Shaping an Identity as the Main Developmental Task of Youth in the Contemporary Socio-Cultural Reality (original) (raw)

Identity Versus Identity Confusion in Adolescent Life


Transformations that occur throughout the teenager's personality structure have particularly important implications: Physiological maturation, the development of the ability to know, the emergence of new desires and feelings are treated in this article. These give the teenager the impression that he is a totally new person, different from the child that was until recently. Abandoning the old identity sometimes creates the feeling of void, lack of landmarks and disorientation. In order to balance and rediscover himself, he seeks new identifications, new patterns of personality to relate to. Thus, the teenager gradually becomes aware not only of what he is, but also of what he can become. IDENTITATE VERSUS CONFUZIE DE IDENTITATE IN VIAȚA ADOLESCENULUI In articol sunt abordate transformările care se produc in intreaga structură a personalităţii adolescentului și care au implicaţii deosebit de importante: maturizarea fiziologică, dezvoltarea capacităţii de cunoastere, apariţia de no...

Youth identity styles - presentation of research results


According to EH Erikson (2004), identity formation is one of the most important tasks of adolescence. According to the latest research results, we know that identity is not a permanent, unchanging construct, but is shaped subject to various influences, especially cultural and socioeconomic influences, and not only during adolescence, but also in subsequent stages of adulthood. The formation of identity is a process that produces a lot of challenges, limitations and conflicts, the experience of which can trigger different ways of dealing with them. These methods are called identity processing styles or identity processing orientations. The article presents the results of my research into understanding the identity styles of young people attending public upper secondary schools in Bydgoszcz (N=1.541). These styles were studied based on the socio-cognitive concept of Michael Berzonsky, according to which identity styles are understood as individual preferences when shaping personal identity, as well as the conflicts that arise during its shaping. M. Berzonsky (2005; 2011) uses the term identity style and identity orientation interchangeably, emphasising that he has in mind the organisation of identity processing strategy. His Identity Styles Model assumes differences in how young people deal with the task of shaping, maintaining and changing their identity, or how they avoid doing so. Within the model, three identity styles are distinguished: informative, normative and diffuse-avoidant, as well as the important factor known as commitment, which provides the individual with a sense of purpose and direction. In my research, these styles were measured based on the Polish adaptation of the ISI-5 Identity 1 The research results presented in this article are a description of a fragment of extensive research that was carried out as part of the research project: The phenomenon of lifestreaming as a way to search for and build the identity of young people. Research on the identity statuses and styles of identity of young people and their excessive use of social networks was carried out in the period from

Analyses Of Socio-Cognitive Identity Styles By Slovak Adolescents


The contribution deals with analysis of identity style at adolescents (N=463) at the age from 16 to 19 (the average age is 17,7 years). We used the Identity Style Inventory by Berzonsky, distinguishing three basic, measured identity styles: informational, normative, diffuse-avoidant identity style and also commitment. The informational identity style influencing on personal adaptability, coping strategies, quality of life and the normative identity style, it means the style in which an individual takes on models of authorities at self-defining were found to have the highest representation in the studied group of adolescents by higher scores at girls in comparison with boys. The normative identity style positively correlates with the informational identity style. The diffuse-avoidant identity style was found to be positively associated with maladaptive decisional strategies, neuroticism and depressive reactions. There is the style, in which the individual shifts aside defining his pe...

Assessing Identity in Adolescence: A Psychometric Study

Identity is one the most critical concepts of the developmental psychology, yet it is quite elusive. This paper explores the structure of identity in a sample of adolescents from a collectivistic culture. The construct of identity was explored from 30 adolescents (15 Boys and 15 Girls) with the age range of 13-18 years through open-ended interviews. A final list of 39 items was piloted on the 20 adolescents. Finally,400 (50% Boys and 50% Girls) with the age range of13-18 years (M=14.37, SD=1.23) adolescents were selected through a stratified sampling and the Identity Scale for Adolescents (ISA), Demographic Performa, the School Children Problem Scale (Saleem & Mahmood, 2011) and the Identity Scale Inventory-V (ISI-V, Berzonsky et al,. 2013) were given to them. Exploratory Factor analysis of ISA yielded three factors Positive Self Identity, Negative Self Identity, and Arrogant Self Identity. Confirmatory Factor Analysis confirmed the 3 factor solution with 17 items. ISA was found to have a high internal consistency, convergent validity, discriminant validity and split half reliability. Results are discussed in terms of cultural and counseling implications of the construct of identity. 

Uncovering the Identity Conditions of High School Students

International Journal of Applied Counseling and Social Sciences, 2021

This study aims to analyze the identity of high school students based on four levels of status (identity diffusion, identity foreclosure, identity moratorium, and identity achievement). Self-identity is very important because the task of development at that time is to adapt to changes that exist in oneself. Teens who experience an identity crisis show that they are trying to find their identity. Therefore, adolescents need help to improve their identity. This study aims to describe the identity of students. The sample in this study consisted of 240 high school students who were selected by proportional random sampling. The instrument used was a self-identity scale. The instrument used has been tested for validity and reliability. Data analysis in this study used a quantitative approach with descriptive methods. The results showed that identity diffusion was in the high category 33.85 (81 students), identity foreclosure was in the high category 10.8% (26 students), identity moratoriu...

