The impact of Patient and Public Involvement in the SlowMo study: Reflections on peer innovation (original) (raw)

SlowMo, a digital therapy targeting reasoning in paranoia, versus treatment as usual in the treatment of people who fear harm from others: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial

Trials, 2017

Paranoia is one of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia-spectrum disorders, and is associated with significant distress and disruption to the person's life. Developing more effective and accessible psychological interventions for paranoia is a clinical priority. Our research team has approached this challenge in two main ways: firstly, by adopting an interventionist causal approach to increase effectiveness and secondly, by incorporating user-centred inclusive design methods to enhance accessibility and usability. Our resultant new digital intervention, SlowMo, intensively targets a reasoning style associated with paranoia, fast thinking, characterised by jumping to conclusions and belief inflexibility. It consists of an easy-to-use, enjoyable and memorable digital interface. An interactive web-based app facilitates delivery of face-to-face meetings which is then synchronised with an innovative mobile app for use in daily life. We aim to test the clinical efficacy of SlowMo...

Using the 4 Pi National Involvement Standards as a framework to engage service users / patients : A quality improvement perspective


s from the NIHR INVOLVE Conference 2017 London, UK. 28 November 2017 Published: 28 November 2017 O2 Learning from Other Fields: can arts based approaches improve the diversity of involvement? Delia Muir ( Leeds Institute of Clinical Trials Research, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK Research Involvement and Engagement 2017, 3(Suppl 1):O2 Aims During this presentation we will share learning from a Wellcome Trust Engagement Fellowship. We will present examples of artsbased public involvement activities, including a sculpture project with young people and a play about dementia. We aim to raise awareness of what public involvement can gain from the arts; stimulate discussion about the pros and cons of different approaches; and discuss how to encourage more creativity within public involvement. Why is it important and to whom? Public involvement has been criticised for a lack of diversity and inclusivity. By diversifying the involvement activities which we offer, we may...

Abstracts from the NIHR INVOLVE Conference 2017


All abstracts from the NIHR INVOLVE Conference 2017. Poster 27 - P27 Discovering the role of public co-applicant on a National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Programme grant Research Involvement and Engagement 2017, 3(Suppl 1):P27

Developing involvement during a programme of recovery research

The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice, 2016

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to consider the process of working with a Lived Experience Advisory Group (LEAP) and its outcomes in REFOCUS, a large five-year programme of recovery research. Design/methodology/approach Narrative reflections on the experience of working with LEAP were collected from five members and the chair of LEAP, two REFOCUS researchers and the principal investigator. These were synthesised to show both the process and outcomes of LEAP involvement in REFOCUS, and how involvement evolved organically over time. Findings Individual reflective accounts showed how working with LEAP impacted (to a greater or lesser extent) on each individual involved in the process, providing new insights and influencing, to varying degrees, the way in which they then worked with LEAP. Synthesis of the reflections showed how these changes impacted organically on LEAP’s process of involvement, with a shift in LEAP’s role from being purely consultative/advisory towards one which w...

Developing a toolkit for patient and public involvement in antimicrobial medicines development research: Breaking new ground

Research Involvement and Engagement, 2017

Aims Patient and public involvement (PPI) in antimicrobial medicines development research is a new and challenging area. We aim to share some of the barriers and strategies to developing a toolkit to support PPI in this area. The PPI toolkit development is part of COMBACTE-MAGNET, a European project funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking ( to seek new ways of treating multi-resistant bacterial infections. Why is it important and to whom? There is currently no literature focusing on PPI in antimicrobial medicines development research. The toolkit addresses the need for evidence-based guidance on how to carry out PPI throughout the antimicrobial medicines development lifecycle. Learning from the toolkit development process will be important to researchers, PPI leads, and patient and public contributors who are interested in developing PPI in new and/or challenging clinical areas. What difference has, or could, this project make? The toolkit w...

Developing decision support tools incorporating personalised predictions of likely visual benefit versus harm for cataract surgery: research programme

Programme Grants for Applied Research

Background Surgery for established cataract is highly cost-effective and uncontroversial, yet uncertainty remains for individuals about when to proceed and when to delay surgery during the earlier stages of cataract. Objective We aimed to improve decision-making for cataract surgery through the development of evidence-based clinical tools that provide general information and personalised risk/benefit information. Design We used a mixed methodology consisting of four work packages. Work package 1 involved the development and psychometric validation of a brief, patient self-reported measure of visual difficulty from cataract and its relief from surgery, named Cataract Patient-Reported Outcome Measure, five items (Cat-PROM5). Work package 2 involved the review and refinement of risk models for adverse surgical events (posterior capsule rupture and visual acuity loss related to cataract surgery). Work package 3 involved the development of prediction models for the Cat-PROM5-based self-r...