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AZERBAIJAN-GEORGIA RELATIONS: HISTORY AND PRESENT (1918-2003) RESUME Relations between the Azerbaijani and Georgian peoples have ancient historical roots. Both nations and countries are united by geography, history, friendly neighborhood and common interests. The 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century have a special place in mutual relations. Within this chronological framework, the establishment and development of relations can be divided into the following periods: Relations between the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic and the Democratic Republic of Georgia in 1918-1920; Relations between the Azerbaijan Soviet Socialist Republic and the Democratic Republic of Georgia, established after the occupation of Azerbaijan by Bolshevik Russia in April 1920 and the end of state independence; Relations between the Georgian Soviet Socialist Republic and the Azerbaijani SSR, established in 1921 after the occupation and Sovietization of Georgia by Bolshevik Russia and the establishment of the USSR; Relations between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Georgia after the restoration of state independence in 1991. The relations that existed in these periods have a number of peculiarities. In 1918-1920, when the first states existed in the form of a republic, Azerbaijan and Georgia cooperated in the political, economic, financial, transport, defense and other spheres, acted together and allied in the face of the menace from the north and in foreign policy as a whole. The state independence of both nations was recognized by the Entente Supreme Council on the same day. In contrast, Armenia signed an agreement with General Denikin and acted against Georgia and Azerbaijan. Armenian organizations operating in Georgia tried to weaken the state from within. Azerbaijanis living in Georgia took an active part in the protection of the state. When Armenia started the war against Georgia, the Azerbaijanis stood shoulder to shoulder with the Georgian people and defended the country from the occupiers. The protection of Georgia's state independence has been as important as Azerbaijan's own state independence. After the occupation of Azerbaijan by Bolshevik Russia in April 1920, the central Soviet government used various means in order to prepare the ground for weakening and occupying the Democratic Republic of Georgia through the Azerbaijan SSR. A number of artificial disputes have been created between the two countries. Bolshevik Russia occupied Georgia, put an end to the existence of an independent state, and the Georgian SSR was established. After that, the relations between Azerbaijan and Georgia were carried out within the framework of the Transcaucasian Federation, the republics of the USSR and were not independent. After the restoration of state independence of Azerbaijan and Georgia in 1991, a new era in mutual relations began. Diplomatic relations have been established. Common interests have been one of the factors driving both countries to act equally. The parties cooperated in political, defense, security, economic, energy, transport and other fields. In bilateral and multilateral formats, Azerbaijani has defended the territorial integrity of Georgia, and Georgia has defended the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijanis living in Georgia and Georgians living in Azerbaijan have a special place in relations. Azerbaijanis living in Georgia served in the Georgian army and fought for the country's territorial integrity and sovereignty. Unlike them, Armenian organizations in Georgia acted to weaken the state from within. Despite many external pressures, Azerbaijan and Georgia have jointly implemented a number of international projects. Attempts by various circles, including Armenians, to disrupt Azerbaijani-Georgian relations have failed. In 1991-2003, the Azerbaijani-Georgian relations passed a great historical path and reached the level of a strategic alliance. The study shows that cooperation between Azerbaijan and Georgia has great potential and prospects.
Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırma Dergisi, 2023
The campaigns of the Mongols, which began in 1221 and continued throughout the 13th-14th centuries, led to serious ethno-political and economic changes in the vast Eurasian space. These campaigns did not bypass the Caucasus, including the territory of modern Azerbaijan. The northwestern territories of Azerbaijan, distinguished by their multi-ethnicity, also underwent serious changes. The article is devoted to the study of ethnic processes that took place in the northwestern regions of Azerbaijan under the influence of migrations caused by the Mongol campaigns in the 13th14th centuries. The article presents an attempt, based on written sources and toponyms of the Mongol period in the northwestern regions of Azerbaijan, to conduct a comparative analysis with neighboring regions and countries of the same period and to determine the influence of the Mongol campaigns on the process of ethnogenesis of both the Azerbaijani and other Turkic peoples. In this article, we will try to trace these processes on the basis of a comparative analysis of data from written sources and toponymy and the region. To achieve this goal, the author turned to the data of Georgian, Turkic, Russian and Mongolian sources for the period under