Metacognitive Theory and Levels of History Department Students, Karabuk University (original) (raw)

Metacognitive Aspects in Indonesian Learning in Senior High Schools in Jember


Metacognition is important in learning since it is a higher order thinking process. Metacognition emphasizes on the students’ autonomy to determine the learning process which is right for them. Th is research was conducted on tenth grade class students in Jem ber. Research on three students was collected through interview s and observation s . The research result was obtained in three parts, procedural, declarative, and conditional knowledge in each variable. The variables consist of self, task, and strategy. The results showed that the three metacognitive knowledge were closely related to the student learning process. The highest level in the learning process is procedural knowledge, then declarative and conditional knowledge .

Comparative Study on Developing Metacognitive Abilities of Students from Technical, Vocational and Human Sciences

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 46, 2012, Pages 4418–4422

The purpose of study is to outline differences of learning abilities developed into university system between three categoria of students from technical, vocational and human sciences. The qualitative research instrument chosen to carry out the research was a structured questionnaire. In qualitative terms, data were structured on six dimensions: 1) types of activities; 2) most used types of strategies for development of metacognitive abilities; 3) most used metacognitive abilities; 4) control and adjustment of mental processes; 5) knowledges regarding tasks for development of metacognitive abilities; 6) most used strategies for knowledges based on algorithmical or an heuristical approach.

Correlational Study on the Relationship Between Students’ Metacognition Development and Students’ Learning Result


Metacognition can help students improve the competencies needed for them to develop high order thinking skill, which will help in the global competition. However, students’ metacognitive skill has yet to receive serious attention from teachers. This study aims to find out the correlation between developing students’ metacognition and their learning results in Math, Reading, and Science. The method used was the quantitative method with correlational analysis using secondary data from 2018 PISA result consisting of questionnaire and scores in Math, Reading, and Science test. The total samples of students were 11.986 students. The hypothesis was tested and analyzed using non-parametric method, through Spearman rank correlation. The result showed that there was a positive and significant correlation between developing students’ metacognition and the learning result in the subjects of Math, Science, and Reading. However, it was a weak correlation. This was partly due to many Indonesian s...

Influence of Metacognition on Academic Achievement and Learning Style of Undergraduate Students in Tezpur University

European Journal of Educational Research

A Descriptive-correlational study was sought to investigate the influence of metacognition on the academic achievement and learning style of undergraduate students. Using the survey method, data was collected from a sample of 150 undergraduate students selected through a stratified random sampling technique which includes 50 students each from the three schools namely School of Humanities and Social sciences (HSS), School of Engineering (SOE), and School of Sciences (SOS) of Tezpur University. The tools used are five-point Likert-type Metacognitive skills scale and five-point Likert-type Learning Style Inventory. Academic Achievement of the students was measured based on the semester grade point average SGPA obtained in the semester examination. The data were analyzed using percentage, simple regression, multiple regression and one-way ANOVA. The result showed that only 34-36% of the undergraduate students have above-average metacognitive skills. The undergraduate students have equa...

STUDENTS’ METACOGNITIVE STRATEGIES IN LEARNING ENGLISH (A Descriptive Study at Second Year Students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu)


 No pain, no gain  Trying is a part of failing. If you are afraid to fail then you are afraid to try DEDICATION  My beloved father, Syaifullah, and my beloved mother, Erwani, thank you for all your prayers  My dear sisters, Esy Yulita, Silvia Reni, and Dita Oktaviani, thank you for all of your supports and advices  My best friends, Agung Maldi Saputra, S.H., M. Amdiansyah, S.Pd., thank you for all time we spend together  All my friends in English Education Study Program, thank you for all of your supports and cheers  Special beloved, Tharadiva Fatria S.Pd., thank you for everything, may God bless you a good life and a bright future vi ABSTRACT Hidayat, Ade. 2014. Students' Metacognitive Strategies in Learning English (A Descriptive Study at Second Year Students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu). The objective of this research was to find out the most dominant metacognitive strategy in learning English and the most preferred aspects of each metacognitive strategies applied by second year students of SMAN 5 Kota Bengkulu. It employed a descriptive quantitative method. The population of this research was 203 students with 50 of the students were used as sample of the research. The data were collected in two ways: distributing a set of questionnaire items and interviewing 10% of the samples. The research found that students" proportions in metacognitive strategy were: 34.74% in strategy in planning learning activities and behaviors; 32.10% in strategy in monitoring the learning process; and 33.16% in strategy in evaluating the learning that have been occurred. Based on the result, all metacognitive aspect was in "moderate" predicate. The mean scores of each strategy are: planning 3.32 in which the most preferred aspect was ability analysis; monitoring 3.07 in which the most preferred aspect was watching their friends" activities to help them decide what to do; and evaluating 3.17 in which the most preferred aspect was appraisal. From the result, it can be concluded that students used metacognitive strategy in proportional way. However, the most dominant strategy in metacognitive strategy that the students used was strategy in planning the learning activities and behaviors.

