Evolution of Ukrainian trade editions as components of the system of professional communications (original) (raw)

Typological Representativeness of Ukrainian Journals

Visnyk of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture

The relevance. Considering the representativeness of journals in the information space allows us to actualize the problem of the repertoire of modern Ukrainian printed media as an active communicator. The availability of journals with various typological characteristics allows us to assert the harmony and completeness of providing the informational needs of readers and the realization of the public purpose of the press. The purpose of the research is to study the peculiarities of the typological representativeness of domestic journal production in the regions of Ukraine. The methodology. Statistical, comparative methods and the method of generalization allowed identifying quantitative characteristics of the typological structure of journals and forming an objective basis for the study. Methods of analysis and synthesis were used to establish the peculiarities and regularities of the representativeness of journals in the domestic information space. Methods of description and visualiz...

Corporate Communications in Ukraine in the Conditions of the War with russia

Scientific Notes of Institute of Journalism , 2022

The study proves that corporate communications remain a strategically important area of management. At the beginning of a full-scale russian aggression, the Ukrainian companies sought not only to preserve the volume of communications but also to increase it. The priority group of stakeholders for them turned out to be the staff, as well as the customers, business partners, authorities and volunteer organizations. The most common topics are the company news, military assistance, volunteering and employee stories. The communication tonality has changed and is defined as optimistic, motivational, sincere and friendly. In the conditions of restrictions, the companies concentrated on using the social networks, groups and channels in messengers and corporate websites. The value of the research is in the fact that it contributes to expansion of understanding of the phenomenon of crisis corporate communications and, from a practical point of view, directs the companies to search for such approaches and methods of dialogue with stakeholders that help businesses to survive during the war.

Ukrainian Topics in Slovak Periodicals at Turn of the 20th Century

Академічний журнал "Слово і Час", 2019

The article focuses on the representation of Ukrainian topics in Slovak journals, mainly in “Hlas” (‘Voice’). This periodical had a subtitle “Mesačník pre literatúru, politika a sociálne otázky” (Monthly on literature, politics and social issues) and appeared in 1898–1904. “Hlas” is considered to be the publishing platform of liberally oriented Slovak youth, who opposed the conservative policy of the Center of National Life in Martin, led by S. H. Vajanský. Just as with other key ideological issues (Czechoslovakism, Russophilism, political activity), Vajanský’s reception and understanding of Ukrainian issues significantly differed from those of the younger generation. ‘Ukrainian theme’ usually got into the journal “Hlas” indirectly, through the links to ‘Slovanský přehled’ (‘Slavic Review’) journal. “Hlas” paid considerable attention to social problems. Such issues as migration, the influence of magyarization on the educational system and level of literacy among ‘rusyns’ were often...

Influence of Professional Seminars, Trainings for Publishers on the Level of Publishing Culture of Textbooks for The New Ukrainian School

VI Tyktor’s Readings “Publishing in Ukraine: At the Crossroads of Traditions and Innovations”. Proceedings of International scientific-practical conference, 2021

Based on a comparative analysis of the publishing culture of textbooks for 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades of the New School, it is revealed how professional seminars for publishers and textbook editors discuss the problems of publishing culture of textbooks for 1st grade (November 2018, March 2019) and for the 2nd grade (June 2019) influenced the quality of editorial and publishing preparation of textbooks for the third grade of the New Ukrainian School.

Intercultural Communication in the Ukrainian Information Space (On the Example of a Magazine Travel Essay)


Ковальова Т. В. ВСТУП Сьогодні інформаційна ситуація в Україні відбиває зміни й еволюцію всіх сфер соціокультурної та суспільно-політичної комунікації. Вагомим є усвідомлення того, що від медіадискурсу залежить, на засадах яких міжкультурних та національних цінностей буде сформована суспільна свідомість її народу. Сучасний інформаційний простір формується як під впливом світової масово-комунікативної ситуації, так і на традиціях радянської журналістики. Питання національної ідентичності та міжкультурної комунікації на часі є важливими та актуальними, такими, що потребують розгляду. Явище медіадискурсу сприяє «культурному взаємозбагаченню народів, мешканців як однієї країни, так і в міжкультурному світовому просторі» 1. Дослідження подорожнього нарису як медіатексту базується на розгляді міжкультурної комунікації через етнічні, релігійні, соціальні чинники. Отже, автор і герой в подорожньому нарисі пов'язані з особливістю функціонування та значенням медійних впливів системи ЗМІ, яка зароджувалася і формувалася у відповідний історичний період, на сучасний медіатекст. Ситуація, що склалася в українських медіа сьогодні, потребує осмислення. Таким чином, пожвавлюється інтерес учених до певних історичних періодів існування медіа, зокрема радянсько-партійної преси часів її становлення, де принагідно розглядається й людина в масмедійному просторі.

