Effect of Discharge Current and Electrode Size on Material Removal Rate and Wear Ratio in Electrical Discharge Machining (original) (raw)

Study the Effect of Electrode Wear Weight (EWW) in Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM)


Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is one of the earliest non-conventional manufacturing processes based on thermo-electr ic energy which removing material from a part by electrical discharges between the tools called electrode and the part being machined in the dielectric fluid called workpiece. One of the most important performance measures in electrical discharge machining (EDM) process are the electrode wear weight(EWW). In the present work an experiments has been done to evaluate the rapidity of wear weight electrode of different material (Copper, Brass and Steel) under the same machining condition to analyze the effect of electrode material and the current on electrode wear weight.

Determination of Material Removal Rate in Electro Discharge Machining through Copper Electrode

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology, 2021

In the present manufacturing area, Electro discharge machining is one of the most emerging area for production of various components. Electro-discharge machining (EDM) is a thermoelectric process which utilizes the heat energy generated by spark to remove the material from the surface of work-piece. In the EDM process material removal takes place from both tool material and work-piece. The material removal rate depends upon the work-piece material, tool material and machining variables. Materials having low melting point having high material removal rate and hence lower surface finish. It is found that with increase in pulse current and constant pulse-on-time material removal rates increases but it affects the surface finish of material. EDM efficiency can be increased by supplying the oxygen gas between the spark gap and stack removal rate can be increased by increasing the volume of discharge crater and regular occurrence of discharges. The only limitation in the EDM is that the work-piece and the tool material both should be electrically conductive. The electrical energy converted into the thermal energy by series of the electric discharge that occurred between the work-piece and tool which are immersed into the dielectric fluid. The plasma channel is generated by thermal energy between anode and cathode. The plasma channel is generated at a temperature range of 8000-1200°C. Sometimes it is nearly about 20,000°C which is too high and can machine any material. The location of electric spark which is generated by heat energy is determined by the narrowest gap between the tool and work-piece. Duration for each spark is very short. The frequency for each spark is high as thousands sparks per second. However, spark radius is very small and the temperature in the spark zone is very high. This temperature of spark is capable for partially vaporize and melting the material from both the work-piece and tool material. The volume of material removal per discharge from the work-piece depends upon the specific applications and it is ranging from 10-6-10-4 mm 3. The material removed from the surface of work-piece is in the form of craters which is all overspread on the work-piece. Craters sizes are highly influenced by the value of current. Machining of Titanium alloy is carried out using EDM process. This paper presents evaluation and study of Material removal rate of titanium alloy using copper electrode in electro discharge machining process.

Experimental Investigation Of Performance Of Different Electrode Materials In Electro Discharge Machining For Material Removal Rate And Surface Roughness


Abstract: Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is now a well-established machining option in many industries. EN-9 is an important tool mainly because of its high hardness, strength, wear resistance and high melting point. Normally, EDM is capable of machining geometrically complex or hard material component, that are precise and difficult to machine. The objective of this research is to study the performance of different electrode Materials on EN-9 workpiece with EDM process. Approach: The electrode materials were graphite, copper and Brass. The important parameters were peak current, pulse on time, pulse off. A workpiece material was EN-9. Results: The results show that the Graphite electrode gives higher MRR than other two Electrodes. Brass electrode gives better surface finishing among three electrodes. Powder electrode gives the better MRR and high SR more than solid electrode.

A Review-Electrical Discharge Machining


Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the earliest non-traditional machining processes. EDM process is based on thermoelectric energy between the work piece and an electrode. Amongst the various machining processes EDM is one of the most attractive alternatives for the industry due to its attractive attribute of not non-contact of tool and workpiece that leads to very little or no force exert in the tool and work piece. Electrical discharge machining is a process for shaping hard metals and forming deep complex shaped holes by spark erosion in all kinds of electro-conductive materials. In EDM, a process utilizing the removal phenomenon of electrical discharge in dielectric, the working fluid plays an important role affecting the material removal rate and the properties of the machined surface. Also, input parameters plays important role in determining the Material removal rate and surface quality. In this paper authors have reviewed the different types of electrical discharge machining, dielectric fluids used in the machining process and effect of peak current, voltage and pulse on time parameters on response parameters like material removal rate and tool wear rate. this research work carried out in the development of EDM within the past decades for the improvement of machining characteristics.


Electrical Discharge Machining is one of the non-conventional material removal process. It is widely used for manufacturing complex materials parts which are difficult to be machined by conventional manufacturing processes. It is based on thermoelectric energy between workpiece and electrode. Due to spark occurs in the gap between electrode and workpiece, metal is removed by melting and vaporizing. Workpiece and electrode must have electrically conductive to generate a spark. The performance of the EDM process is largely depends on the electrode. Electrode is considered as tool in EDM process. Selection of the electrode material plays vital role in the EDM process. Different electrode materials have different properties. Hence, the performance of the EDM process changes with different materials. Researchers have used different materials as electrode to investigate the effects of materials and to improve the performance of EDM process. This paper reviews the research work carried out in the field of materials and manufacturing methods for electrodes in EDM process.


