Responsibility of the Holders of the Highest Offices in the State on the Example of Austrian Solutions (original) (raw)
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SCIENCE International Journal
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This text presents a broad range of aspects of Austrian law and legal culture for the purpose of comparison with other legal systems. In its second revised and enlarged edition it treats the following subjects: political history, the constitution, sources and interpretation of law, the political system, Austria and the European Union, legal education and legal professions, the courts, administrative adjudication, constitutional review, fundamental rights, criminal procedure, civil procedure, the Austrian civil code, private law, labour law, and the civil law tradition. These characteristic features have been selected in order to acquaint the foreign observer with some of the defining elements of Austrian law and legal development. Austrian students and practitioners, too, may find this approach helpful when it comes to explaining their law to others.
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Administrative Proceedings in the Habsburg Succession Countries
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O papel do Governo polonês na execução de acórdãos do Tribunal Europeu dos Direitos Humanos
The specificity of the Strasbourg judgments is versatile and concerns many different areas of social life that it is not possible to effectively adapt legal norms and apply their interpretation by one entity of public authority. It can be said with full conviction that the execution of judgments is a continuous process and will last as long as the European Court of Human Rights is functioning; surely it will not end with the completion of the most difficult cases. It is important for the national system for the protection of human rights to be very efficient in the context of the protection of human rights. If, however, there is a violation of the norms of international agreements, Poland must be effective in meeting obligations such as the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. There are two aspects involved in fulfilling obligations under international law arising from the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The first one is t...
Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov: Series VII: Social Sciences, Law, 2018
In any state which, constitutionally, recognizes its democratic character, it is admitted that power belongs to the people. The way in which this power is organized and is exercised by the public authorities, as well as the relations between these authorities, differs from state to state. Lately, constitutional state practice has revealed the tendency of the executive power in particular to increase its role instead of the other two powers in this respect; we can observe the more active involvement of the executive power in the exercise of the legislative function, by the delegated legislation, a function which was officially attributed to the legislative power. Also, this genuine fight sometimes affects fundamental values, such as the rule of law and democracy.