Potential of Fresh Water Rotifer, B.calyciflorus as Live Feed (original) (raw)
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Journal of Experimental Zoology, India, 2020
Live food organisms move in the water column and serve as a source of all the nutrients such as essential proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids for larval stages of fish. Hence, they are commonly known as "living capsules of nutrition". Most of the fish and shellfish larvae in nature feed on these small phytoplanktonic and zooplanktonic organisms. Zooplankton is required as the first food for much-cultured fish; for others, it contributes to faster growth and higher survival. Among zooplankton, rotifers (Phylum: Rotifera) popularly called as wheel animalcules forms an important group of live food organisms for use in aqua hatcheries. Rotifera includes three classes, the Monogononta, the Bdelloidea, and the marine Seisonidea. Most of the rotifer species vary between 200 to 500 micrometers in size, and are primarily omnivorous, but few species have been known to be cannibalistic. The diet of rotifers is decomposed or dead organic materials, unicellular algae and other phytoplankton. Such feeding habits make rotifers primary consumers. Rotifers in turn act as prey to carnivorous secondary consumers, including shrimp and crabs. Though rotifers are represented by about 2,500 species, the monogonont genus Brachionus is the most known form of all rotifers, and widely distributed in marine and freshwaters worldwide. They serve as an ideal starter diet for early larval stages of many fish and prawn species in marine as well as in freshwater, due to its smaller size as compared to Cladocerans. Among Brachionus, B. calyciflorus is the most commonly cultured freshwater rotifer for both freshwater and marine water fish species and shrimps, because of its numerous characteristics like small size, slow mobility and easy catchability. Moreover, B. calyciflorus has been found to conserve energy when food is scarce by decreasing its respiration rate, while other species of rotifers show no change in the respiration rate. Generally in laboratory their culture is maintained on algal concentrate with sufficient light, aeration at pH ranged between 6-8 and temperature at 25 o C. However, there is need to conduct in-depth study to standardize the abiotic conditions like light, pH, and hardness for mass-scale production of rotifer to meet the nutritional requirements of young larvae of fishes that encounter huge mortality during their larval stages. Successful mass scale production of rotifers will hold the key to higher efficiency in the seed production of important species like Clarias magur, Anabas testudeneus, etc.
The bottle neck of most inland freshwater aquaculturists is in obtaining adequate number of fingerlings, due to their high mortality at early life stages. Their successful production is hindered by many factors including adequate supply of food at early larval stages which require live food in good quality and quantity. This paper attempts to review the principles and procedures involved in the culture of the freshwater rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus as starter food for most freshwater fish fry. There are several strains of different sizes of this rotifer, thus making them suitable for fry of a variety of sizes. This rotifer can be isolated, continuously produced by batch culture and 'feed back' culture systems. It can be fortified with diets containing highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) for high survival and overall high growth and performance in several fish species including endangered and some problematic species. In spite of attempts to replace rotifer with more accessible formulated diets they will probably maintain their role as food organism for fish larvae of various species.
High Density Rotifer Culture as Live Food for Larval Rearing in Carp Hatcheries
Rotifer is the most dominant zooplankton in all the freshwater aquatic ecosystems and considered as ideal food for fish larvae. High density culture of Brachionus calyciflorus, one of the most common rotifer species, was conducted in laboratory condition. Starting from the step of isolation and inoculation to production and preservation of resting eggs were successfully carried out by simplification and adaptation of existing high density culture method to local ingredients and environment. Fresh algae-Phacus, algae paste, Baker's yeast and mushroom powder was provided as feed in the B. calyciflorus culture vessel of 100 L glass tanks 4 times daily. Nutritional Enrichment of the target species was carried out by egg yolk and cod liver oil. Present study reveals that embryonic development of B. calyciflorus requires 0.5 days, female attains reproductive maturity after1-1.2 days, Interval period between two spawning was 3.5-3.8 hours and the doubling time was 2.26 days. The average final density during this culture was obtained 685 ± 35 individual.mlG while 1 the maximum was 721 individual.mlG . Resting eggs were enumerated 1800/mg. The study also found that as 1 the density of rotifer increases the ratio of egg production decreases but also the rate of growth per day continues to increase.
Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 1992
Brachionus calyciflorus Pallas f e l o n Dicryospbaerzum chlorelloides were investigated in batch and semicontinuous culture systems. The mean daily roduction was 57.4 and 34.2 mg of rotifers I-'&' (wet weight) respectively and were highly depen&nt o n initial algal cell density. The rotifer fed on algae contained high amounts of linoleic acid (18 : 2n-6) and amino acids such as arginine. The suitability of rotifers for gud eon Gobio gobzo L. and perch Percafluviatilis L. larvae during their early feeding stage was investigatei. After a 10-day experiment, larvae fed with rotifers grew significantly faster than those fed on micro-encapsulated dry food. The best food conversion and protein efficiency ratio were observed with the larvae fed with rotifers. Combining rotifers with micro-encapsulated dry food better improved growth rate and food utilization in perch than did the dry food alone.
The Mass Culture of the Freshwater Rotifers Brachionus Rubens Ehrenberg 1838 Using Different Algal Species Diets, 2019
All rights are reserved by UIJRT.COM. Abstract-The bottleneck of most inland freshwater aquaculture enterprises is in obtaining an adequate number of fingerlings, due to their high mortality at early life stages. Their successful production is hindered by many factors including an adequate supply of food at early larval stages. A study on the mass culture of freshwater rotifer species was conducted at the freshwater rotifers' laboratory in Cần Thơ University's College of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Brachionus rubens Ehrenberg 1838 were identified and inoculated in 30 identical Falcon cups of 50 ml at 5 female rotifers cup⁻ 1 in order to obtain cultures with sufficient rotifer density for the subsequent culture experiments. A feeding experiment to identify the algae diet that conferred the best culture performance was conducted. Four different feeding treatments involving monodiets of Nannochloropsis oculata, Chaetoceros calcitrans and Chlorella vulgaris algae species and additionally a mixture of the three algal species were run in a 7-day experiment period. 1.5 l of identical, transparent plastic bottles filled with 1 l of mineral bottle water were stocked at an initial density of 20 individual rotifers ml ⁻1 were used in three triplicates. Water temperature and water pH were 26 ± 1 °C and 7.5 ± 1.5 respectively. The diet containing mixed algal species had significantly higher rotifer density and egg ratio on the 7 th day. Blending microalgae species can enhance the culture performance of the freshwater rotifers B. rubens when compared to monospecific microalgae diets.
Rotifers as food in aquaculture
Hydrobiologia, 1989
The rotifer Brachionusplicatilis (O.F. Muller) can be mass cultivated in large quantities and is an important live feed in aquaculture. This rotifer is commonly offered to larvae during the first 7-30 days of exogenous feeding. Variation in prey density affects larval fish feeding rates, rations, activity, evacuation time, growth rates and growth efficiencies. B. plicatilis can be supplied at the food concentrations required for meeting larval metabolic demands and yielding high survival rates. Live food may enhance the digestive processes of larval predators. A large range of genetically distinct B. plicatilis strains with a wide range of body size permit larval rearing of many fish species. Larvae are first fed on a small strain of rotifers, and as larvae increase in size, a larger strain of rotifers is introduced. Rotifers are regarded as living food capsules for transferring nutrients to fish larvae. These nutrients include highly unsaturated fatty acids (mainly 20: 5 n-3 and 22: 6 n-3) essential for survival of marine fish larvae. In addition, rotifers treated with antibiotics may promote higher survival rates. The possibility of preserving live rotifers at low temperatures or through their resting eggs has been investigated.
ISSN 1684–5315 © 2006 Academic Journals Review Culture of the freshwater rotifer, Brachionus
The bottle neck of most inland freshwater aquaculturists is in obtaining adequate number of fingerlings, due to their high mortality at early life stages. Their successful production is hindered by many factors including adequate supply of food at early larval stages which require live food in good quality and quantity. This paper attempts to review the principles and procedures involved in the culture of the freshwater rotifer, Brachionus calyciflorus as starter food for most freshwater fish fry. There are several strains of different sizes of this rotifer, thus making them suitable for fry of a variety of sizes. This rotifer can be isolated, continuously produced by batch culture and ‘feed back ’ culture systems. It can be fortified with diets containing highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFA) for high survival and overall high growth and performance in several fish species including endangered and some problematic species. In spite of attempts to replace rotifer with more accessibl...
