Harmonic Emission Limits and Selecting PCC Location Based on the Type of Distribution System (original) (raw)
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Trends in Power Quality, Harmonic Mitigation and Standards for Light and Heavy Industries: A Review
Energies, 2020
The power quality of electrical grids is becoming an important issue worldwide. The electrical grid has to deliver sinusoidal voltages and currents without frequency or amplitude variations. However, the connection of non-linear loads generates harmonics that degrade the grid quality. The presence of harmonics in the load currents has many negative consequences and can distort the voltage waveform at the point of common coupling (PCC). Thus, it is essential to mitigate the harmonics in order to maintain a suitable grid quality. This is a shared responsibility between energy suppliers, manufacturers of electric and electronic equipment, and users. In this context, this work presents, for each stakeholder, a comprehensive analysis of their responsibilities and the standards that they should meet. Additionally, this paper reviews the most common types of filters used to comply with the applicable standards in industrial applications. Finally, in order to prove that active power filters...
Large-scale renewable power producing plants are being integrated into South African networks. Network operators need to ensure that Renewable Power Plants (RPP) do not negatively affect the power quality levels of their networks, as harmonics amongst others could become a concern. IEC 61000-3-6 details a method for allocating voltage harmonic emission limits for distorting loads. This method works well for the allocation of emission limits however; it does not address the management of harmonic emissions once a plant is connected to the network. The management of harmonic emissions requires that network operators measure or quantify the emissions from loads and generators to determine compliance. Post-connection quantification of harmonic levels and compliance is a challenge for network operators. The question asked is: “How should a network operator measure/quantify the harmonic emissions of a load/generator to establish compliance with the calculated limits as per IEC 61000-3-6?” This paper reviews, within a South African context, methods of assessing harmonic emission levels and then evaluates these methods by means of field data. Opportunities for improvement are identified and operational requirements discussed.
Harmonic emission limits and responsibilities at a point of connection
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, 2012
A customer expects to receive a voltage supply at his installation that meets the requirements of standards like (national) grid codes, EN50160 standard etc. under normal operating conditions. On the other hand, the devices connected to a customer's installation should meet power quality (PQ) requirements as given in the IEC standards (and other relevant product standards). In contrast, present standards give very limited information about the PQ requirements at a customer's point of connection (POC). Modern household customers use many power electronic-based devices for their daily usage. Those devices inject harmonic currents and all together distort the network's voltage. It is noticed from surveys that harmonic-related inconveniences are increasing in the power system. Some field measurements (on harmonics) in the Dutch low-voltage (LV) network will be discussed in this paper. Also, harmonic simulation is done on a typical LV network that supplies electricity to several households. Both the field measurements and simulation results are compared with the limit values of the standards. Further, harmonic current emission limits at different customers' installations are derived. This information would be helpful for the customers to know their rights and responsibilities in the network. Additionally, a proposal is made about new planning level values of harmonic voltages in the network. Finally, a methodology is developed to assess harmonics-related responsibilities of each of the involved parties in the power system, and it is shown where these can be applied.
Harmonic emission assessment in high-voltage networks with a number of renewable power plants (RPP) interconnected is challenging. A sound scientific methodology readily accessible to engineers is needed to validate the compliance to grid code requirement set by the distribution system operator. Harmonic phasors recorded coherently all over the network can cause an impractical volume of data. This study investigates the opportunity to improve existing methodologies by application of the prevailing angle in a harmonic phasor as an approach to significant reduction of data and then demonstrate the evaluation of grid compliance in a network with a number of RPP interconnected. It is shown that the unrelated dynamic nature of the different non-linear energy sources does compromise the practical application of the prevailing harmonic phase angle. It is then concluded that the dynamic nature of RPP necessitates continuous monitoring of grid code requirements on harmonic emission.
On Harmonic Emission Assessment: A Discriminative Approach
SAIEE Africa Research Journal, 2017
An improvement in the assessment of harmonic emissions as contributed by renewable generation such as a Photovoltaic (PV) plant, at a Point of Connection (PoC) to a distribution network, is needed. Both the generating source and the distribution network contribute to the voltage harmonic distortion at the PoC and single-point measurements cannot be used to quantify the relative contributions of each source. IEC 61000-4-30 Class A PQ measurements are used as a reference dataset for engineers and can be obtained simultaneously at different points in a network in an attempt to better understand the relative contribution by the source of distortion and the voltage supply network. The opportunity to improve the CIGRE/CIRED C4.109 approach by means of multiple-point synchronized network data is shown to be significant in the qualification of the statistical method but lacks the quantification in calculating the harmonic emission of a non-linear load. The CIGRE/CIRED method can be improved by only considering those harmonic currents identified as emission as some harmonic currents could be the result of background harmonic voltages in the supply network. Constraints in using IEC 61000-4-30 time-aggregated rms voltage and current values to support the assessment of harmonic emission using field-measured data is lastly shown as the calculation method and measurement uncertainty influence the compliance to grid code requirements on harmonic emissions.
