Innovative Technologies and Learning (original) (raw)


Sociální pedagogika 2017. Rozvoj nebo krize společenství; perspektiva makro, mezo a mikrosociálního prostředí, 2017

[ENG] New technology is increasingly being used in Polish schools. It influences the way teachers conduct classes, the lesson plan and the process of acquiring knowledge. 214 high school students were studied in the research on new technology which has brought about changes in education. Data indicates that teachers more and more often incorporatenew technologies into the classroom. The students in question believe that technology has an enormous impact on the lesson plan and may greatly facilitate the process of learning. However, in their view, teachers do not useit efficiently enough. The research revealed a lot of interesting findings about changes in Polish schools resulting from the increased use of technology. One of them is related to the changing role of the teacher “at the end of the era of chalk”.

Relevance of technology in teachers’ learning and teaching

Learning is an on-going process and so is the innovation. Knowledge is an outcome of learning and technology is a result of innovation. Today, we belong to the networking age that surpass the communication age. In this age, the concept of education has become modern and elaborative. Now the focus has shifted from imparting knowledge to interaction, discussion and above all encouraging participation. It looks like teaching and technology or teaching with technology implies the dependency and integration of both on each other. This paper attempts to give an insight on how to integrate teaching with teachers learning for effective delivery of information and knowledge. The key focus of this paper is to find out the ways in which teachers can embrace their learning with the help of various tools of technology. And also how teachers can use technology to reach out to their students in most impressive style. To enable teachers to shift from their habitual approach to contemporary approach, Here the onus is on teachers’ to educate and impart knowledge in the most effective and efficient way. But this is only possible if their own education is able to strengthen their own knowledge. This paper describes the innovative approach adopted for the professional development of teachers. It focuses on integrating technology skills based on authentic learning situations. Through this paper an attempt is made to find out how Technology can play important role in both teachers education and teaching methods .how technology can be made interesting to use for learning over conventional methods. As a teacher the process of learning other than teaching become more imperative. It is cyclic in nature i.e. from learning to gaining to delivering to learning back. Where the exchange of knowledge will result in knowing something new not only for the students but for the teachers as well. This paper contains dynamics of teachers’ education integrating with technology both in their own learning and way of imparting it to students.

Information and Communication Technologies, Their Impact on the Teaching-Learning Process

Information and communication technologies allow human beings to develop their usual activities in less time, especially allowing teachers to carry out innovative educational activities. The objective of this research is to analyze the technological tools and their impact on the teaching-learning process of the "Aurelio Salazar" Educational Unit. The qualitative method was applied to study the depth levels of the teaching process, the inductive-deductive method to be able to deduce from what was studied the behavior of this methodology and its incidence in education, the bibliographic review. As an innovation of the teacher, there is the adoption of new technologies as an educational tool to achieve the realization of activities, managing to develop new knowledge and significant experiences for the student. It was obtained as a result that the PBL is one of the methodologies most used by teachers, which allows them to specify activities and projects with the help of technological tools, allowing them to effectively develop the skills of students, acquiring experiences that allow them to solve problems in your community in a responsible way, always practicing ethical and moral values.

Technology in Teaching and Learning in Romania

Education and New Developments 2022 – Volume 2, 2022

The pandemic caused by the novel Coronavirus has forcibly introduced digital technologies in the teaching and learning process all over the world. Even if teacher and students preparation for this way of teaching has not sufficient, all participants have succeeded in a rather short amount of time to adapt to online teaching and use the myriad of applications, websites and online teaching and learning platforms. The present article evidentiates the impact of digital technologies in education, therefore the study area that incorporates it is education technology. The idea from which this study originated is the way and rapidness that teachers managed to integrate digital technologies in teaching and to adapt their methods and strategies so that they combine all the advantages offered by online teaching with the contents to be taught. The main objective of the article has been the identification of the main applications, websites and platforms that the teachers consider useful, the level of usage during exclusive online teaching or hybrid teaching and the advantages and disadvantages of using digital resources on short-term and long-term. The research method is based on the teachers responses to the online questionnaire, on a qualitative research. The present study is structured in four main sections. The first section presents the context of introducing technologies in the teaching-learning process caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The second section consists of a list of applications, platforms and educational websites used by Romanian teachers during exclusive online teaching and learning and developing opportunities offered to students and teachers. The third section presents the opinions of teaching staff in a private school from Romania regarding the positive and negative impact of digital technologies over the teaching and learning process. The last section comprises conclusions & recommendations for the main stakeholders. The main results obtained following the research show that the teachers have used and continue to use a series of apps, websites and educational platforms in teaching, even if the teaching is hybrid or with physical presence. Using digital resources has advantages such as class interaction, high interest in children, but also disadvantages (such as limited resources, internet connectivity, increased time in preparing lessons).