"According to Erik Erikson's psycho-social development theory concept identity and identity confusion in adolescence". (Erik Erikson'un psiko-sosyal gelişim kuramına göre ergenlik döneminde kimlik kavramı ve kimlik karmaşası).

І. International symposium humanitarian discourse of muticultural world: Science, education, communication, 24-26 April 2018, Kiev/UKRAIN)., 2018

Erikson has complimentaıy descriptions of personality and view mankind as a social being in nature, having a desire to belong and motivated for significance in their social environment in order to handle with inferiority. Also suggests that four main areas should be taken in consideration during the counseling process: Work, friendship, sexual love, and optimism. Erikson's key identity concepts: Identification, identity formation process, identity achievement, identity crisis. Erikson acknowledges the importance of personality development during childhood and also individual's personality may develop in a process involving ali defend life. But this development process is not so easy also individual is bound to live binary, opposite confiicts. According to Erikson crisis consisting of eight phases contain in each period (turning points) must be overcame in a healthy way. Each stage is binary because it represents two opposite poles. Erikson elaborated the stages and embrace the whole life with his psychosocial theory. Erikson has accented the theme of socio-cultural influences in human development. Erikson stressed the development of self-identity within a social context that provides an orientation toward or against constructive communal living. Erikson believed that human beings are rational creatures and their thoughts, feelings, and actions are largely controlled by the ego. Erikson consider the social as well as the creative self or ego processes as being not less important than biological-self. Erikson designated development as the evolution of "ego identity". The environment that children live in was one of the important aspects of his theories. Erikson in his studies, focused gave importance to child development in terms of interpersonal and cultural influences. Besides, Erikson, had emphasized the importance of the ability of social cooperation. According to Erikson, ego is their past. Each theorist advocates this by taking a different perspective from his own life. more than a medıator between the id and the superego. Erikson's developing "ego identity" incorporates structural influences, perceptions of the world and self, interpersonal orientations, and patterns of problem solving. Being a responsible and participating member of the society is often seen as a sign of maturity. By understanding the process of identity developement is better able to spot potential problems and provide early interventions that can result in better outcomes. As a result, Erikson focused specifically on "growth psychology", which makes Erikson assumed to be the members of the "third force" in psychology. in this handout, the basic concepts of Erikson's psychosocial model theory are summarized by focusing on the related aspects which in turn will contribute to the integration of that theory and psychological determinants of identity developement at the different life stages are researehed. Key words: Erik Erikson, identity, stages of psycho-social development, identity status, identity crisis, turning point.

Predictors of Student’s Search for Identity: Its Role and Effect on their Psychosocial Development

The study focuses mainly on the predictors of identity and its effect on the psychosocial development of adolescents. These factors that were found in the study are family and peers. Qualitative and quantitative research designs were used and 180 respondents participated in the study. It was known that adolescents have already acquired personal, relational, social and collective identities. They express their search for identity by facing three major issues; individual expression, autonomy and social pressure. It was also discovered that identity formation cannot be achieved by the end of adolescence because most of them are still in the state of moratorium and foreclosure.

Family factors of person’s identity development during adolescence and early adulthood

Social welfare : interdisciplinary approach

The article is devoted to the study of family factors of personal identity development during adolescence and early adulthood, families with “problem-free” and “deviant” teenagers and high-school students were taken as examples. It was revealed that these categories of children are signifi cantly different in terms of identity development, and their families are essentially different by the parameters of family solidarity and adaptation, by such characteristics of upbringing as positive interest, directive approach, hostility, autonomy, coherence of parents at upbringing.

Model of Self-Identification of Youth in the Global Communication Environment

International Journal of Criminology and Sociology, 2020

: Identity is the result of an identification process. The essence of the identification process is expressed in the acceptance of a certain social role by an individual in the process of entering a social group. The psychological meaning of the phenomenon of “identity” reflects the inner identity and integrity of an individual. This phenomenon can affect both an individual and a group. The novelty of the research is determined by the fact that important factors in the process of identity development are specific events in the past and present, periods of crisis and changes in the history of society. It is shown that the main psychological mechanism for the development of identity is identification associated with the interaction between an individual and a social group. The development of personality identity includes a number of types of identity and continues during ontogenesis, is a dynamic and uneven process. The authors show that the concept of national identity within the framework of various fields of psychological science can relate to a group and a person. The practical significance of the study is determined by the fact that in the study the authors understand national identity as the cognitive and emotional awareness of a person of his own belonging to a particular nation, which has its own characteristics. Student (late adolescence) age is decisive in the formation of a person's identity and sensitive for the development of his national identity. The psychological mechanism for the development of a person's national identity at this age is national identification. An insufficient study of the development of the national identity of student youth has been established.