State of trade relations of Ukraine with some countries of the post-Soviet space


The article attempts to determine the current state of trade relations with some countries of the post-Soviet space. The article is of an overview nature. The article determines that the Russian Federation continues to be one of the most significant trading partners of Ukraine, despite attempts to terminate the agreement from such a partnership. The article states that cooperation with the European Union for Ukraine is an important condition for its integration into the world community, one of the aspects of the success of democratic transformations and the transition to full-fledged market relations, especially now that the EU has become Europe’s largest center for economic and political development, an example of completely new relations between states. It is determined that trade and economic cooperation between Ukraine and Latvia is one of the fundamental foundations of bilateral relations. A gradual increase in the foreign trade turnover between Ukraine and Latvia is now foreca...

Unrealized publishing projects of the Ukrainian genealogical and heraldic society

Naukovì pracì Kam'ânecʹ-Podìlʹsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìmenì Ìvana Ogìênka. Ìstoričnì nauki, 2024

UNREALIZED PUBLISHING PROJECTS OF THE UKRAINIAN GENEALOGICAL AND HERALDIC SOCIETY Abstract: Th e purpose of the research is determined by the necessity to identify, research, and analyze unrealized publishing projects of the Ukrainian Genealogical and Heraldic Society, which was created and operated in the environment of Ukrainian scientifi c emigration: “Scientifi Collection of Works” and “Bibliographic Index of Ukrainian Emblematics”. Th e research methodology is based on the principles of historicity, objectivity, systematicity, and scientifi city. The research used general scientifi c (analysis and synthesis, classifi cation) and historical (problematic-historical, comparative, chronological) methods. Th e scientifi c novelty is that for the fi rst time unrealized publishing projects of the Ukrainian Genealogical and Heraldic Society, which could have an impact on the development of contemporary Ukrainian heraldry, genealogy, sphragistics, and vexillology, will be highlighted. Conclusions. Among the many tasks of the Ukrainian Genealogical and Heraldic Society were publishing projects, the implementation of which directly depended on the fi nancial situation. Although the necessary materials were collected for the “Scientifi c Collection of Works”, it was never published. Because of this, part of these texts were published on the pages of the UHA edition of Th e Ukrainian Historian journal. During 1969-1971, the Society began work on the preparation of the publication “Bibliographic Index of Ukrainian Emblems”, which was supposed to contain more than 1,000 items of literature. However, only eight issues were published in a limited edition for members of the Society, which are of great importance today, because they systematized information on scientifi c works and research in the field of Ukrainian heraldry, sphragistics, vexillology, and numismatics for the first time. Th e unrealized publishing projects of the Society testifi ed to objective problems that prevented historical science in the diaspora from developing to its full potential. Today, the analysis of the scientifi c and publishing activities of the Society and the republishing of individual works of the Society’s members is of great importance for Ukrainian heraldry and genealogy.

Review of the Monograph by L. V. Hubytskyy «Trade of Kyiv Province (1793–1861)». Kyiv: KNUTE, 2018. – 388 p.»

Ethnic History of European Nations

The monograph by L. V. Hubytskyy «Trade of Kyiv province (1793–1861)» was reviewed. It is noted that the peer-reviewed monograph is the first comprehensive study of the history of trade in the Kyiv province in historiography. It outlines the property, demographic, social changes in the merchant class, describes in detail the transformation of the trade strata as the basis of a new leading state of society. New tasks that arose before the trading system of Kyiv and the province in the late XVIII – first half of the XIX century, and the means and methods of their solution are described. It is shown how the trading system provided the income of the provincial, city and private farms and compares the income from trade in food and non-food products. Regularities of evolution of periodic provincial trade are established and analyzed; transformations of constant trade as a system are revealed, it is substantiated when and how feedback affected the credit and financial system and what was t...