Studying the Hydrodynamics of Air Flow in the Fuel Combustion System of a Jet-Recess Type (original) (raw)

Working Process of Internal Combustion Engine Running on Enriched Hydrogen Gasoline-Air Mixture

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Physical-Technical Series, 2018

The effect of hydrogen additives on the working process of a piston-type gasoline engine is studied. The indicator diagram has been built, and the operation of the piston engine on gasoline-air mixtures enriched with hydrogen in the amount of 0…20 % of the volume of air entering the engine has been analyzed. The possibility of obtaining satisfactory parameters when the engine works on gasoline with hydrogen additives is shown. The dynamics of the engine performance is studied depending on the oxidant excess coefficient. It has been established that the oxidizer excess ratio at which the maximum indicator pressure is reached is moved to the zone of poor mixtures. When the mixture is enriched with hydrogen in the amount of 20 % of the air volume, the maximum of indicator pressure pimax = 5.3...5.8 MPa is reached at α = 1.15...1.25, while for 10 % hydrogen addition the maximum pimax = 4.9...5.2 MPa takes place at α = 1.05...1.10 against pimax = 4.7...5.1 MPa at α = 0.90...0.95 for pure...

Influence of the Composition of the Synthetized Gas on the Combustion Process of the Mixture in the Internal Combustion Engine

Bulletin of the National Technical University «KhPI» Series: Engineering and CAD

The article is devoted to the use of low-energy synthesized gas (synthesis gas) as a fuel for internal combustion engines, which in turn transmit mechanical energy to a cogeneration plant (combined production of heat and electricity). Such power plants allow you to achieve high values of total effective efficiency when using a conventional internal combustion engine with spark ignition. The analysed synthetic gases can be obtained by the method of gasification of household waste with access to air. In this work, synthesis gases were obtained in laboratory conditions. The composition of the components of the studied synthesis gases corresponds to several gas mixtures that are created during the artificial gasification of household waste of certain categories. The influence of the composition of the synthesis gas components on the internal parameters of the internal combustion engine was studied. The process of supplying fuel to the engine was controlled by a standard block with sever...

Features Combustion Process in Diesel Engines When Working at Water-Fuel Emulsion

Internal Combustion Engines, 2016

Проаналізовано фізико-хімічні властивості водопаливної емульсії та їх вплив на процеси сумішоутворення та згоряння палива. Наведено методику проведення та результати експериментальних досліджень дизеля 4ЧН12/14 на водопаливній емульсії. Проаналізовано основні гіпотези, що розкривають механізм впливу водопаливної емульсії на процеси сумішоутворення та згоряння: гіпотезу «мікровибухів» та гіпотезу каталітичного впливу продуктів дисоціації води на процес згоряння. За результатами досліджень зроблені висновки про ступінь впливу кожного з механізмів протягом окремих періодів згоряння.

The Charge Air Cooling System of the Ship's Internal Combustion Engine by the Thermopressor with Overheating Water Injection

Авіаційно-космічна техніка та технологія, 2017

The scheme solution by using thermopressor as the part of three-circuit cooling system of the medium-speed marine engine is analyzed. The way to improve of the efficiency of the water spray process in the thermopressor is considered. Using of overheated water injection in the thermopressor of the charge air cooling system makes it possible to increase the relative increase air pressure at the outlet thermopressor to 5...8 %, with a corresponding reduction in the power of the engine turbocharger.

Mathematical modeling of working processes in afterburner ramjet on pyrotechnic composition

The article presents mathematical modeling of the workflows in the combustion chamber of the ramjet (RJ) model, taking into account the geometric characteristics of the latter, parameters of air, and gas generation products. It provides formation of the computational domain with the airflow supply in the afterburner chamber at the angle of 45° to the axis of the latter, and at 45o angle to the RJ plane of symmetry. Calculations are made on the clusters «HyperBlade T-ForgeHB-20», using the HyperFLOW3D software, developed at Bauman Moscow State Technical University and based on the solution of systems of transient two- and three-dimensional differential equations system for gas (k-ε turbulence model in the Eulerian coordinate system) and the dispersed phase particles Lagrangian coordinate system) using the parallel computing and automatic spatial partitioning calculated region. The total number of active nodes of computational cells is ~ 2.2 million; a size of the elementary volume is 5.2 x 1.8 x 1.8 mm. The k-phase available in the gasification products is represented by the polifractional distribution of fuel particles based on the alloy of aluminum and boron, their interaction with atmospheric oxygen being modeled via the integral reaction considering the heat proportional to the residence time of particles of each fraction. For the first time the ignition and combustion of boron fuel polifraction particles in the air stream are computationally studied at various initial values of operating condition of RJ model. The article examines peculiarities of movement and combustion of single-fraction particles in the afterburner chamber, which are a part of the polifraction mixture of condensed particles of gasification products. It also constructs the trajectories and presents the mass concentrations of a particles stream of single-fractions, temperature fields of the gas phase of velocity and oxygen concentration, determines the complete combustion of the fuel particles along the length of boron afterburner, depending on the coefficient of excess oxidant. The possibility for organizing an effective workflow in the gasifier and RJ afterburner has been proved.

Characteristics of Combustion Chamber of Hybrid Gas-Steam Power Plant Operated on Hydrogen Fuel for Fpso Vessel

Судостроение и морская инфраструктура, 2022

The issue of environmental aspects of power plants in the modern world is inseparably considered inseparable from increasing efficiency. Therefore, researchers propose new approaches to improve pollutant emissions. The article considers the possibility of combining methods of increasing efficiency and environmental aspects to use the potential of energy carriers in conjunction with minimizing environmental damage. The article is aimed at investigating the processes of combustion of hydrogen fuel in the combustion chamber of a contact-type turbine as part of a hybrid gassteam power plant and the influence of various variants of steam injection into the chamber on the emission indicators. The study was carried out by modelling using modern CFD complex such as Ansys Fluent. As a result, data on possible environmental indicators in the selected mode with different variants of steam injection are obtained, and the contours of temperature and concentrations of nitrogen oxides in different cross-sections of the flame tube are presented. The influence of the amount of injected ecological steam on nitrogen oxide emissions is reflected. The possibility of using of hybrid power plant for Floating Production, Storage, and Offloading (FPSO) vessels and gas carriers is considered.

Increasing the Stability of Combustion Processes in the Combustion Chamber of Gas-Turbine Engine Through the Improvement of the Airgas Channel

NTU "KhPI" Bulletin: Power and heat engineering processes and equipment, 2016

АННОТАЦИЯ Статья посвящена вопросу стабилизации пульсационных процессов в камерах сгорания газотурбинных двигателей за счёт газодинамического совершенствования проточной части. Проведён анализ пульсационных процессов в низкоэмиссионной камере сгорания газотурбинного двигателя с помощью современных инструментов вычислительной гидродинамики. Проведены теоретические исследования пульсационных характеристик низкоэмиссионной камеры сгорания с предварительным перемешиванием топливо-воздушной смеси Разработаны практические рекомендации по повышению устойчивости горения в низкоэмиссионной камере сгорания ГТД.