Electrical discharge machining (EDM) is one of the most important non-traditional machining processes. The important process parameters in this technique are discharge pulse on time, discharge pulse off time and gap current. The values of these parameters significantly affect such machining outputs as material removal rate and electrodes wear. In this paper, an axisymmetric thermo-physical finite element model for the simulation of single sparks machining during electrical discharge machining (EDM) process is exhibited. The model has been solved using ANSYS 11.0 software. A transient thermal analysis assuming a Gaussian distribution heat source with temperature-dependent material properties has been used to investigate the temperature distribution. Further, single spark model was extended to simulate the second discharge. For multi-discharge machining material removal was calculated by calculating the number of pulses. Validation of model has been done by comparing the experimental results obtained under the same process parameters with the analytical results. A good agreement was found between the experimental results and the theoretical value.

A Comparison Study of Material Removal Rate in Electrical Discharge Machining Process by Using Finite Element Analysis and Experiment

ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT Generally the non-convectional machining processes use thermal source of energy for the material removal. Among them Electrical discharge machining (EDM) or spark erosion machining is most important one. The important process parameters in this technique are discharge pulse on time, discharge pulse off time current and gap voltage. The values of these parameters significantly affect such machining outputs as material removal rate. In the present research, an axisymmetric thermo-physical finite element model for the simulation of single sparks machining during electrical discharge machining (EDM) process is exhibited and the model has been solved by using ANSYS 11.0 software. A transient thermal analysis assuming a Gaussian distribution heat source with temperature-dependent material properties has been used to investigate the temperature distribution on the surface. Material removal rate was calculated for multi-discharge machining by taking into considerations...

Current Research Trends in Electrical Discharge Machining : A Review

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2023

One of the most widely utilised non-conventional exact material removal procedures is electrical discharge machining (EDM). Hard metals can be moulded using the electrical discharge machining (EDM) method, which uses arc erosion to create deep, intricately formed holes in all types of electroconductive materials. Between the work piece and the electrode, there is a tiny space where erosion pulse discharge takes place. By melting and vaporising the undesired material, this separates the parent metal from the unwanted stuff. The objectives of this new study are the same: to reduce tool wear and achieve enhanced surface quality while reducing metal removal rate. This study discusses the scientific work done from the beginning to the invention of die-sinking EDM, Water in EDM, and dry Electric discharge machining and powder-mixed EDM are also used. in the last ten years. Additionally, a brief description of the EDM research plan going forward is included.

Review on Effects of Electrode in Electrical Discharge Machining Process

https://www.ijrrjournal.com/IJRR\_Vol.8\_Issue.5\_May2021/IJRR-Abstract013.html, 2021

Electrical Discharge Machining is one of the non-conventional machining processes used for electrically conductive material. It is widely used for manufacturing complicated parts which are tough to be produced by conventional manufacturing processes. It is based on thermoelectric energy between workpiece and electrode. Metal is removed by melting and vaporizing because of spark occurs in the gap between electrode and workpiece. Workpiece and electrode must have electrically conductive to generate a spark. The performance of the EDM process is largely depends on the electrode. Electrode is considered as tool in EDM process. Selection of the electrode material plays vital role in the EDM process. Different electrode materials have different properties. Hence, the performance of the EDM process changes with different materials. Researchers have used different materials as electrode to investigate the effects of materials and to improve the performance of EDM process. This paper reviews the research work carried out in the field of materials and manufacturing methods for electrodes in EDM process.

Effect of Voltage on Electrode Wear Rate (EWR) in the Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) for Stainless Steel AISI 444

Engineering and Technology Journal

 Using low levels of machining parameters (voltage, Ip and Ton) to achieve low EWR.  According to Factorial Design, model fits the data was 97.65% and 97.83% for 140 and 240 V, respectively.  M athematical relationship between the input parameters and EWR has been gained for correlating EWR. Electrical Discharge M achining process (EDM) is a nontraditional metal removal technique that uses thermal energy to erode the workpiece without generating any physical forces of cutting between the tool and the machining part. It is used to cutting of hard and electrical conductivity materials and product intricate shapes of products. The aim of this work is to study the effect of changing voltage values on electrode wear rate (EWR). The machining parameters includes voltage (V), peak current (Ip), pulse duration (Ton) and finally, pulse interval (Toff). The results show that the EWR was increase with rising in voltage, peak current and pulse duration values but when the pulse interval value rises, the electrode wear rate reduce. The best (EWR) value was (0.093507) mm3/min that obtained at voltage (140) V, Ip (12) A, Ton (400) µs and Toff (12) µs.