Implementation of Islamic religious learning education to increase intra-religious tolerance behavior (original) (raw)
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Implementation of PAI Learning Design in Developing Religious Tolerance in Public High Schools
Tafkir: Interdisciplinary Journal of Islamic Education
This article aims to describe and analyze the urgency and implementation of PAI learning design in developing religious tolerance at SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean Gresik. The research method used in this article is qualitative with a case study approach. Data collection techniques using interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the research are that there are 3 stages in the implementation of PAI learning design in developing religious tolerance at SMA Negeri 1 Kedamean, namely planning, implementation, and evaluation. This research can help increase students' understanding of other religions so that they are able to respect differences in beliefs. This research can provide learning experiences that can help students develop empathy towards individuals from various religious backgrounds. By understanding the values of tolerance, students can be better able to prevent religious discrimination in society. Religious tolerance education needs to be given to students as earl...
It is inevitable that in a multi-religious community, there are conflicts often happening between people with different religions. Therefore, it is a need to identify the learning material to establish undesrtanding through interfaith activities. Thre reserach was conducted in State Senior High School 9 of Manado, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. This paper shows that school environment that is conducive for embedding values of religious tolerance. The realization of collaboration among the school community leads to the better tolerant life. These activities, non-Muslim students are participating and respecting each other. Muslim students are given times and direction for doing prayers such as dhuha as sunnah prayer and dhuhur and ashar as obligatory prayers. In fact, the result shows that that there has no conflict occurred which is caused by intolerance. Moreover, inhibiting factors of embedding process of values of religious tolerance in Islamic education in Public Senior High School 9 of Manado are, among others, levels of students' capability and emotional maturity which are not similar, the lack of teachers of Islamic, Catholic, Hindu and Buddhist educations, as well as the place for learning Islamic lesson is still functioned as musholla.
The plural religious phenomenon has shown the goodness perspective and the diversity universally and inclusively. The emergence of this thought, obviously, will replace products of religious doctrines for the people who believe that the truest religion is a specific religion embraced by specific people while the others are false. The research was conducted in Manado, North Sulawesi of Indonesia where minority Muslim exists. In the context of multireligious society, Islamic education taught in schools is required to embed values of religious tolerance. This paper discusses the embedding process of the values of religious tolerance within Islamic lesson in senior high school of Manado. The learning processes allow students chances to practice their religious lessons appropriately with their respective religions. In addition, they have the opportunity in creating learning atmosphere with religious diversity, building mutual trust among them, keeping mutual understanding each other, upholding mutual love, going deep into materials about tolerance and guiding and giving motivation to the students in doing activities relating to tolerance as by not differentiate Muslim and non-Muslim students.
Sunan Kalijaga: International Journal of Islamic Civilization, 2019
This study is motivated by the rampant cases and the spread of intolerant and radical understanding. The cases of intolerance and radicalization even occur to students who should possess a tolerant religious understanding and not get caught up in the indoctrination of religious violence. This study aims to analyze the correlation between PAI learning outcomes and religious tolerance. It applies a causal design and quantitative approach with survey method. The population of UPI Bumi Siliwangi is 24.340 students. The data is collected by utilizing probality sampling technique (cluster sampling). There are 344 respondents and questionnaires are served as the research instrument. Then, the data is analyzed by using descriptive and inferential analysis with the assistance of SPSS. The results of this study indicate that the learning outcomes of UPI students mostly get A is at the level of 45,9%. Religious tolerance of UPI students is generally at the most tolerant level of 61,63%. Tolera...
Pengaruh Hasil Belajar Mata Pelajaran Pendidikan Agama Islam Terhadap Sikap Toleransi
AL-FIKR: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2017
This study discusses "The Effect of Learning Outcomes of Islamic Religious Education Subjects to the Tolerance Attitudes of Class XI Computer Network Engineering Students at SMK Negeri 1 Kota Sorong". The purpose of this research is to find out and describe the description of students' tolerance attitudes and the effect of learning outcomes of Islamic religious education subjects on the tolerance attitude of XI grade students of Computer Network Engineering at SMK Negeri 1 Sorong City. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach and the type of this research is ex post facto quantitative. The population in this study were all class XI Computer Network Engineering totaling 79 students. The sample in this study was class XI Computer Engineering Network 3 and 4, amounting to 30 students. The instrument used in this study was a questionnaire using a Likert scale. The collected data is then processed using the help of the SPSS application program for windows type 20. Based on the results of the analysis with the help of SPSS applications for windows type 20, the results show that the tolerance image of XI grade students of Computer Network Engineering is in the "good" category, which is located at intervals of 57-59, with an average of 56.07; there is a significant influence between learning outcomes of Islamic religious education subjects on student tolerance, this is indicated by a rxy value of 0.573; the coefficient of determination r2 (xy) of 0.328 and tcount of 3.698> ttable (0.3610). Based on the r2xy determination coefficient of 0.328, it is understood that 32.8% of students' tolerance attitude is influenced by learning outcomes of Islamic religious education subjects, the remaining 67.2% is influenced by other factors not disclosed in this study.
