a response to Russian aggression at the state level. In this regard, a document called the Strategic Communications Concept of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine and the Armed Forces of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Concept) was signed, which was supposed to contain a technological approach to counteracting information challenges, risks and threats, in particular, in the context of ATO / OOS. However, this study showed that the document contained a number of omissions, in particular, the focus was on the issue of the audience of strategic communications, channels of distribution of key messages in accordance with the existing narrative, the narrative in particular, and the use of the latest technologies by the actors in implementation of strategic communications. Consequently,o we have proposed some emphasis for further improvement of this document, which should reflect strategic nature, and can be used to develop such normative acts in the case of information security.

Cultural Diplomacy in International Communications of Ukraine

Knowledge, Education, Law, Management, 2022

Artykuł poświęcono rozważeniu pojęcia dyplomacji kulturalnej jako ważnego aspektu stosunków międzynarodowych i globalizacji. Pojęcie dyplomacji kulturalnej jest uważane za dość szerokie i wieloaspektowe, ponieważ obejmuje interakcje i wymianę między różnymi kulturami, ludami, regionami i narodami. Dyplomacja kulturalna realizuje jednocześnie dwa ważne zadania: wykorzystanie kultury jako przedmiotu realizacji celów polityki zagranicznej państwa oraz prowadzenie dialogu międzykulturowego na drodze społeczno-kulturowego rozwoju społeczeństwa. Twierdzi się, że współczesne społeczeństwo znajduje się na etapie transformacji i modernizacji społeczno-kulturowej, zgodnie z którą kształtuje się nowa rzeczywistość kulturowa. Okres ten jest kontrowersyjny, ponieważ odrodzenie tradycji etnicznych w nowych warunkach nabiera modernizacyjnych cech społeczeństwa postindustrialnego. Procesy edukacji kulturowej nabierają nowego znaczenia w warunkach formowania się nowego typu społeczeństwa, w którym procesy komunikacyjne są podstawowe w Edukacji Społecznej. Podkreślono główne zadania ukraińskiej dyplomacji kulturalnej prezentacja kultury Ukrainy światowej publiczności oraz zapewnienie wymiany i interakcji z innymi kulturami. Przyczyni się to do lepszego zrozumienia, szacunku i akceptacji między narodami oraz pomoże nawiązać długoterminowe relacje i partnerstwa. Słowa kluczowe: kultura, dyplomacja kulturalna, dziedzictwo kulturowe, tożsamość narodowa, globalizacja, dialog międzykulturowy.

Business communication course in Russia: assessments and concerns

Verhnevolzhski Philological Bulletin

The article deals with the problem of teaching business communication in situations of starting professional activity, in situations related to employment and further professional education. Particular attention is paid to the forms of organizing vocational training in Russia. The authors determine the concept of modern business communication and its importance. Not only do the problems of communication attract considerable attention among people of different ages, professions and education, but, above all, they are an essential component of any specialist’s professional competence. A modern specialist needs knowledge in the field of business communications to be able to understand communication partners, establish contacts with them, conduct business conversations, negotiations, and master the basics of public speech. The features of business negotiations are described in the article. Negotiations is business communication with the aim of reaching a joint solution. Throughout our l...

Government crisis communications during the COVID 19 pandemic the case of Kazakhstan and Russia

Journal of Pedagogy, Psychology and Sociology of Eurasian National University (ENU) in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan; Vol. 134, Issue No.1 , 2021

Public awareness and communication with civil society in times of crisis, especially during the currently ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, has become of great importance to many governments, the media, the public and other crucial government stakeholders. Problems of disinformation along with the low levels of social trust towards state institutions have challenged many nation-state governments and brought them also at the same new opportunities and ways to solve their domestic problems. In this article, these particularly two issues are addressed by analyzing the decision-making process of states and in the context of top-down and bottom-up approaches. As a case study, official COVID-19 statistics and official factchecking web portals of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Russia were evaluated and considered. Social projects such as those of BizBirgemiz and MyVmeste were also taken analyzed and included in our comparative analysis in this paper. This article is divided into four parts. The first part concerns the introduction section. The second section introduces, describes and studies the case studies this paper will look at. In the third section, the discussion and analysis of the case studies follow. Last but not the least, the fourth section concludes our analysis with additional policy recommendations provided. Our analysis has shown that in almost all cases the topdown approach dominates for both countries of Russia and Kazakhstan, except for the so-called initiated social project MyVmeste, which followed rather a bottom-up-led path. Despite that, the paper shows us how crisis situations with the COVID-19 pandemic have become both catalysts for solving specific societal problems, such as disinformation issue and a source for detecting insufficient policy interventions, particularly in the cyber eralm.

Limitation of the Right to the Secret of Correspondence Under the Conditions of Martial State: Ukrainian Realities

Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences

The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the limitation of the right to secrecy of correspondence in the conditions of martial law in Ukraine and the world. Taking into account the current situation in Ukraine and the introduction of martial law throughout its territory, except for temporarily occupied regions, and the introduction of restrictions on certain human rights and freedoms, including the right to secrecy of correspondence, the research topic is extremely relevant. The author clarified the essence and conditions of the application of restrictions on human rights and freedoms in the conditions of martial law, analyzed the models of constitutional regulation of human rights and freedoms in the conditions of operation of special legal regimes, and determined the one that is inherent in Ukraine and the one that is considered the most appropriate for application. The article examines the legislation of foreign countries that limit the right to secrecy of corr...