Perbedaan Pengaruh Pemberian Senam Osteoporosis Dan Senam Yoga Terhadap Keluhan Nyeri Lutut Pada Lansia DI Posyandu Lansia Senja Bahagia RW XXV Jebres, Surakarta (original) (raw)
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Jurnal Ilmu Kesehatan, 2018
Background: Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease in which damage to the joints of aging been anticipated plays an important role in the development of osteoarthritis (Stanley, 2006). It forced a decline in activity or immobilization so it accelerate the prognosis of the disease. This study aimed to determine the Range of Motion (ROM) exercise influence in changing the pain scale in elderly with osteoarthritis in the elderly Posyandu Kalianget Timur Kalianget Sumenep. Method: This Research design is pre experiment one group pre and post test design with simple random sampling. The population are 76 people with total sample of 64 people. Data were analyzed using wilcoxon test. Result: The results of the study prior to Range of Motion (ROM) exercise pain scale at nearly half the respondents (48.4%) had moderate pain (scale 4-6). And after Range of Motion (ROM) exercise pain scale at nearly half the respondents (46.9%) had mild pain (scale 1-3). Data were analyzed using wilcox...
Jurnal Keperawatan Muhammadiyah, 2021
Joint pain is characterized by swelling in the joints, the presence of redness, feeling hot, pain will cause interference with the motion system. In this condition the elderly are often disturbed, if more joints are attacked. Ergonomic gymnastics is an effort to reduce pain with nonpharmacological therapy. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of ergonomic gymnastics on the scale of joint pain in elderly women in the area of in the wonoasih sub district of the city probolinggo. The design of this study used a Quasy-experimental design pre test and post test design. In this study the total population was all elderly in the in the wonoasih sub district of the city probolinggo as many as 90 people, and the number of samples used was 70 respondents. The technique used in sampling is simple purposive sampling. The instrument of data collection is using a observation sheet. The method of data analysis in this study is the Wilcoxon test (p 0.05). The results of the study pr...
Elderly is a process of human growth and development until they grow old and experience a decrease in the ability of body tissues to repair themselves, causing psychological problems, physical, mental, and socioeconomic decline.Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease characterized by damage to joint cartilage and subchondral bone causing pain. on joints. Osteoarthritis is a health problem that is often experienced by the elderly. Then, we draw a conclusion to handle the case of Knee Pain or Knee Osteoarthritis, reinforced by the complaints experienced by 15 elderly people in Lulut Village RT 03/07, RT 04/07, and RT 05/07, Klapanunggal District, Bogor Regency as the main topic. from our group Community Physiotherapy activities. Most of them complain of frequent knee pain during activities and after activities. Most of the livelihoods of the elderly people in Lulut Village RT.03, 04 and 05 /RW.07, Klapanunggal District, Bogor Regency are farmers. The results of another study showed that the level of pain before the knee joint intervention was carried out, moderate pain was 86.4% and severe pain was 13.6%. While the level of pain after knee joint motion intervention, no pain 6.8%, mild pain 88.6%, moderate pain 4.5%, which means that there is an effect of knee joint motion exercises on reducing knee joint pain in the elderly with osteoarthritis.
Secara individual, pada usia diatas 50 tahun terjadi proses penuaan secara alamiah. Hal ini dapat menimbulkan masalah fisik, mental, sosial, ekonomi dan psikologis. Pada usia lanjut, mengalami penurunan pada sistem muskuloskeletal. Penurunan sistem muskuloskeletal ini ditandai dengan adanya nyeri pada daerah persendian salah satunya osteoarthritis. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah analitik kuantitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional yaitu pengambilan data yang dikumpulkan pada suatu waktu bersamaan. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh lansia penderita osteoarthritis di Wilayah Kerja UPTD Kesehatan Puskesmas Handapherang Kabupaten Ciamis pada tahun 2017 sebanyak 346 orang. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dengan cara proporsional random sampling yaitu pengambilan ukuran sampel yang didasarkan atas proporsi masing-masing anggota populasi dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 78 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa senam pada lansia yang mengalami osteoarthr...
Universitas 'Aisyiyah Yogyakarta, 2018
Latar Belakang: Osteoarthritis merupakan penyakit sendi yang paling banyak ditemukan di dunia, termasuk di Indonesia. Penyakit ini menyebabkan nyeri dan disabilitas pada penderita yang dapat mengganggu aktifitas sehari-hari, menghambat tugas-tugas fungsional. Maka dalam rangka meningkatkan aktivitas fungsional tindakan keperawatan adalah latihan gerak sendi lutut. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh latihan gerak sendi lutut terhadap nyeri sendi lutut pada lansia yang mengalami osteoatritis. Metode Penelitian: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasi Eksperimental: Time Series Design. dengan pre and post test design. Sebanyak 44 sampel, tehnik pengambilan sampel non probability sampling sedangkan penetuan kelompok intervensi menggunakan perposive sampling Latihan dilakukan selama 6 hari pretes di lakukan pada hari ke 2 dan post ter di lakukan ada hari terakhir yaitu hari ke 8, dengan frekuensi latihan 2 kali sehari yaitu pagi dan malam hari selama 6 hari. Alat ukur yang di gunakan menggunakan pedoman latihan gerak sendi lutut. Hasil: Uji normalitas data menggunakan shafiro wilk dengan hasil 0,00 (p<0,05) yang di mana hasilnya data tidak terdistribusi normal. uji hipotesis mengguakan friedman test hasil 0,00 (p<0,05). Simpulan: ada pengaruh latihan gerak sendi lutut terhadap penurunan nyeri sendi lutut pada lansia yang mengalami osteoatritis. Saran: Diharapkan responden dapat melakukan latihan gerak sendi terus menerus ketika mengalami nyeri sendi untuk menurunkan skala nyeri. Kata Kunci : Latihan gerak sendi lutut. penururnan nyeri sendi , penderita osteoatritis Daftar Pustaka : 71 buah (2003-2016).
