The Training Course “Theory and Practice of Higher Vocational Education in Ukraine” in the System of Professional Development of Masters of Pedagogy of Higher School (original) (raw)
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Introduction. Special attention in the conditions of active technological development and digitalisation of the economy is paid to training specialists mastering secondary vocational education (hereinafter – SVE). This interest is based on the demand in the labour market for such specialists who will be able to make a significant contribution to the development of high-tech industries. To secure the successful implementation of SVE programmes in Donetsk People’s Republic (hereinafter – DPR), Lugansk People’s Republic (hereinafter – LPR), Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the learners’ career needs. For this purpose, it is necessary to take into account the needs of the labour market as well as the dominant industrial areas in these territories. The aim of the article is to analyse the current state of the SVE system in LPR, DPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions in high-technology training programmes in the context of the career needs of the new regions. Research methods. The quantitative and qualitative analysis was implemented using the number of the involved educational institutions: DPR (64), LPR (60), Zaporozhye (14), Kherson (4) and Kemerovo regions (84). Results. The large number of institutions makes it possible to implement the “Professionalisation” programme in the above regions, but at the moment no localisation of territories is available, including technological clusters. The comparative analysis of the SVE institutions in DPR and Kuzbass regions revealed the predominance of high-tech fields: computer science and engineering (13 and 11), mechanical engineering (12 and 15), land transport engineering and technology (16 and 10), construction engineering and technology (8 and 14). The SVE training areas in DPR are characterised by more programmes in the field «Economics and management» (24) and «Electrical and heat engineering» (17). Conclusion. The survey results can serve as a basis for designing a teacher training system aimed at the realisation of SVE programmes and supplementary education programmes in high-tech training areas in the said regions.
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