On the Way to Vision of Cadastre 2034 : Cadastre 2014 Performance of Turkey (original) (raw)

A Comparison between Cadastre 2014 and Cadastral Systems of Different Countries

Land record management system is an important area for internal government management and e-government services for citizens. Its related processes and applications are dependant on the legal frameworkoflandaffairs. Manyatimes,landdisputesareresolved using cadastre as a fundamental source of data. However, techno- logical progress, social change, globalization, and the increasing interconnection of business relations with their legal and environ- mental consequences put a strain on the traditional cadastral sys- tems. Cadastre 2014, proposed by FIG-Commission 7 of the In- ternational Federation of Surveyors, is a framework with a vision for future trends. Based on the six statements of Cadastre 2014, we compared the current cadastral systems of 41 countries with Cadastre 2014. Attempt has been made to find gap, compare and rank objectively, cadastral systems of different developing as well as developed countries.

Analysisof concepts of cadastral system technological development

The 9th International Conference "Environmental Engineering 2014", 2014

The dynamic development of modern information technology (IT) directly affects the development of cadastral systems. These specialized information systems should adapt modern technical and technological solutions arising from the operational requirements of their functionality. Technological progress also relates surveying instruments and geodesy methods of measurement and analyzes of data in the field. The paper presents proposals of the cadastral system modernization in the technology development aspect, which have appeared in the international scientific forum since paradigm "Cadastre 2014". Authors have determined the direction of cadastre development in the context of technology evolution.

Assessing the worldwide comparison of cadastral systems

Land Use Policy, 2007

There is growing interest internationally in land administration and cadastral systems and especially in their role as part of a national Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). The important role the cadastre plays in supporting sustainable development is also well recognised. Both developed and developing countries accept the need to evaluate cadastral systems to help identify areas of improvement and whether their systems are capable of addressing future needs. Countries are continually re-engineering and implementing various aspects of the cadastre, comparing systems and trying to identify best practice within nations of the same socioeconomic standing. In order to address this need, members of a team from the Centre for Spatial Data Infrastructures and Land Administration at the Department of Geomatics, the University of Melbourne, with the support of the United Nations Permanent Committee on GIS Infrastructure for Asia and the Pacific (PCGIAP) and the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), have developed a cadastral template. The template aims to assist the evaluation and benchmarking of cadastral systems and the role they play in spatial data infrastructures. This paper aims to outline the concept and theory behind the cadastral template as well as analysing the results from 34 completed country templates. Several indicators have been used to analyse and benchmark countries cadastral systems, results of which will contribute to an improved understanding of the complex relationship between cadastral, land administration system and National SDI initiatives. This will also enable a worldwide comparison of cadastral systems, forming the basis for best practice and a tool to improve national cadastral systems.

Design and Determine Cadastral and Land Management Performance of Turkey with Cadastre 2034 Vision

The first step of the general cadastral vision started with The International Federation of Surveyors (FIG)'s 7th Commission which deals with the subjects of Cadastre and Land Management decided that a vision should be developed for cadastre in the following 20 years period in XXth ordinary congress in 1994. Within in this scope, FIG was decided and published which is the work group completed its long-term studies and published a report named "Cadastre 2014 - A Vision for A Cadastral System in the Future" in 1998. Over time, many countries in the world have worked on the vision of cadastre 2014. One of the countries that make these studies is Turkey. Later, in 2014, the congress held in Malaysia was determined that the 2014 vision principles could not be realized on a world basis and the cadastre 2034 vision was revealed. In this context, based on the two declarations, it is expected that each country will carry out evaluations in the context of cadastral and land management according to 2034 vision. In Turkey, there are a lot of cadastral works have been made under the leadership of the General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (GDLRC). Also, a lot of academic studies should be found for Turkish cadastral and land management system. According to this, in this study, the technical, scientific and other studies that have been done so far in Turkey will be presented by a needs analysis. Based on the needs analysis and the 2034 vision, a description design for Turkey will be proposed in the context of both cadastre and land management.

GIS Update Problems of Cadastral 2014 Studies in Turkey

Rapid changes of information technologies affect all professional disciplines, facilitate the labor production fast and accurate, and force the managers and users for new searches about producing information and following technology.