Pelaksanaan Senam Rematik Pada Lansia Dalam Menurunkan Nyeri Sendi Dengan Penderita Osteoarthritis
JUKESHUM: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
Osteoarthritis merupakan penyakit yang banyak dialami oleh lanjut usia. Penyakit ini dapat menggangu aktivitas pada lanjut usia. Penyakit ini khas dengan adanya nyeri pada sendi. Nyeri sendi yang dialami merupakan masalah yang perlu ditangani, untuk itu perlu adanya intervensi secara nonfarmakoligis dalam mengurangi nyeri sendi tersebut, salah satunya dengan pelaksanaan senam rematik secara teratur dan rutin. Pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan senam rematik terhadap penurunan nyeri sendi pada penderita osteoarthritis. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan melakukan demonstrasi pelaksanaan Senam rematik selama 2 hari berturut-turut, yakni pada tanggal 10-11 Juni 2022, dengan jumlah peserta sebanyak 25 orang lansia. Tempat pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dilakukan di Puskesmas Simpang Dolok Kabupaten Batubara. Selama pelaksanaan kegiatan terlihat hasil peserta bersedia dan mampu melakukan gerakan-gerakan senam rematik yang diajarkan, serta peserta tampak semangat dalam mela...
Physiotherapy Health Science (PhysioHS), 2021
Osteoartritis merupakan penyakit sendi yang memiliki ciri khas yaitu terjadinya degradasi dari tulang rawan sendi. Terapi non farmakologis yang juga disarankan untuk penderita osteoartritis lainnya exercise yang di lakukan pada sendi lutut. Jenis exercise antara lain yang dapat dilakukan adalah home exercise, ataupun strengthening exercise yang berarti latihan penguatan yang meliputi quadriceps dan hamstring exercise, serta aerobik exercise seperti berjalan (forward walking or backward walking), bersepeda dan berenang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji secara empiris perbandingan efektifitas pemberian terapi Fisioterapi terhadap penurunan nyeri pasien lansia dengan osteoartritis lutut. Penelitian ini memiliki desain cross-sectional dengan 30 partisipan yang merupak pasien OA lutut di Puskesmas Dinoyo, RST Soepraoen, dan RS UMM dan telah memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Semua partisipan kemudian dibagi menjadi Grup I (menerima terapi latihan selama 6 minggu), dan Grup II ( menerima te...
Background: Gout which is commonly known as athritis gout is a disease caused by the accumulation of monosodium uric crystals in the body. Athritis gout is a degenerative disease that attacks the joints and is often experienced by the elderly. Athritis gout can be intervened with non-pharmacological therapy, one of which is ergonomic gym. Ergonomic gym is a muscle movement that is combined with breathing techniques.Objective: To figure out the influence of giving spiritual-based ergonomic gym to the elderly with prediction of arthritis gout in the working area of Public Health Care Center of Sokaraja I.Method: A quantitative method was used in this study. The quasi- experimental pre-test and post-test nonequivalent control group design was used as research design. The samples were elderly people aged 45-59 years in Integrated Health Service Post (Posyandu) Karangnanas in the working area of Public Health Care Center of Sokaraja I. There were 42 respondents which were collected by us...
Jurnal Keperawatan UNSRAT, 2016
Gout is a disease characterized by sudden onset, recurrent and accompanied by very painful arthritis due to the deposition of crystals of monosodium urate or uric acid accumulate in the joints due to high levels of uric acid in the blood. Gout arthritis is one of the health problems that often occur in elderly. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of gout arthritis pain to the independence of the elderly in the East Towuntu Public Health Center district of Pasan regency of Southeast Minahasa with the number of samples was 30 respondentsThis research method is using cross sectional approach, the sample selection is done by sampling methods saturade. This research uses statistical analysis chi square test with α = 0,05. The result obtained value of p = 0,000 where p < 0,05 then Ho is rejected. Conclusions of this research that there is a relationship between the gout arthritis pain with elderly's independent in the East Towuntu Public Health Center district of Pasan regency of Southeast Minahasa. Suggested that health professionals can pay attention to any complaints of pain in the elderly to overcome the depedences of the elderly cause of the pain.