Analisis Pengaruh Penataan Kelembagaan Dan Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Badan Geologi Kementrian Energi Dan Sumber Daya Mineral DI Bandunganalysis of Institutional Arrangement and Human Resoruces Development Effect Toward Man Power’s Performance Geological Agency MI (original) (raw)
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The objective of this research is to analyze civilian employee performance at Biro Organisasi and Tatalaksana and Sumber Daya Alam. This research used descrtiptive analysis. This research used questionare. The data in this research used primary data that collected by questionare. The number of sample in this research was 104 respondents. The result of this research shows that the civilian employee performance at Biro Organisasi and Tatalaksana and Biro Sumber Daya Alam Sekretariat Daerah Provinsi Bengkulu is good based on civilian employee perception. The result also shows 14 variables that would analyze more (MSA>0.5). from 14 variables there were 7 factor that influence civilian employee (eigen value> 1). Recommendation in this research to
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This research was conducted at the Department of Mines and Energy of West Java Province. The results of preliminary studies obtain findings that employee's performance has not met expectations. Of the many factors causing the observed, supposedly the most dominant influence is the low employee satisfaction are also thought to be caused by his ability and motivation are low. Therefore formulated the problem is: How can directly and indirectly influence the ability and motivation to job satisfaction of employees, as well as how to influence employee job satisfaction on the performance of the Department of Mines and Energy of West Java Province. The method used is descriptive method of analysis, with a total population of 109 employees serve as the respondent (census). The data analysis technique used is the correlation analysis techniques to determine the degree of closeness of the relationship between the study variables and path analysis techniques to determine the effect, direc...