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圖書資訊系統的演變與發展Evolutional Development of Library Information Systems

圖書資訊系統是圖書館作為徵集、組織與服務圖書資訊資源的重要工具,隨著資訊技術的發展,圖書資訊系統也從傳統的卡片目錄逐漸蛻變成不同的多元樣貌,如整合式圖書館系統、聯合目錄、電子資源管理系統、亞馬遜網路書店與Google圖書等。本文旨在探討圖書資訊系統的歷史發展與未來方向,採取個案研究為方法,以主要趨勢的演變歷程為主軸,依序選取4類14個案進行討論,分析各式圖書資訊系統的特色,進而從物件類型、物件精細度、資源範圍、組織方式、聚合方式、聚合資源、呈現方式、軟體導入模式、社會化線上目錄、設計方式、運作方式與取用方式等12種觀點提出研究發現與建議。Library information systems are an essential tool for libraries to acquire and organize information resources to deliver services to users. With advancement of information technologies, library information systems have also evolved from card catalogue into diverse ones, such as integrated library system, elec- tronic resource management system, Amazon.com and Google Books. This article aims to review the historical development of library information systems as a basis to explore the future landscape of library information systems. Case study is adopted as research methodology to analyze fourteen library informa- tion systems. Furthermore, research findings and discussions are organized in the following points: type,...