Use Of Social Networking Sites And Instant Messaging Applications For University-Related Work And Studying (original) (raw)
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The Habits of Social Networking Site (SNS) Use Among Postgraduate Students
Jurnal Teknologi, 2015
The rise of social networking sites (SNSs) is currently overwhelming. Individuals are now able to interact, connect, and share information, photos, and other media in various SNSs. Facebook is one of the largest and most populated SNS in the world that is accessible by anyone including university students. Hence, it is interesting to understand the habits of use of such application by students, how they interact on these sites, and the nature of their influence on the deployment of Facebook into formal learning and as course communication tool. Findings from this research revealed that majority of the respondents use Facebook approximately 30 minutes to 2 hours daily. They also use Facebook not only to share entertainment materials but also communicating with their classmates on course related topics. Similar to the findings from another study, the students communicated on Facebook using a one-to-many style however in a more passive manner as most of the instances, they are not the ...
Junior College Students' Usage of Social Networking Sites for Their Personal and Academic Work
The world indeed is a small place. This goes perfectly with the fact that communication today has brought people very close. One way of communication is the use of social networking sites. Statistics indicate that it is the youth who use these sites to a great extent. The present study aims to study the use of social networking sites among junior college students for their personal and academic work and compare the use of these sites on the basis of gender. The sample was selected using random sampling techniques. The sample included 202 males and 278 females studying in junior colleges in Greater Mumbai. The tool used for this study was a questionnaire constructed to measure the use of social networking sites for personal and academic work and the data obtained was subjected to statistical analysis (descriptive analysis and t-test). Findings suggest that male students used social networking sites more than female students for both personal and academic work. Further, findings also indicate that Facebook and YouTube were the most preferred social networking sites for personal work while Google and Wikipedia were preferred for academic work. An important finding was the increasing use of the mobile messaging application, WhatsApp, for both personal and academic work.
ABSTRAKT Internetové sociální sítě (Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn, Twitter, …) se staly skutečně významným jevem mezilidské komunikace a mají výrazný vliv na to, jakým způsobem mezi sebou lidé udržují spojení. V současnosti užívají sociální sítě milióny mladých lidí. Mezi nejaktivnější uživatele patří mládež ve věku 13-19 let. Z recentních studií vyplývá, že mládež tráví značnou část dne interakcemi na sociálních médiích a je třeba hledat fundované odpovědi na palčivou otázku vlivu sociálních sítí na vývoj mladých lidí. Jen málo je známo o základních údajích -v jaké míře, proč a jak mládež tyto sítě využívá. V rámci této studie se 561 univerzitních studentů různých národností zúčastnilo průzkumu, který pomáhá osvětlit aktivity mladých lidí v těchto internetových komunitách. Naše zjištění naznačují, že aktivní působení na sociálních sítích je pro tuto novou generaci zcela typické a že Facebook je nejčastěji využíván k udržení kontaktu, udržení se ve středu dění. Dále byl zjištěn silný vztah mezi užíváním Facebooku a závislostí na udržení sociálního kapitálu.
Prospects and Challenges of Using Social Sites in Higher Education
Pakistan Journal of Education, 2017
Social networking is a virtual thread of grouping individuals. The present study has explored the prospects and challenges of using social sites in higher education. The study involved mixed method for collecting comprehensive information about the issue. A survey was conducted to randomly selected 21 university teachers and 279 university graduate and post graduate students. A significant difference was found between the perceptions of students having technological facilities in their universities and those having no facilities in higher education. Most of the participants supported the statements related to utility and possibility of using social sites for disseminating course schedules, outlines of courses, reading materials (audio, video, photofigures, print), discussing course problems, exchange of educational ideas and looking for better opportunities of admissions and career. The qualitative part of the study employed a series of focus group discussions conducted with student...