study. In writing the article, we used Russian translations of these sources. By analyzing and comparing all the above materials, it was possible to create a relatively complete picture of the influence of the Mongol campaigns on the ethnopolitical processes that took place in the northwestern regions of Azerbaijan, which are an integral part of the vast Eurasian space. The data of written sources and toponymy make it possible to link into a single whole the process of significant migrations of the Turkic-Mongolian tribes in Eurasian geography, which proceeded in several stages. As a result of the study, conclusions were drawn about the influence of the Mongol campaigns on the ethnic history of the population of the northwestern regions of Azerbaijan. In particular, based on the sources, the author concluded that such toponyms as Jalair, Tangyt, Goragan, Gakhmughal and the ethnonym Mughal are echoes of the Mongol period in the history of the Elvira LATİFOVA Северо-Западные Регионы Азербайджана В Контексте Тюрко-Монгольской Истории Avrasya Uluslararası Araştırma Dergisi 2023, 11 (36), 216-230 217 northwestern regions of Azerbaijan. In particular, the author concluded that such toponyms as Jalair, Tangyt, Goragan, Gakhmugal and the ethnonym Mughal are echoes of the Mongolian period in the history of the northwestern regions of Azerbaijan. Keywords: Northwestern Regions of Azerbaijan, Toponyms, Kypchaks, Jalair, Mongols, Mugals TÜRK-MOĞOL TARİHİ BAĞLAMINDA AZERBAYCAN'IN KUZEY-BATI BÖLGELERİ Öz 1221'de başlayan Moğol akınları, XIII-XIV. yüzyıllar boyunca Avrasya’nın geniş coğrafiyasında derin etno-politik ve ekonomik izler bıraktı. Bu akınlardan çağdaş Azerbaycan topraklarının dahil olduğu Kafkasya da etkilendi. Azerbaycan'ın çok fazla etnik grup barındıran kuzeybatı bölgesi de ciddi değişikliklere uğradı. Hazırki makalemizde, XIII-XIV. yüzyıllarda Moğol seferlerinin neden olduğu göçlerin etkisi altında Azerbaycan'ın kuzeybatı bölgelerinde meydana gelen etnik süreçlerin incelenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Yazar, Azerbaycan'ın kuzeybatı bölgelerindeki Moğol dönemine ait yer adlarından yola çıkarak, aynı döneme ait komşu bölge ve ülkelerin yer adlarıyla karşılaştırmalı bir analiz yapmayı ve Moğol seferlerinin hem Azerbaycan hem de diğer Türk kavimlerinin etnogenezi sürecine etkisini belirlemeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmamızda yazılı kaynaklar ve toponimler ile bölge verilerinin karşılaştırmalı tahlilinden hareketle bu süreçlerin izini sürmeye çalışacağız. Bu amaca ulaşmak için yazar, incelenen dönem için Gürcü, Türk, Rus ve Moğol kaynaklarının verilerine başvurmuştur. Makaleyi yazarken bu kaynakların Rusça tercümelerinden yararlandık. Yukarıdaki tüm materyalleri analiz edip karşılaştırarak, Moğol seferlerinin geniş Avrasya alanının ayrılmaz bir parçası olan Azerbaycan'ın kuzeybatı bölgelerinde meydana gelen etnopolitik süreçler üzerindeki etkisinin nispeten eksiksiz bir resmini oluşturmak mümkün olmuştur. Yazılı kaynakların ve yer adlarının verileri, Türk-Moğol kavimlerinin Avrasya coğrafyasında birkaç aşamada ilerleyen önemli göç sürecini tek bir bütüne bağlamayı mümkün kılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda Moğol seferlerinin Azerbaycan'ın kuzeybatı bölgelerinin nüfusunun etnik tarihi üzerindeki etkisi hakkında sonuçlar çıkarılmıştır. Yazar, kaynaklara dayanarak özellikle Celayir, Tangut, Goragan, Gakhmugal gibi yer adlarının ve Muğal etnoniminin Azerbaycan'ın kuzeybatı bölgelerinin tarihinde Moğol döneminin yankıları olduğu sonucuna gelmiştir. Anahtar kelimeler: Azerbaycan'ın Kuzeybatı Bölgeleri, Toponimler, Kıpçaklar, Celayir, Moğollar, Muğalla
Лекции по истории зарубежной журналистики АНТИЧНОСТЬ Газета, журнал, радио, телевидение -эти слова понятны каждому современному человеку. Они являются важнейшим каналом общения, незаменимым инструментом формирования человеческой личности и коллектива, особой областью социальной активности, в которой тесно переплелись свойства искусства, политики и науки. Понятия «журналистика» и «информация» неразрывно связаны в нашем сознании. Информация появляется вместе с человеком и распространяется различными способами на самых ранних стадиях формирования общества (рисунки, устная речь, песни, звуковые сигналы и т.д.).
Zarubintsy Culture and Bastarnae
Stratum plus I.P., High Anthropological School University eBooks, 2022
Печатается по решению Ученого совета университета «Высшая антропологическая школа» Сборник научных работ посвящён памяти Олега Васильевича Шарова-известного архео лога, специалиста по древностям римского времени юга Восточной Европы. В книгу включены воспоминания о О.В. Шарове, его неопубликованные работы, а также статьи коллег. Тематика публикуемых материалов широка, но соответствует научным интересам О.В. Шарова. Это исследования по бронзовому и раннежелезному веку, античности и эпохе Великого переселения народов. Редакторы выражают надежду, что книга будет интересна читателям, интересующимся древней историей: археологам, историкам, преподавателям вузов и школ, студентам и старшеклассникам. Редакция Stratum plus выражает благодарность Институту Археологии РАН за поддержку издания сборника, посвященного памяти О.В. Шарова DESCRIEREA CIP A CAMEREI NAŢIONALE A CĂRŢII Друзей медлительный уход ... Памяти Олега Шарова = The footsteps of my friends leaving ... Ad memoriam Oleg Sharov / Ун-т Высшая антропологическая школа ; сост. и отв. ред.
