Perencanaan Pusat Industri Pengolahan Buah Durian Di Kabupaten Buol Dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Ekologi (original) (raw)
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Prosiding Seminar Nasional Sains dan Teknologi Terapan, 2021
Wonosalam District in Jombang Regency is very famous for agricultural product of durian, particularly bido durian. The Wonosalam region does not yet have a place to exploit the potential of the existing durian. This descriptive research belongs to case studies by conducting literature studies on Warso Farm in Bandung, Durianman SS2 in Malaysia, Graha Unilever in Banten, Wooden Orchid in China, and Wonderwoods in Netherlands. The complex of durian trade and processing is planned and designed to have location on Wonosalam-Bareng highway covering the area of 3.5 hectares. The site is bordered by durian garden at west and south, forest area at north, and housing area at east. The main facilities at the complex of durian trade and processing in Wonosalam District, Jombang Regency include two buildings for durian processing and durian trade. By the theme of Green Architecture, they are planned to minimize numerous effects which are dangerous to human health and environment. The adaptive macro concept adapts the contour and shape of durian, whereas the micro concepts consist of recreational land order, responsive shape, and integrated space. With the concept of responsive form, it is hoped that it can represent the shape of the durian skin on the roof of the building. Accordingly, this project is expected to support the activities of durian trade and processing by considering the health protocol and implementing the principle of Green Architecture.
Penerapan Arsitektur Ekologi Dalam Perancangan Pusat Penelitian Agrikultur DI Kabupaten Sragen
Indonesia is known as an agricultural country, which means Indonesia has high rate of agricultural production. However, Indonesia has not fully fulfilled its own food needs, seeing by the high number of food imports to Indonesia. Therefore, the government's agricultural development program is established which includes the development of science and technology (IPTEK) in agriculture. The application of Ecological Architecture theory is considered appropriate because it involves all related elements in the design of human, building and nature. This research is aimed to determine the design of research centre building which is able to facilitate the research activities in accordance with the standard of research space based on the principle of Ecological Architecture theory. The method used is data collection based on literature study, observation and comparation to the design object and application of Ecological Architecture theory, which is then applied as design strategies on t...
JSEP (Journal of Social and Agricultural Economics)
Traditional zone of Meru Betiri National Park (TNMB) has been enacted as a traditional used-area by community who had high dependency on natural resources for generations. Utilization of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP) in TNMB in the form of durian was conducted on the area of 25ha spread over 12 blocks with the total number of at least 925 trees (ϕ of >150 cm). Several problems occurred in NTFP management such as: (a) conflict of interest between durian user group and local people, (b) no legacy of NTFP utilization group in TNMB, (3). Low price of durians and no processing durian products. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the internal and external key factors influenced the management of NTFP and to determine the effective strategies to strengthen the sustainable management. Analysis was performed using SWOT with matrix of internal and external factors. The results of this study showed that there were seven (7) factors of each factors of Strength, Weakness, Opport...
Perancangan Sistem Pengelolaan Limbah Durian Layak Kompos di Agrowisata Kampung Durian Ponorogo
Engagement: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 2021
Ngebel is known as one of the centers for durian fruit in Ponorogo, and is known as Kampung Durian. Durian skin waste that has not been utilized. Through the Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) approach the team of this community service has assisted to make use of durian skin waste to become organic fertilizer to supplements the durian crops. Through the construction of the composter house and technology transfer support program for the processing of durian skin waste into organic fertilizer, the results showed that the people of Kampung Durian village were able to make organic fertilizer with good quality standards. The organic fertilizer products have been tested on durian crops, so that they can increase the production and quality of durian fruit, increase the capacity of the Karang Asri Farmer Group in Kampung Durian to use local resources and increase the capacity to cultivate and process durian skin waste.
