Peran Media Sosial Dalam Membantu Revolusi di Negara - Negara Timur Tengah (original) (raw)

Penumbangan Rezim melalui Gerakan Masyarakat Dunia Maya (Media Sosial) di Timur Tengah

Indonesian Journal of International Relations

Social media has become a new alternative in the field of communication in the circle of people's lives in the Middle East which offers freedom especially in terms of self-expression, something that has been hindered by the censorship of anti-critic dictatorial regimes. Unpredictably, the expression of disappointment expressed by Middle Eastern society towards the government through social media can be a lighter revolution that hit the Middle East countries in 2011. The purpose of this research is to know, explore, and describe some of the links between the revolution, the public sphere, and the movement of society through social media in the Middle East. A revolution in Tunisia in 2011 has been a generator of community movements in overthrowing the muscle rigid regimes in some Middle Eastern countries such as Egypt and Libya.

Kekuatan Politik Media Sosial: Uji Kasus Pada Revolusi Mesir 2011

Global: Jurnal Politik Internasional (Universitas Indonesia), 2013

This article examines that internet social media have influenced the Egypt Revolution from the authoritarian government to the democratic transition. There are two theories: Cyber-Optimist that argues internet social media is significant in changing a rezim and Cyber-Realist that believes internet is a status quo regime's arsenal in controlling their citizen. Based on cyber-optimist argument, this article believes that internet social media is not supporting the authoritarian government of Husni Mubarak in Egypt, but as the citizen's arsenal to change the authoritarian government of Husni Mubarak.

Sosial Media dan Revolusi Gerakan Massa

Kemajuan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi, termasuk internet didalamnya, telah menyebabkan pergeseran budaya komunikasi di era konvensional ke era media baru, yakni dari komunikasi face to face menjadi komunikasi yang termediasi komputer (CMC).

Peran Media Sosial Dalam Demokrasi Masa Kini


Technological developments have penetrated human life. One of the social media that originally only functioned as a means of self-existence, is now changing to influence the political climate of a country. In the democation of the media including the fourth pillar because it is considered more neutral and independent than the elements of state power. With the existence of this social media, the community is increasingly appreciative and active regarding actual issues that occur, of course this can increase public participation related to public issues. This research illustrates that democracy in the digital era can facilitate the process of democracy and social media can be used as a public space to aspire to democracy that is implemented according to the wishes of the people or still needs to be improved, but we as users must be able to choose information so that they do not easily believe in the news hoax. This study uses a survey method with non-physical student subjects at the T...

Media Sosial: Katalisator Perang Proksi di Indonesia

Seiring berjalannya waktu, spektrum ancaman terhadap Indonesia semakin kompleks. Saat ini, ancaman terhadap Indonesia tidak hanya bersifat "tradisional" atau yang "terlihat" saja, semisal ancaman konflik bersenjata dengan negara lain. Akan tetapi, ancaman saat ini lebih banyak yang bersifat "non tradisional" dan sering kali "tidak terlihat". Salah satunya, ancaman proxywar atau perang proksi.

Pentingnya Peran Media Sosial dalam Pelaksanaan Misi di Masa Pandemi Covid-19


The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak, or better known as the Corona virus, is spreading rapidly, bringing changes in socializing and communicating in the community. Government regulations require all citizens to participate in breaking the chain of transmission of the virus. This of course also has an impact on the concept and implementation of the mission that has been carried out, namely face to face. As one way the church must continue to take its role in witnessing or preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-believers using social media as the right choice in carrying out missions during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article will describe the understanding of the Church or believers as recipients of God's mission mandate, and the use of social media as a means of carrying out missions during the Covid-19 pandemic, and how the effectiveness and constraints of carrying out missions through social media. The results of the research can be said that the mission can ...

Peran Media Sosial Bagi Seorang Muballigh Dalam Berdakwah


Artikel ini membahas tentang peran media sosial bagi seorang muballigh dalam berdakwah. Dari hasil kajian yang penulis lakukan sampai pada kesimpulan bahwa; dakwah merupakan sebuah kewajiban bagi setiap muslim. Dakwah juga harus dilakukan dengan cara-cara yang arif dan bijaksana, tidak konfrontatif, diskriminatif dan provokatif. Muballigh ialah seseorang yang memiliki peran khusus dalam pelaksanaan dakwah islamiah. Dakwah tidak akan terlaksana tanpa adanya seorang muballigh. Media sosial dinilai efektif sebagai sarana berdakwah. Namun, berdakwah melalui media sosial harus memperhatikan etika dan norma-norma ber-medsos. Sehingga benar-benar mendatangkan kemanfaatan bukan sebaliknya menimbulkan permasalahan metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah penelitian kepustakaan.

Peran Media Sosial Dalam Penguatan Moderasi Beragama DI Kalangan Gen-Z


webinar moderasi beragama dilakukan untukGenZ karena generasi ini tumbuh di tengah kemajuan teknologi yang pesat seperti internet dan media sosial, sehingga rentan sekali terpapar radikalisme. Oleh karena itu perlu dikelola dengan baik agar paham radikalisme tidak dapat mempengaruhi generasi Z. Melalui kegiatan webinar moderasi beragama, masyarakat khususnya Gen Z diberikan pemahaman tentang pentingnya sikap moderasi beragama dalam bermedia sosial. Fokus dari pengabdian ini yaitu Gen Z yang ada diberbagai universitas di Pula Jawa karena terdapat berbagai agama dan organisasi islam. Pengabdian ini bertujuan agar Gen Z dapat mengimplementasikan sikap moderasi beragama di media sosial sehingga bisa menjadi generasi millnial yang anti paham extrimisme dan radikalisme. Metode yang digunakan adalah Participatory Action Research (PAR) melalui webinar dan diskusi dengan jumlah responden 43 orang. Hasil dari pengabdian menunjukkan bahwa sebelum acara webinar peserta masih kurang paham mengenai moderasi beragama di media sosial. Namun setelah acara berlangsung, peserta sudah memhami tentang pentingnya moderasi beragama di media sosial.