Pemikiran Imam Syafi’I Tentang Alqur’An, Tafsir Dan Ta’Wîl (original) (raw)
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HAKAM: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam dan Hukum Ekonomi Islam
The leadership of fiqh in Medina culminated in Imam Malik, and Imam Shafi'I went to Medina to study with him. And when the leadership of fiqh in Iraq culminated in Abu Hanifah, he studied fiqh in Iraq from Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Syaibany (one of Abu Hanifah's students). Therefore, Imam Shafi'i gathered knowledge of fiqh Ashab al-Ra'yi (Imam Malik) and fiqh Ashab al-Ra'yi (Abu Hanifah). The religious sect of Imam Shafi'i, as well as other schools of thought from the priests of the four schools: Abu Hanifah, Malik bin Anas, and Ahmad ibn Hanbal, are members of the Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah group. Ahlu al-Sunnah wa al-Jama'ah in the field of furu' is divided into two schools, namely the Ahlu al-Hadith school and the Ahlu al-Ra'yi school. Imam Shafi'i, including Ahlu al-Hadith. Imam Shafi'i was famous for defending the Maliki school and defending the Medina school of thought until he was known as Nasyirus Sunnah (spreader of the Sunna...
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The Science of Islamic Legal Theories appeared at the second century of Islamic Calendar, but logical use to understand Islamic law had been used at the disciples of prophet, for example, Qiyas and Mashlahah that was used by Umar. It's also happened at the next period before the coming of al-Syafi'i by the appearance of two groups of understanding Islam, ahl al-hadits and ahl al-ra'yu. Those two ways haven't become a systematic methodology of understanding Islamic law and it isn't an independent science. The science of Islamic legal theories was firstly put into book form at 150 -204 AH by Muhammad Ibnu Idris al-syafi'i. Keyword: Ijtihad, ijma', qiyas.
Metode Tafsir Imām Al-Syāfi’i Dalam Kitab Al-Risālah
Madania: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman
Imam al-Syafi'i has a very important role in the development of science in Islam,besides being known as a faqih (fiqh expert), Imam Syafi'i is one of the figures who are very understanding of the meanings of the Qur'an. Therefore, this study aims to find out the thoughts about the method of interpretation in the book al-Risalah. Because basically this book was written as a gift from Abdurahman bin Mahdi regarding the content of the meaning of the Qur'an. Using a qualitative approach (library research), the results show that in the book of al-Risalah, Imam Syafi'i's method of understanding the Qur'an can be found using the sources bil-Ma'tsur or bil-Riwayah, both the Qur'an , hadith, opinions of friends and the words of the tabi'in.
Syari’ah, Fiqih dan Sebuah Perspektif tentang Tarjîh
ISLAMICA: Jurnal Studi Keislaman, 2014
This paper takes into account the very fact that Syari’ah has been a subject of controversy over centuries. Its interpretation in the form of fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) is a strong indication that Syari’ah is not immune from personal subjectivication. Fiqh is quite personal whereby a jurist would read the message of Syari’ah and attempt to give his personal and subjective interpretation of it. Nonetheless, the paper is also of the argument that this controversy is in itself a source of the dynamics of Syari’ah. It is due to this controversy–otherwise known as the legal dispute- that fiqh is capable of being developed over times. Some substances of fiqh are responses to the opposing views on some issues. Not less important than this is to delve into the factors that triggered such controversy and dispute. The paper speaks of three factors, namely the nature of subject-matter, the way the jurists interpret it, and the social circumstances that surround the jurists and help shape the...
Metode Tafsir Imm Al-Syfi’i dalam Kitab Ar-Rislah
Ta’wiluna: Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur'an, Tafsir dan Pemikiran Islam, 2022
Imam al-Syafi'i has a very important role in the development of science in Islam,besides being known as a faqih (fiqh expert), Imam Syafi'i is one of the figures who are very understanding of the meanings of the Qur'an. Therefore, this study aims to find out the thoughts about the method of interpretation in the book al-Risalah. Because basically this book was written as a gift from Abdurahman bin Mahdi regarding the content of the meaning of the Qur'an. Using a qualitative approach (library research), the results show that in the book of al-Risalah, Imam Syafi'i's method of understanding the Qur'an can be found using the sources bil-Ma'tsur or bil-Riwayah, both the Qur'an , hadith, opinions of friends and the words of the tabi'in.
Jurnal Living Islam 1 (2), 2018
M. Hafidh Widodo The term "kaafir" (infidel) has existed since the time of the Prophet Muhammad. In the Koran, it is stated that kaafir is a person who does not believe that Allah Swt. as God Almighty, people who worship idols, and Ahl Kitab (Jewish and Christian). The meaning of this term then changed, not only aimed at non-Muslims but also addressed to Muslims themselves. Muhammad al-Maqdisi accused kaafir of those who did bid'ah, for those who made laws and those who followed laws other than the laws of the Koran and al-Hadith-then the Law, the 1945 Constitution, and Pancasila included kaafir products. As a consequence, they have been considered apostates and truly have become non-Muslims, and their blood is halal to be killed. The question is "how did the takfiri ideological concept according to Muhammad al-Maqdisi relate to religion and state".
Corak Pemikiran Fiqih Imam Syafi'i
Keluasan dan jauhnya jangkauan pemikiran Imam Syafi’i dalam menghadapi berbagai masalah yang berkaitan dengan ilmu dan hukum fiqih menempatkannya menjadi pemersatu semua imam. Sehingga menampakkan dengan jelas pribadinya yang ilmiah. Dialog-dialog yang dilakukannya pada masa itu menjadikannya memiliki analisis yang sangat tajam dalam menghadapi suatu masalah. Selain itu, kesediaannya dalam berguru kepada orang-orang yang memiliki aliran yang berbeda, sangat menguntungkan bagi perkembangan dan pengkayaan intelektualitasnya, serta sekaligus mencerminkan sikap keterbukaannya dan penghargaannya dalam bidang ilmu.
Ta’Liq Talak Perspektif Imam Syafi'I Dan Imam Ibn Hazm
Usratuna: Jurnal Hukum Keluarga Islam, 2020
In marriage, an agreement can be made to avoid things that may not be desirable. In terms of marriage agreements, Imam Syafi'I and Imam Ibn Hazm have different opinions about the law. This study uses a qualitative literature approach. The result of this research is that there is a similarity in opinion between Imam Syafii and Imam Ibn Hazm in terms of the understanding of the marriage agreement. Then regarding the law, he both had different opinions, namely: Imam Shafi'i allowed and legalized the fall of divorce when the conditions had been fulfilled, while Imam Ibn Hazm had an invalid opinion, the divorce imposed outside the provisions of syara 'according to him was invalid because it violated the provisions Allah SWT. Then in terms of the legal basis used between Imam Syafii and Ibn Hazm is also different, namely: Imam Syafi'I uses al-Qur'an surah al-Maidah verse 5, the Hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari, as well as Hadith from Ibn Majah. Meanwhile, Imam Ibn Hazm ...