Perencanaan Gedung Pusat Ekonomi Kreatif Dayak Tonyooi Benuaq
Pusat Ekonomi Kreatif Dayak Tonyooi Benuaq adalah tempat yang dipergunakan untuk memperkenalkan dan menawarkan produk ekonomi kreatifnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam perencanaan gedung pusat ekonomi kreatif Dayak Tonyooi Benuaq dimulai dengan pengumpulan data primer (survey dan observasi lapangan) dan pengumpulan data sekunder (studi literatur dan data) serta metode analisa data (Analisa makro, Analisa mikro dan Analisa ruang). Perencanaan Gedung Pusat Ekonomi Kreatif Dayak Tonyooi Benuaq bertujuan mewadahi aktivitas para perlaku ekonomi kreatif Dayak Tonyooi Benuaq. Hasil desain perencanaan pusat ekonomi kreatif Dayak Tonyooi Benuaq ini akan menerapkan pendekatan arsitektur vernakular kontemporer. Penerapan atap bangunan yang memiliki bentuk kontemporer mengekspresikan arus gelombang sungai Mahakam sebagai ciri lokal dengan menggunakan material modern fabrikasi sesuai ciri aristektur kontemporer
Balai Penelitian Sayuran Organik adalah sebuah tempat yang di gunakan untuk mengamati, menganalisa, mengembangkan, dan memperluas wawasan ilmu serta untuk menemukan fakta baru yang ada pada tanaman sayuran organik. Hasil dari penelitian tersebut berupa bibit tanaman sayuran yang ditanam di areal budidaya. Penelitian tanaman sayuran ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas sayur-mayur yang ada di masyarakat agar sayuran yang di konsumsi oleh masyarakat memiliki nutrisi yang tinggi dan agar bisa bersaing oleh kualitas sayuran yang di impor dari luar negeri. Arsitektur Ramah Lingkungan dalam pengaplikasian dalam kawasan Balai Penelitian Sayuran Organik ini adalah meminimalisir penggunaan energi listrik yang berasal dari PLN dan digantikan dengan memanfaatkan Sumber Daya Alam yaitu matahari dan angin yang disalurkan melalui Panel Surya dan Turbin angin. Lalu memaksimalkan udara dan cahaya matahari yang masuk kedalam bangunan serta penggunaan bahan material ramah lingkungan pada setiap bangunan.
Pengolahan Dodol Durian Sebagai Salah Satu Produk Khas Maluku
Majalah BIAM, 2013
There are many production of dodol durian in Moluccas region, especially in seram Island as the center production of durian, but the problem is the long live of dodol durian is very short. The objective of this research is to know about quality and the long live of dodol durian with variation of adding flour and variation of packing material. The adding flour are wheat flour, sticky rice flour and sagu flour. The packing material are sagu leaf, transpanant plastic and waxpaper. The test of dodol durian are organoloptic test by using hedonic scale, cemical test and microbiologi test. The result of this reseach are the respondent more like dodol durian with adding material of sticky rice flour and packing material is tranparant plastic.The long live of dodol durian is about two week.
Jurnal Agroecotania : Publikasi Nasional Ilmu Budidaya Pertanian
Hutan merupakan suatu kawasan yang didalamnya ditumbuhi pepohonan dan tanaman lainnya secara liar dengan beraneka ragam dan jenis tumbuhan. Apabila hutan dialih fungsikan sebagai kawasan hortikultura, maka sebagai fungsi penting hutan akan hilang karean salah satu fungsi hutan adalah untuk menahan air dan dengan keberadaan tajuk dan akar tanaman akan membuat tanah tidak mudah longsor. Jika hutan digantikan dengan tanaman durian, manggis dan duku maka akan terjadi perubahan terhadap sifat fisik tanah. Entisol merupakan salah satu jenis tanah baru yang ada di Indonesia yang yang termasuk golongan subur sampai kurang subur. Tanah mempunyai sifat andik dengan ketebalan dangkal. Tanah bagian bawah berwarna coklat sampai coklat kekuningan, tekstur sedang poros sampai sarang, tanah dibagian bawah berwarna coklat sampai kekuningan, pemadatan lemah, akumulasi liat sering di temukan di lapisan bawah. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Desa Talang Duku Kecamatan Taman Rajo Kabupaten Muaro Jambi. Tujua...