A Metacognition Study: Relationship with Students’ Academic Achievement"

Metacognitive knowledge includes knowledge about one's ability to understand, control, and manipulate one's cognitive processes. It includes knowing when and where to use particular strategies for learning and problem solving as well as how and why to use specific strategies.This research article briefly describes the metacognition of college students with regard to gender andrelationship between metacognition and academic achievement. In order to study the problem, the survey method was used to collect the data. The sample for the study was collected from the three degree colleges of Sonipat city(Haryana).80 students(40 male and 40 female) were randomly selected only from 1 st year form all discipline. Score obtained in class 12 th by the selected students, divided in two groups i.e. high scorer(above 65%) and low scorer (below 65%) were recorded for testing their level of Academic Achievement. Metacognitive inventory developed by Govil P. (2003) was administered to the selected sample to assess metacognition. The data so collected was analyzed statistically by employing Mean, SD and t-test. The finding reveals that the level of metacognition of most of the female students is found to be higher than male students. The researchreveals that there is significant difference between male and female students in their metacognition but there is no significant difference in metacognition and academic achievement of high and low scorer. Moreover to this the academic achievement is less affected by metacognition means results found a low degree of correlation between both.

A Study on Metacognitive Thinking Skills of University Students

Journal of Education and Training Studies, 2018

The purpose of this study is to investigate the university students" metacognition thinking skills. The research is a descriptive study in the screening model.The study was carried out with 407 students from the faculties of physical education and sports, education science and letters, business administration, theology, engineering, forestry and agriculture at Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University during the 2016-2017 academic year. They were selected by convenience sampling method. 'Personal Information Form' and "Metacognitive Thinking Skills Scale", used as data collection tools. The research data were analyzed through use of SPSS 15.0. The study has concluded that university students have higher levels of metacognitive thinking ability together with their, 'thinking skill, reflective thinking skill intended for problem solving, decision making skill, alternative evaluation' sub dimensions. There has been an increase in the level of metacognitive thinking skill as well as the increase in the class level. Students studying in the faculty of theology were determined to have the highest level of highest metacognitive thinking skills. This was followed by students studying in education, physical education and sports, science-letters, forestry, agriculture and business administration respectively.

Analysis of Metacognitive Awareness of Primary and Secondary School Students in Terms of Some Variables

Journal of Education and Learning, 2020

Metacognition is important for learners of all ages. Therefore, this situation raises all important questions about how to develop metacognitive skills and habits in the classroom regardless of primary, secondary and high school. The aim of this study is to investigate the metacognitive awareness of primary and secondary school students according to the variables of gender, grade level and region. The model of this research, which was conducted to determine the metacognitive awareness levels of the students in primary and secondary school, is a survey model. Metacognitive Awareness Scale was administered to 399 students (195 girls, 204 boys) in third, fourth and fifth grade. The research shows that the metacognitive awareness scores of primary and secondary school students do not differentiate in gender. According to another result obtained in the research; metacognitive awareness scores of pirmary and secondary school students differentiate in locality. The students' metacognitive awareness is higher than that of the urban local. When the metacognitive awareness scores were examined according to the grade level, it was seen that the metacognitive awareness scores of the fifth grade students were higher than the other groups. However, there is no significant difference between the metacognitive awareness scores of the third and fourth grade students. Similar studies aiming to examine the development of metacognitive awareness of students are thought to be useful in planning the education process in this direction.

Metakognitif Ability Analysis Viewed from Student Learning Students

Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Economic Education and Entrepreneurship, 2017

This research is based on the low of metacognitive ability of the students of grade X of Social High School of State 11 Bandung. The goal is to know the difference in metacognitive ability seen from activist, reflector, theoretic and pragmatic learning styles. This research method is explanatory survey with descriptive technique and quantitative data analysis. The population of this research is the students of X Grade of Social Science of State Senior High School, the sample is saturated by 176 students. The instrument used to collect data consists of two standardized questionnaires: learning styles using Learning Styles Questionnaire (LSQ) developed by Peter Honey and Alan Mumford, and metacognitive capabilities using the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory (MAI) developed by Schraw and Denninson. Data is processed and analyzed by using different test analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences in metacognitive ability seen from student learning styles, and metacognitive ability in reflective learning style greater than activist, theoretic and pragmatic learning style.

Fostering metacognitive skill: A means to improve students’ academic achievement

Biosfer, 2021

Metacognition is one of the five key learning skills in the 21st century. This research aims to describe the profile of the students' metacognitive skills in biology learning at Tangerang Selatan Senior High School. This type of research was survey with descriptive approach. The population of this research was students of Senior High school in Tangerang Selatan, Indonesia. Sampling was conducted with stratified sampling, four school was determined by random sampling. Data on metacognitive skills are collected using questionnaires with supporting data in the form of interviews, observations, and documentation. The survey results of metacognitive skills and observation were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Based on the results of the survey, the average planning result is 72.47%, monitoring by 73%, and evaluating by 72.17%. The results showed that students' metacognitive skills in biology are in a strong category so that these skills can support the increase learner a...