The Continuous Culture of Rotifer Brachionus plicatilis with Sea water
Madridge J Aquac Res Dev, 2018
Rotifers are the favourable live food for fish larvae. A steady supply of rotifers is key factor for successful larviculture. The present study aimed to develop a simple zootechnique to reduce labour for high density culture of rotifers. Brachionus plicatilis (inoculation density: 737 ± 80 organisms/ml) were cultured in 100 l plastic, cylindrical tanks using 100% sea water. The water was renewed on every 5th day of culture without any further exchange of water in between. The culture was continued for 32 days. Rotifers were fed with Chlorella spp. at the rate of 200/ml, twice daily. Total 1059 ± 25 organisms/ml was recorded on day-1 of culture. Significantly (P < 0.05) higher number of rotifers was recorded on day-4 compared to day-1. A 13.12% higher density was recorded on day-8 compared to day-4; the population was reduced 5% on day-12 compared to the previous day. Then the number of rotifer increased gradually. Significantly (P < 0.05) higher number of rotifer (1798 ± 25/ml) was recorded on day-20 compared to the remaining culture period. A gradual decreasing trend was found thereafter. Still the number of organism was more than 1000/ml.
Journal of Life Sciences, 2015
Rotifers are considered as one of the most important prey organisms in the culture of altricial fish larvae. However, high density rotifer culture is often problematic due to water quality problems which results in frequent crashes. In the present study, the performance of a small-scale, continuous system was evaluated for culturing rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis, using concentrated nonviable green algae, Nannochloropsis oculeataas feed in a 160 L tank for a period of 90 days. The system configuration was simple and major components consisted of a protein skimmer and a pure oxygen delivery system. Although egg ratio increased from 3% on day 1 to 21.8% and 39.3% on days 7 and 9, respectively, rotifer growth was slow at start up and resulted in fluctuations in total number of rotifers between days 19-41. Rotifer densities remained < 400 until day 51 but increased at higher rates reaching 900 individuals/mL on day 55, 1,620 on day 60 and 2,127 on day 70. Rotifer density reached a maximum of 2,188 individuals/mL on day 85. Once the rotifer density exceeded 1,500 individuals/mL (day 60), periodical harvesting (a total of 16 harvest events) produced a total of 369,920,000 rotifers corresponding to a daily production of 12,330,667 individuals/day during the next 30 days until the experiment was terminated at day 90. As a result of periodic harvesting, water makeup and continuous protein skimming, total settleable solids and NH 3-N levels remained low and ranged between 4-22 mL/L and 0.4-2.2 mg/L, respectively. The authors' findings indicated that this inexpensive culture system can be successfully used for small-scale marine or freshwater ornamental fish production. Further work is required to minimize lag period at start-up and increase the production potential and yield by better management of suspended solids.
Rotifers are valuable live-food for the aquaculture of larval fish and crustaceans, specifically; Brachionus plicatilis is routinely used in marine aquaculture, being fed to more than 60 marine finfish and 18 crustaceans' species. In this study, rotifers B. plicatilis were used at a density of 10 individual per ml and kept in optimum culture conditions (temperature 24±2˚C, salinity 34±2 ppt and illumination of 750 lux for 24h). Four microalgae species; Nannochloropsis oculata, Chaetoceros calcitrans, Tetraselmis suecica and Dunaliella salina were used as feed for rotifer to evaluate the growth rate, fecundity, filtration and ingestion rate of rotifer. This study was divided into two experiments, in the first experiment, unialgal previews species was used as feed for rotifer, each at density (15 x 10 5 cell /ml). In the second experiment, a mixing of N. oculata (7.5 x 10 5 cell/ml) and each of the rest of algal species, each of them at density (7.5 x 10 5 cell/ml). The highest population growth rate (27 Ind. /ml) and fecundity (2 egg/female) of rotifers were noticed in rotifer fed on immotile species N. oculata, and the lowest population growth rate (12 Ind. /ml) and fecundity (0.8 egg / females) were in rotifer fed on motile species T. suecica. The highest filtration (0.0547817 ml/Ind./h) and ingestion rate (99516 cells/ Ind. /h) were observed in rotifer fed on T. suecica, and the lowest filtration (0.0155064 ml/Ind./h) and ingestion rate (10402 cells/ Ind. /h) were in rotifer fed on N. oculata. The result of the present study indicated that the population growth rate and fecundity of rotifer were higher when fed with small algal-cell. On the other hand, the filtration and ingestion rate of rotifer were higher when fed with large algal-cell. The main conclusion of this study indicated that the immotile and small algal species N. oculata is considered the best algal species can improve the rotifer production for marine fish hatcheries.