3D cadastral standard definition and development using international standards for Turkey cadastral system

Journal of Geodesy and Geoinformation, 2020

In the last twenty years, cadastral definitions and terminology have been changed all over the world. For this reason, the two dimensional (2D) cadastral terminology has changed to the three dimensional (3D) cadastral context. The 2014 cadastral declarations do not utterly cover the 3D data model. In these contexts, some international standards have been developed for the cadastral process. LADM is to establish a common ontology for rights, responsibilities and restrictions (RRR) affecting the land administration and its geometric components. The other standards are the Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) cadastral data themes that are compatible with the LADM data model. However, the INSPIRE cadastral parcels only deal with the geometric part of the cadastral data. Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) conducts parallel works with ISO / TC 211 committee (ISO/TC 211 is a standard technical committee which is studied areas of digital geographic information and geomatics). OGC within its structure, ISO / TC211 and data standards are similar and compatible. ISO / TC 211 identify high-level and non-direct data models for geographic information producers and users. In this context, the Geo-Marking Language (GML) developed by OGC is a language that enables modelling, storage and sharing of the 3D geometry. Also, it covers the attributes information of geographic objects according to the XML schema. The motivation of the study is to create a standard for a 3D cadastral data model for Turkey by integrating standards with superior and different characteristics. The most important contributions of the study are the evaluation of the Turkish cadastral system within the scope of international standards (especially LADM) and demonstrating the comparability in the international platform. Another contribution is that the legal dimension of the cadastral system is modelled with international standards, and a model proposal is made for 3D cadastral data.

Development of an Advanced Cadastral Management System at the Survey of Israel

SUMMARY The Survey of Israel is a national agency for geodesy, cadastre and geographic information. The Survey is responsible for cadastral mapping, as a partner of other ministries cooperating in documentation and registration of rights to land, according to a British law dating back to the period of the British Mandate (Survey Ordnance, 1929). Private licensed surveyors are deeply involved in the cadastral activity. The cadastre system in Israel is based on the British initiated Torrens registration principles. The responsibility for the inspection and the approval of cadastral block maps and mutation plans is shared by five district surveyors and a number of senior civil servants acting at SOI central office. This historical, geographic distribution led to heterogeneity of various local standards, working and management methods and procedures, data formats, hardware and software facilities, etc. In the era of worldwide standardization, the Israeli cadastre practice remained anach...

Cadastral research - Issues and approaches

Kart og Plan (Norway), 1999

In Denmark land management inc1udes cad astral issues, property law, and certain economic issues. The artic1e r estricts itself to the cadastral issues and presents a survey of the cadastral problem domain. The survey is based on an early Danish cadastral work, and on t wo internationally oriented textbooks.

The development of a cadastral template


While many country reports have been compiled in the area of land administration over the last decade, there has not much attention been given to the basic cadastral issues. As a result, one of the objectives of Working Group 3 "Cadastre" of the PCGIAP is the establishment of a cadastral template, which is basically a standard form to be filled out by cadastral organizations presenting their national cadastral system. The aims are to understand the role that a cadastre plays in a state or national SDI and to compare best practice as a basis for improving cadastres as a key component of SDIs. The Working Group plans to hold a workshop for the discussion and completion of a cadastral template in July 2003 at the 13 th UNRCC-AP and 9 th PCGIAP meeting in Japan. The workshop will review national cadastral systems based on the common template to enable the identification of similarities and differences in matters such as national land policy, laws and regulations, land tenure issues, institutional arrangements, spatial data infrastructures, technology as well as human resources and capacity building. The work of the PCGIAP-Working Group 3 "Cadastre" is being done in collaboration with Commission 7 "Cadastre and Land Management" of the International Federation of Surveyors (FIG), which has extensive experience in comparative cadastral studies. This article describes the creation and the content of the cadastral template and the expected outcomes.

Second Cadastre Design For Turkey


SUMMARY Today, both the world and Turkey are on the verge of a great change due to developing capital trends and information technologies. Turkey has to take its place within the World Trade Organisation in order to integrate into the world. Turkey is in the process and efforts of accession to Europe. There is a need to reorganise cadastre with a new approach by evaluating the developments in the world and within the perspective of European Union. With this approach, the following goals are set. • Cadastral and title deed services constitute the basic information for all kinds of design and implementation about land such as taxation, judiciary, urbanisation and development practices, nationalisation, plot and landscape planning, preparation of engineering projects about land and their implementation on land, and social, tourism and economic planning. Thanks to this property, such information and documents are needed by all public institutions and organisations in their endeavours. •...