The trend of escalation religious intolerance in many countries to be a potential trigger proliferation of disputes and conflicts, in which it will have an impact on security and stability threats, deterioration of economic aspects, social-cultural and even may affect on the destruction of civilization of a country. Indonesia, the country with the largest degree of heterogeneity in the world that has diverse ethnicities, cultures, customs, language, religions, must continue to build and develop an attitude of tolerance, particularly religious tolerance. Islamic Boarding School as an Islamic educational institution, a place of propaganda and dissemination of religious teachings of Islam, are expected to to build and develop an attitude of religious tolerance to their students more optimally. An enhancement of religious tolerance attitude of students conducted through a learning management by implementing a variety of learning theory and comprehensively via methods of sorogan, bandongan, fathul kutub, muhawarah, mudzakaroh and memorization which is based on ukhrawi. While the effectiveness of classroom management carried out by making the students as learning subjects so it motivate students in the development of their cognitive, affective and psychomotor. Pupils that have a tolerance are expected to uphold the attitude of respect, appreciate, recognize and simplify to preaching in public.
Interreligious Education Model in Senior High School (Sma) Bopkri 1 Yogyakarta
Sunan Kalijaga International Journal on Islamic Educational Research, 2019
Abstract: Religious education at all levels of institutions are generally still dwelled on the perspective of the internal circle, intended for the internal, and less responsive to social changes. In other words, religious education is still monoreligious, so that institutions and religious communities are often stuttered toward the diversity and changes. In fact, the monoreligious model does not accept other people who are different. It does not foster a sensitivity on how to think, how to live and the needs of others who are a different religion. Such a model of religious education raises a wide impact on the mindset and attitude of religious students, one of which could potentially give rise to attitudes of intolerance. Therefore, it is necessary the presence of a renewal model of religious education that allows students to more insightful open to differences and diversity of religions. This research aims to know the implementation of the interreligious model in religious educat...
This research discusses the internalization of tolerance values at two educational institutions in Bajawa, East Nusa Tenggara, namely Catholic Elementary School (Sekolah Dasar Katolik) Tanalodu or SDK Tanalodu and Islamic Elementary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) Al-Ghuraba or MI Al-Ghubara. It used a qualitative approach. Data were collected through in-depth interview and observation. This research found the following results: first, the internalization of tolerance values at SDK Tanalodu and MI Al-Ghuraba, including: togetherness, mutual respect, love, help and mutual care. Second, the f teachers’ strategies in teaching religious tolerance, includes exemplary, habituation, appreciation, and warning, telling wisdom stories, and role playing. Third, the impact of internalizing of religious tolerance values at Catholic Elementary School Tanalodu and MI Al-Ghuraba can provide a dynamic space for teachers and students to communicate with each other and respect differences. The implicatio...
Didaktika Religia, 2019
This study discusses the effectiveness of learning Islamic Education in a broad sense. The effectiveness is also supported by the role of school principal who is very active even though the principal is of different religion. Various learning activities in schools are facilitated and evaluated very well. Learning that takes place in the classroom is more dominant using the demonstration method because it is considered easier. In addition, among the learning activities that are quite visible are BTQ Extracurricular activities with Tilawati Method where this activity takes tutors from other institutions that require substantial funds. The other activities, namely PHBI, were actively commemorated, especially in the Commemoration of Eid al-Adha, which was never absent to slaughter Qurban animals. Various perspectives that say religion will influence a policy in this school do not happen the principal is very wise in deciding a decision. Religious teachers here always establish good comm...
Tolerance Management in Oikumene Senior High School As Strengthening Religious Moderation
The research objective was to see the management of tolerance in Oikumene Senior High School (SMA Oikumene) as strengthening religious moderation in terms of strengthening the experience and understanding of religion for the school community. This research is a qualitative research to describe the phenomenon of research findings with the tendency of inductive analysis with a descriptive approach to data collection which uses observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was carried out systematically which included organizing data, categorizing data, and interpreting it according to the meaning and forms of reporting then presented descriptively qualitatively. Strengthening religious tolerance of SMA Oikumene Kendari through respect for religious holidays and commemorating them, programs of faith and piety activities, equality of ethnicity, religion, and culture, equality of duties and functions of teachers from various religions, strengthening of egalitarian religions, ...