A Worldwide Survey on the Use of Social Networking in Higher Education
International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies
Social networking is becoming a more powerful tool for students for communication, information sharing, and discussions. This paper presents a study, based on a survey questionnaire, which aims to investigate to what extent and for what purposes teachers from different countries from all over the world use social networking in their teaching practice. The attitude towards the use of social networking in higher education in general is examined. The study is intended to seek dependences between the answers related to the above issues and different teachers' characteristics, on the point of view if the teachers are well informed about social networking sites, or whether they participate in interest groups or research related to social networking and higher education. Finally, summarized results of the survey are presented, depending on the continent where the countries of the participants are located.
The Usage of Social Media for Academic Purposes
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2021
The study was undertaken to investigate the effect of WhatsApp on the academic performance of Mass Communication education students. Four research questions were raised to guide the study. The study employed descriptive research design. The population of the study comprised of 275 Mass Communication education students were randomly selected and used as sample for the study. The instrument that was used for the study was a set of structured questionnaires which were validated by the supervisor and one other expert. The results indicated that there is no significant influence of frequency of WhatsApp usage on the academic purposes of this usage, also there is significant influence of the rate of WhatsApp usage on the academic purposes of this usage, and there is significant influence of topics that students communicate through WhatsApp and the academic purposes of this usage and there is no significant influence of patterns of WhatsApp usage on the academic purposes of this usage.
Facebook usage by students in higher education
HEAd’15 Proceedings, 2015
In this paper I measure first year student Facebook usage as part of a broader PhD study into the influence of social media usage on the success of students in higher education. A total of 906 students were asked to complete 3 surveys on Facebook usage with their peers, for two consecutive years (2011-2012 and 2012-2013). The different purposes for Facebook usage, in addition to whether or not students used (self-created) Facebook-groups, were measured and the relationship between the use of pages compared to the purpose of Facebook usage. This resulted in significant correlations between the purpose of Facebook usage and the use of different pages, as well as correlations between the purpose and use of different pages. This study hereby explores the variation in student Facebook usage and provides valuable insight into the potential value of Facebook for students in an educational setting, without the interference of teachers. It is also the next logical step in revising existing integration and engagement theories that predict student success in higher education in contemporary society.
International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2013
Social networking sites such as (Facebook) FB have become popular among millions of users including higher education students. It has become a significant part of students' life. Consequently, there is more and more discuss over the potential of this site to support academic purposes. In this context, this paper explores whether FB have a place for academic purposes among Iranian higher education students by investigating whether they find opportunities to use FB for educational purposes related activities and what is the students' perception toward using FB for academic purposes. Data were collected using survey questionnaire which was carried out among 70 undergraduate students at one of universities in Iran. The findings of the study confirmed that there is not a significant difference between male and female samples in the academic use of FB
Behavior of Students in Use of Social Network
The purpose of this article is to examine how students use social media based on six factors: field of study, level of study, year of study, gender, age, and income. To collect the data for this study, we conducted an online survey with an appropriate sample. In this study, a single construct was used to assess students' social media usage habits. We investigated the link between students' social media behaviors and their academic orientation, degree of study, year of study, gender, age, and income. According to the results of this study, students' social media use varies by field of study, does not differ by level of study, differs by year of study, differs by gender, differs by age, and does not differ by income. The sample was restricted to survey respondents due to time and financial limitations. Consequently, the study findings cannot be generalized to the entire population.
Why and How Do University Students Use Facebook in Everyday Life?
Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala, 2020
The use of Facebook in everyday life has become widespread all around the world regardless of countries and cultures. The largest group of Facebook users consists of young people, particularly university students. This study investigated the attitudes of university students toward Facebook, their major reasons for using this social media application in everyday life, and the factors affecting the types of desired relationships with Facebook friends. A survey consisting of 63 items about demographics of participants and their preferences for the use of Facebook was administered to collect data. The sample of the study included 924 undergraduate students from a large public university in North Cyprus. A number of descriptive and inferential statistical techniques were employed to analyze data in relation to the research questions. Results suggested that the students generally had positive attitudes toward Facebook, although there were certain differences in terms of demographics. The ...