Role of Digital Technology in Teaching-Learning Process

Digital technology has brought significant changes in the progression of society. The paradigm shift in education requires the modern teacher to play a role of digital networkers to bring creativity within students as change enablers by using smart tools. Real time use of smart classrooms and magnetic induction enabled board can generate technology powered knowledge exchange which can settled long in students' mind in the upliftment of teaching learning methodology. The availability of newer technology in digital era demands to improve the performances of all stakeholders of knowledge sharing in a seamless way. Teacher educator has to ensure safety, environment protection and sustainable management. The present paper highlights the issues and challenges related to digital use in teaching and learning which can be driving force in overcoming the obstacles and become successful technology users. To analyze the teachers' perception of the challenges faced in using digital tools in classrooms, a quantitative research design has been used to collect the data from the teacher educators from the state of Jharkhand. The questionnaire has been administered on male and female teachers from the key issues and challenges found to be significant in using the digital tools were: limited accessibility and network connection, limited technical support, lack of effective training, limited time and lack of teachers' competency. The result shows there is a significant difference in the use of digital tools by male teachers is higher than female teachers. The outcome of this research provides proper information and recommendation to those responsible for integrating the new technologies into the teaching and learning process. The result suggests that, growing up with technology, digital natives as B.Ed. teachers are savvy with basic and social-communication technologies. However, their technology proficiency is limited by both narrow scope and insufficient technology driven activities.

Impact of Using Technology on Teacher-Student Communication/Interaction: Improve Students Learning

World Journal of Education, 2019

This paper aims to investigate the teachers' and students' views on using technology and its effect on communication/interaction. As noteworthy results have been succeeded in educational technology in recent years, evaluating the effects of technology integration on communication is now possible. Moreover, the impact of technology on the teachers' and students' communication is considered important. The present study examines the factors or the impact of using technology between teacher-student communication/interaction in Turkey. This paper proposes both innovation diffusion theory (IDT) and integrating technology acceptance model (TAM) from educational communication perspectives. The case study method was used in the research. Case study is one of the qualitative approaches and requires in-depth analysis of a case resulting in a narrative description of behaviour or experience of a person or a group. The sample of this study consists of 95 participants (77 students and 18 teachers) from a secondary school in Bursa/Turkey. Semi-Structured interviews were carried out with the participants including issues; "using education technology on teacher and student technologies, the effect of using education technology and to improve teacher-student communication should be used asolution proposals for technologies in classrooms". Maxqda 11 program was used for the analysis of the interviews. As a result of the interviews, participants have been suggested to use tablets in classrooms, sound insulation, use of never ending pen and no ringtones. The findings show that the choice of educational technology is related to teachers' perception which is communication/interaction with the student can be enhanced using technology. However, the opposite is true for students. 1. Introduction In integration of technologies to community, different factors influencing communication/interaction might lead to the failure of the whole education. Despite the potential positive impact of educational technology, more research is needed to design appropriate usage of technology in schools (Akyürek, 2019, Dhir et al., 2013). For years instructional communication scholars have enacted how to use technologies appropriately (Jwaifell, 2018) between teachers and students with an aim to improve students learning and teaching effecttiveness. In consequence, the overarching aim of the present research is to explore in depth the teachers' and pupils' perceptions of the impact of educational technology on learning in primary education, and how these perceptions could influence the use of educational technology in the learning process. What types or forms of communications and interactions between students and teachers are to improve student learning? Therefore, this article explores the teachers' and students' views on using technology and its impact on communication and suggesting interaction pattern.

