Thermodynamic Modeling the Solubility of CO2 in Aqua System of Methyldiethanolamine and 2-(2-Aminoethylamino)ethanol Using the Nonelectrolyte Wilson Nonrandom Factor (original) (raw)
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The erosion of the cohesive layers of particulate matter that causes discolouration in water distribution system mains has previously been modelled using the Prediction of Discolouration in Distribution Systems (PODDS) model. When first proposed, PODDS featured an unvalidated means by which material regeneration on pipe walls could be simulated. Field and laboratory studies of material regeneration have yielded data that suggest that the PODDS formulations incorrectly model these processes. A new model is proposed to overcome this shortcoming. It tracks the relative amount of discolouration material that is bound to the pipe wall over time at each of a number of shear strengths. The model formulations and a mass transport model have been encoded as software, which has been used to verify the model's constructs and undertake sensitivity analyses. The new formulations for regeneration are conceptually consistent with field and laboratory observed data and have potential value in t...
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Ab stract The ki netic study of hydration pro cess of sintered CaO pellets by X-Ray dif frac tion method was stud ied in this work. Sintered CaO pel lets were in tro duced in opened sys tem, which was continuosly sup plied with wa ter steam. The actual tem per a ture as well as rel a tive hu mid ity were changed by tem per a ture change in wa ter ther mo stat. Hydration exper i ments were real ised at the se lected rel a tive humidities of 98, 57, 37 and 21 %. At cho sen in ter vals the pel lets were sub mit ted to X-Ray dif frac tion phase anal y sis. The observed char ac ter is tics was the rel a tive in ten si ties I (101) Ca(OH)2 / I (200) CaO ra tio. This re veals the for ma tion of the new phase Ca(OH) 2 and the miss ing phase CaO at the pel let sur face. It fol lows from ex per i men tal re sults that tem per ature plays more im por tant role in the hydration pro cess as rel a tive hu mid ity. The ap par ent ac ti va tion en ergy E A of 3.6 kJmol-1 was de ter mined. Based on achieved ex per i men tal re sults the nu cle ation (diffusional) con cept of hydration pro cess was spec i fied.
Macromolecular Symposia, 2003
This paper reports on the interfacial behaviour of block and graft copolymers used as compatibilizers in immiscible polymer blends. A limited residence time of the copolymer at the interface has been shown in both reactive blending and blend compatibilization by preformed copolymers. Polystyrene (PS)/polyamide6 (PA6), polyphenylene oxide (PPO)/PA6 and polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA)/PA6 blends have been reactively compatibilized by a styrene‐maleic anhydride copolymer SMA. The extent of miscibility of SMA with PS, PPO and PMMA is a key criterion for the stability of the graft copolymer at the interface. For the first 10 to 15 minutes of mixing, the in situ formed copolymer is able to decrease the particle size of the dispersed phase and to prevent it from coalescencing. However, upon increasing mixing time, the copolymer leaves the interface which results in phase coalescence.In PS/LDPE blends compatibilized by preformed PS/hydrogenated polybutadiene (hPB) block copolymers, a tapered ...
Modeling of Bivalve Habitation in a Shallow Brackish Lake
Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Ser. B1 (Hydraulic Engineering), 2016
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The Inter-Branch Relationships of Ict
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During the period 1782-1900, artificial meander cutoffs were the most important interferences to the lower Váh River channel. For the study of this phenomenon, we used historic map data sources, such as 1 st – 3 rd military survey of Habsburg Empire, old cadastral, local and regional maps. In the investigated segment of Váh river on Podunajská nížina lowland (stretch between towns Sereď and Komárno), we identified 27 artificial meander cutoffs in total, from which five were already realised during the 18 th century. Some of them were even cut repeatedly. Due to artificial meander cutoffs not only channel shortening and decrease in sinuosity took place, but probably also an increase in channel slope and incision, leading to subsequent narrowing of the channel. The aim of the work is to evaluate chronologically the most important channel alterations to the lower Váh river channel before the end of the 19 th century using historic maps.
Potravinarstvo Slovak Journal of Food Sciences, 2012
The aim of the study was to assess the effects of exposure to low doses of cadmium dissolved in drinking water (at a concentration 200 times higher than the maximum permissible dose) on selected parameters of carbohydrate metabolism in 20 Wistar rats. Animals were divided into two groups – control and experimental groups exposed to low doses of cadmium chloride in concentration 20 μM of drinking water. We studied the biochemical parameters, as glucose, hemoglobin, glycated hemoglobin, lactate dehydrogenase and amylase in blood of rats. Glucose, hemoglobin, glycated hemoglobin and amylase levels increased, lactate dehydrogenase was no changed of rats exposed to cadmium. Good indicators of chronic intoxication by cadmium are elevated levels of glucose, hemoglobin and mainly glycated hemoglobin in blood. The evaluation results should be taken into account not only the data at the end of the experiment but for the entire duration of trials (i.e., more time steps), which results largely ...
Acta Montanistica Slovaca, 2005
Bacterial Oxidation and Reduction of Iron in the Processes of Creation and Treatment of Acid Mining Waters Acid mine drainages (AMDs) arise at the weathering of sulphidic minerals. The occurrence of acidic streams is commonly associated with the human mining activities. Due to the disruption and excavation of sulphide deposits, the oxidation processes have initiated. Acidic products of sulphide oxidation accelerate the degradation of accompanying minerals. AMDs typically contain high concentrations of sulfuric acid and soluble metals and cause serious ecological problems due to the water pollution and the devastation of adjacent country. Microbial life in these extremely acidic environments may be considerably diverse. AMDs are abundant in bacteria capable to oxidize and/or to reduce iron. The rate of bacterial oxidation of ferrous iron released from pyrite surfaces is up to one million times faster than the chemical oxidation rate at low pH. Bacterial regeneration of ferric iron maintains the continuity of pyrite oxidation and the production of AMDs. Another group of microorganisms living in these environments are acidophilic ferric iron reducing bacteria. This group of microorganisms has been discovered only relatively recently. Acidophilic heterotrophic bacteria reduce ferric iron in either soluble or solid forms to ferrous iron. The reductive dissolution of ferric iron minerals brings about a mobilization of iron as well as associated heavy metals. The Bacterial oxidation and reduction of iron play an important role in the transformation of either crystalline or amorphous iron-containing minerals, including sulphides, oxides, hydroxysulfates, carbonates and silicates. This work discusses the role of acidophilic bacteria in the natural iron cycling and the genesis of acidic effluents. The possibilities of application of iron bacteria in the remediation of AMDs are also considered.