Assessment of Children with Special Health Care Needs with Family Centered Approach (original) (raw)
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The purpose of this research is determination of problems in parents who have children with special needs. The participants of the study were four different parents who have children with mental disabilities in Erzurum /Turkey. Primarily, while selecting families, content and purposes of research were explained to them. Then four voluntaries parents among them were selected. Data of this research was collected by using semi-structured interview technique. As interview questions were prepared, we get supported from field experts. Content analysis was used for analysis of data. In this context, firstly answers of participants were deciphered. Secondly, codes were composed. Finally, categories and themes were created based on these codes. According to findings, parents who have special children with cognitive disabilities have same feelings and conditions when they learned their children have different features. Parents became aware of necessity about changes in family life because of their special children. Parents observed positive results in their own efforts for their special children development. Parents can get supported from specialist and society, relatively. All parents have same expectations.
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International Journal of Education Technology and Scientific Researches, 2022
The primary purpose of this study is to determine perceptions of music teachers and music teacher candidates about children with special needs (CSN) through musical instrument metaphors. Qualitative research techniques were used in this study. Studies focusing on sensitive emotions of individuals with special needs may contain concepts that are difficult to express. Therefore, this study, which obtained data using metaphors, was conducted using a phenomenology design. The sample of the study consists of 91 music teacher candidates and 50 music teachers working in Turkey. Study data were obtained by completing the sentences, “If you were asked to compare children with special education needs to a musical instrument, which instrument would you chose? The child with special education needs is like ...; because…” The obtained data were interpreted after being analyzed with the content analysis technique. According to the results of the study, it was found that music teachers described CSN as pianos, violins, drums, and flute instruments while music teacher candidates associated such children with pianos, violins, and flutes. It was concluded that participants described CSN as “versatile and sensitive” and perceived them as “requiring the right approach, expertise, sacrifice, and struggle” individuals in terms of educational approach and “providing self-awareness, giving peace and beauty” individuals in social terms. As a result of this study music teachers and music teacher candidates gave creative answers about CSN through musical instruments, which is considered a significant aspect of these teachers. Conducting similar metaphor studies in other fields may enable relevant people to express themselves better.