About Some Christian Nations of Azerbaijan
Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2020
Azerbaijan, located at the crossroads of various civilizations throughout many centuries has become famous as a country where was formed the atmosphere of national cultural diversity, where representatives of various nationalities and faiths live in the atmosphere of peace and welfare, mutual understanding and dialogue. The multiculturalism and tolerance historically inherent in the life of Azerbaijanis today became an integral feature of everyday life of each citizen of the Azerbaijani state, irrespective of national identity, language and religion. As a result, there created a certain community in the cultural development of the national minorities of Azerbaijan, which showed itself in some similarity in the structure of life, customs and traditions. Throughout history there were established harmonious, peaceful, inter-ethnic relations among the peoples living in Azerbaijan, and there was no ground for the ethnic conflicts and tension. Features of historical development of Azerbaijan, its geographical position, ethnic structure of the population have created necessary conditions for existence of different religions in this territory. At various times in the country, in a varying degree there extended heathenism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and many other religious trends side by side, having mutual impact on one another. The 19th century is distinguished with its important historical events in the political life of Azerbaijan. At that time there were existed war in Europe and people who suffered from wars began to migrate to the East and Russia as well. The article is devoted to the problem of settlement of Christian groups in Azerbaijan: Russians and Germans. Extensive information is provided about the places of settlement, occupation, cultural development, as well as issues of modern community development. Thus, new nations had begun to seen on the ethnic map of the South Caucasus and Azerbaijan. Key words: cultural diversity, Russians, Germans, multinationality, national minorities.
Sasanian period in the history of Caucasian Albania is characterized by its close interaction with Iran in the religious and ideological sphere, which took place within the framework of political contacts and has been marked since the first decades of the establishment of the Sasanian dynasty in Iran. After the signing of the Edict of Milan (AD 313), which proclaimed religious tolerance in the territory of the Roman Empire and was an important step towards the transformation of Christianity into the official religion of the Empire, Armenia, and then Iberia and Albania declared Christianity as their state religion, and this was regarded by Iran as their political and ideological subordination to Rome. Certain periods in the history of Albania are characterized by a tough confrontation between two religious systems. But at the same time, the main trend in the relationship between Christianity and Zoroastrianism in the East Caucasus was characterized by relative tolerance and was due to the geopolitical significance of the region, Iran’s internal policy, the emerging diplomatic situation and other factors.
В каждом регионе мира проблема радикализации религии имеет свою специфику. В современном Казахстане ситуация неоднозначна, поскольку страна все еще находится в поисках оптимальной модели религиозной политики, двигаясь путем проб и ошибок. В рамках этого процесса крайне важно использовать опыт других стран, где такие моде-ли показали свою эффективность. За годы развития в качестве самостоятельного госу-дарства Казахстан сделал огромный шаг в сфере разработки и реализации религиозной политики, в том числе приняв закон " О религиозной деятельности и религиозных объе-динениях " и меры по укреплению традиционных религиозных институтов страны. Было реформировано Духовное управление мусульман Казахстана (ДУМК) и под его контроль поставлено большинство мечетей страны. Так, в 2012 г. из 2756 мечетей 2228 были под-вергнуты процедуре перерегистрации в качестве филиалов Управления [Байгарин, 2011]. The article examines the evolution of Islam in Kazakhstan and the underlying causes of its current radicalization. The author offers critical analysis of the state religious policy and evaluates potential risks of escalation of religious extremism in the country. The article analyses theoretical aspects of the ideology of religious extremism, its material, psychological and religious root causes, as well as issues of social antagonism in the religious domain of modern Kazakhstan. The key focus of the article is analysis of psychology and religious views of extremists, as well as the underlying causes of their transition from the moderate paths to radicalism. With this purpose the author analyzes different stages of evolution of religious extremists together with collective identity, social interpretation of justice and social categorization issues. Ключевые слова: ислам, религиозный экстремизм, радикализация, идеология, ре-лигиозная политика, идентичность. Статья посвящена исследованию эволюции ислама в Казахстане и выявлению основ-ных причин его радикализации на современном этапе. Автор предлагает критический ана-лиз государственной политики в сфере религии и оценивает потенциальные риски эскала-ции религиозного экстремизма в стране. Анализируются теоретические аспекты идеоло-гии религиозного экстремизма, его материальные, психологические и религиозные причины, а также вопросы социального антагонизма в религиозной сфере в современном Казахста-не. Основное внимание уделяется анализу психологии и религиозных взглядов экстремис-тов, а также глубинных причин их перехода от умеренности к радикализму. С этой целью рассматриваются вопросы коллективной идентичности, интерпретации справедливости и социальной категоризации.