The secondary electrical distribution system requires an improvement in electricity supply. Among the determining factors for the perfect functioning of the electrical system are disturbances resulting from equipment or devices connected to it. These disturbances occur due to eventual losses due to reactive energy and harmonic distortions present in the installation. Thus, this research aims to present disturbances of harmonic currents in the residential electrical system and to compare how different international standards (IEEE 519, IEC 610003-2, EN 50160 and module 8 of PRODIST/Brazil) apply harmonic control in residential electrical installations. Applying the comparative study of the different patterns, it was possible to generate a specific analysis on the effects of harmonic distortions. Thus, it was possible to conclude that it is necessary to mitigate the effects of harmonics in the distribution system and that each country adopts different parameters to mitigate this effect.
CIRED - Open Access Proceedings Journal, 2017
Harmonic emission assessment in high voltage networks with a number of Renewable Power Plants interconnected is challenging. A sound scientific methodology readily accessible to engineers is needed to validate the compliance to grid code requirement set by the Distribution System Operator. Harmonic phasors recorded coherently all over the network can cause an impractical volume of data. This paper investigate the opportunity to improve existing methodologies by application of the prevailing angle in a harmonic phasor as an approach to significant reduction of data and then demonstrate the evaluation of grid compliance in a network with a number of Renewable Power Plants interconnected. It is shown that the unrelated dynamic nature of the different non-linear energy sources does compromise the practical application of the prevailing harmonic phase angle. It is then concluded that the dynamic nature of Renewable Energy Plants necessitates continuous monitoring of grid code requirements on harmonic emission.
Harmonics at the utility industrial interface: a real world example
Ieee Trans Ind Appl, 1995
This paper describes the application of 5th and 7th harmonic filters to an oil gathering and processing facility substation to reduce total harmonic voltage distortion on the local utility system to within IEEE Standard 519 recommended limits. I. INTRODUCTION HE example oil company's Beaver Creek Facility con-T sists of producing fields and a gas processing plant, located in central Wyoming near the town of Riverton. Electrical power for the plant and field is provided by a small electric cooperative which serves and meters the facility at 69 KV. In addition, gas powered turbines provide cogenerated power. Power is distributed to the plant and field loads via the user owned 69 Kv/25 Kv substation. The combined plant and field load is in the range of 6.0-7.0 MVA. The field produces oil and gas condensate from several formations which require artificial lift. Initially, all wells were produced using beam pumps. In the mid-l970's, several wells were retrofitted with electrical submersible pumps (ESP's), driven by variable speed drives (VSD's). The VSD's utilized six-pulse input inverters, the then-state-of-the-art design. The total VSD load was 5400 KVA within a total operating load of 7.1 MVA-for approximately 76% of the total facility load. The one-line diagram for the power company system and the Beaver Creek substation and facility is shown in Fig. 1. The use of the six-pulse variable speed drives coupled with the addition of power factor correction capacitors created a situation iq which harmonic distortion levels on the local utility's system exceeded recommended limits. This prompted the installation of 5th and 7th harmonic filters at the Beaver Creek substation. This paper outlines the process involved in identifying, analyzing, and eliminating a problem involving harmonic distortion, variable speed drives, and the presence of power factor correction capacitor banks. The paper also discusses IEEE Standard 519 and some implications of the interpretation and use of this guideline.
IEEE Std. 1459 power quantities ratio approaches for simplified harmonic emissions assessment
2018 18th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power (ICHQP), 2018
The paper investigates the suitability of using power ratio parameters for harmonic emissions assessment at the point of common coupling (PCC). The study is carried out starting from the IEEE Std. 1459-2010 apparent power decomposition, where power factors are defined for evaluating line utilization and harmonic pollution levels. In addition, the study investigates the behavior of new parameters, which are expressed in terms of ratio between IEEE Std. 1459-2010 power quantities. The study is carried out for both single-phase and three-phase case, also considering the presence of capacitors.
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
This article investigates the feasibility of using a simplified approach, based on the measurement of power ratio parameters, for harmonic emissions assessment at the point of common coupling (PCC). The proposed approach comes from the common concept of power factor correction and the definitions of the IEEE Std. 1459-2010, where line utilization and harmonic pollution levels are evaluated by means of ratios between the power quantities of the apparent power decomposition. In addition to the IEEE Std. 1459-2010 indicators, in this article, the behavior is studied of additional parameters that are conceptually similar to those defined by the IEEE Std. 1459-2010. The suitability of such parameters is discussed, for both singleand three-phase balanced/unbalanced cases, taking into account both their behavior in different scenarios and their effectiveness when the measurement uncertainty is taken into account. The study is supported by some simulation results that have been obtained on an IEEE benchmark power system, which allows reproducing linear and nonlinear load conditions, balanced and unbalanced operating conditions, and the presence of capacitors for power factor correction.