Technology and Education: Pedagogic Viewpoints

Technology has been increasingly developing in recent times of digital ecology. It is growing its importance in the education management system. The more technology is advancing, the more benefits it is providing. It is beneficial to students of all levels in a magnificent way. It provides benefits to teachers as well. Technology is used in the classrooms by instructors in a variety of ways. And, students understand easily and absorb whatever they are taught through the integration of technologies. In this way, teachers’ instructions become easier and more interesting. The teachers as well as the learners feel satisfied at the end of the class. Technology, today, has been incorporated into almost all curricula. Students use computers as well as the internet to complete their projects in no time. Researchers use the internet to carry out their research projects on a variety of topics. Hence, this chapter is just an introduction as to how digital learning can enhance a modern learner who is more inclined towards new learning and transformative pedagogies. It is a well known fact that the paradigm of education or learning has been passing through significant changes due to many reasons. One of the prominent reason is ubiquitous learning which is not feasible without the multimodal sources and digital connection. In other words, Tandem learning may be found as more compatible than any other kind. Today’s teaching-learning does not necessarily depend on the teacher-taught relationship, but peer learning can be more crucial in a specific environment.

The impact of modern technology in the teaching and learning process

International Journal of Innovative Research and Scientific Studies

The advancement of technology has had an influence on every part of our lives, from banking to the way we connect with one another. Indeed, technology has become an essential component of sustaining civilization, and its incorporation into education is consequently unavoidable. Technology not only gives students access to a plethora of online materials, but it also helps them study. The majority of colleges and educational institutions have already begun to use technology into their teaching techniques. This paper provides in-depth on the effect and impact of the modern technology in the teaching and learning process through reviewing various secondary data. Education has been transformed by technological advancements. The significance of technology in classrooms cannot be overstated. Indeed, the introduction of computers into education has made it simpler for instructors to transfer information and for pupils to retrieve it. The integration of technology into education ecosystem ha...

The Effect of the Use of Technology on the nature of Teacher’s Profession


Educational programmes have recognized the growing need to use computers in the classes as it presents unprecedented challenges that help the students to acquire an inquiring, critical and creative mind to capitalize on the opportunities driven by the growth of information, knowledge and technology. The computer knowledge has begun influencing student's learning experience for more than 25 years ago, but it was in a moderate manner (Cuban, 2001). However, the past decade has witnessed major trend toward integrating computer technology in all the language classes. The integration has increased because the computer technology represents an accessible and instant information, enormous potential for interactivity and media-rich communication, as well as educational tools which engage the students in the classroom (Mouza, 2002). Undoubtedly the recent advancement in information technology and computer usage in the classroom is rapidly transforming the environment of the classroom. The teachers cannot ignore the reality the today's classroom must provide technology-supported learning (Angers & Machtmes, 2005). Being prepared to integrate the technology in the classroom has become a paramount skill in every teacher's professional repertoires. The traditional role of the teacher as the center of the schooling is changing recently with all the introduction of the new technologies in the classroom. One of the effects of the new technologies is the decentralization of teachers in the learning environment (Damrian, 1998). This introduces a very valid point of how the teaching profession will change in the era of digital technologies. What is the role of the teacher in a classroom where he/she is no longer the only source of knowledge? How can he/ she teach effectively in a class, where every student has his/her computer and can Google any piece of information? The following study will investigate the effect of the implementation of the technology in the English as a foreign language (EFL) classes on the nature of the teachers' profession.

11.The Role of Teacher and Technology in Perspective of Classroom Teaching

Classroom teaching is a demanding job. Teacher spends most of his time in teaching. Teacher is responsible for many tasks in the classroom teaching. Teacher plans and implement the instructions. He plays the role of managers, psychologists, counselors, custodians, communicators, social ambassadors and entertainers.