The Transformation of the Labor Market in the Conditions of War: Challenges and Strategies for Labor Force Renewal (original) (raw)

Analysis of the Domestic Labor Market in the Conditions of War

Včenì zapiski Tavrìjsʹkogo nacìonalʹnogo unìversitetu ìmenì V.Ì. Vernadsʹkogo. Serìâ: Ekonomìka ì upravlìnnâ, 2024

У статті розглянуто економічні та демографічні чинники, що характеризують населення, як основного носія ресурсу праці та підприємницького хисту, безпосередньо впливають на функціонування ринку праці в економічній системі. Економічна активність населення залежить від процесів відтворення та міграції, відображаючись на рівні забезпеченості країни робочою силою, віковій та соціальній структурі трудових ресурсів. В час війни вітчизняний ринок праці стикається з багатьма проблемами, що потребують невідкладного вивчення та вирішення: зменшення чисельності населення, скорочення народжуваності та зростання смертності, старіння нації, зростання рівня безробіття, активізація міграційних потоків тощо. Регулювання ринку праці з боку держави повинно включати належну демографічну політику, політику зайнятості, міграційну політику, а також соціальну та кадрову політики.

Assessment of Imbalance in the Labor Sphere Under the Conditions of Martial Law and the Possibilities to Overcome It

Economy of Ukraine

The theoretical substantiation of the essence and content of the "labor sphere" concept is provided, its significance and influence on the system of social relations is revealed. The organizational and managerial structure of the labor sphere as a social institution in the system of national economy is presented, and its role in ensuring the adaptation of Ukraine’s labor environment to European requirements is revealed. The results of the authors’ scientific research on the development of scientific and methodological framework for assessing the level of imbalance in the labor sphere of Ukraine are presented, the main conditions and reasons for the deepening of imbalance in the labor sphere of Ukraine during wartime, which leads to the intensifying impact of social risks and dangers on people, national economy, and the country, are considered. The main imbalances in the labor sphere and the socio-economic consequences of their manifestation in the conditions of martial law...

Improving the Administrative Organization of the Labor Market in the Current Conditions

The study discusses the administrative organization of the labor market in Bulgaria from point of view of its structure, functionality, management and capacity. The study makes a review of the scientific discussion regarding the place and role of the institutions and the labor market, in particular for increasing the effectiveness of the economy. The analysis of the structure, functions, management and capacity of the administrative system of this market from point of view of the contemporary dynamic social-economic changes allows formulating many recommendations concerning the changes in the mentioned areas for improving its administrative service.

Transformation of Labor Market Under the Influence of the Artificial Intelligence

Odessa National University Herald. Economy

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The Issue of Work Transformation in Post-Socialist Perspective


The article is focused on the evolution of the work concept in critical theory through the solution of the problem of relationship between social labor and emancipation, which is important in Marxism. The analysis is based on the review of Western literature. J. Habermas deprived the classical Marxist concept of labor of its emancipatory potential within the framework of an intersubjective approach and reduced labor to instrumental action. A. Honneth critically rethought Habermas’ theory and returned labor its liberating potential in the theory of recognition. C. Dejours developed Honneth’s theory and created an operational concept of work. It is defi ned as overcoming the resistance to reality in the context of the gap between prescription and realization. The analysis allowed the author to identify concepts that describe the possibility of anti-capitalist resistance and the emancipation of work. The concepts of work developed in the theory of recognition are applied to the analysis of neo-archaic forms of work in Russia, which allows to characterize them as forms of resistance. The civilizational differences of the work phenomenon are considered in the perspective of Soviet modernization, which determined the subjectivity of the worker. New forms of work emerged due to this subjectivity.

Demand in the Russian Labor Market

Economics of Contemporary Russia

The work deals to the construction of the labor demand function in modern Russia. This function is two-factor, with real wages and gross domestic product acting as its factors. The function in question is based on a modified labor demand function, which is a regression equation linking the labor intensity of production with the average real wage. Labor intensity in this case is interpreted as the amount of demand for labor on the part of an average Russian employer in the production of final products worth, for example, 1 million rubles per year. The product of the theoretical value of the modified demand function in a certain year by the value of GDP gives the theoretical number of employed, interpreted as the value of the demand for labor. The article presents the results based on the dynamic series of official Russian statistical information for 2001–2020 calculations that allowed us to determine the type and parameters of the modified labor demand function. The characteristic fe...

Legal Opportunities and Challenges in the Digital Transformation of the Labor Force


The aim of the author in this publication is to present the challenges to the legislator on the one hand and on the other hand in practical terms how they would affect the new requirements for employment. When entering and using digital tools in the labor process there is a need to improve the training and qualification skills of the parties in the labor process - worker and employer. This requires alignment with the new digital transformations of the existing legal framework in the field of labor law at European and national level.The purpose of the author in this publication is to present the legal and professional requirements for the protection of personal data in the modern digital society. To determine the scope and grounds for handling personal data that each of us provides in the civil law turnover of public relations.

Protection of the Labour Rights in the Context of the Transition to the Forth Industrial Revolution: Ways to Overcome Precarious Employment

Living Standards of the Population in the Regions of Russia, 2018

The object of the study. Labour market in the period of the transition to the fourth industrial revolution.The subject of the study. Protection of social and labour rights of workers during the transition period.The purpose of the study is the assessment of the possibilities of Unions to reduce precarious employment.The main provisions of the article. The development of technologies of the fourth industrial revolution leads to radical changes in the labour market. Various new spheres of activity and forms of labour relations are emerging that are outside the statutory rules, which contributes to the growth of precarious employment and the violation of previous social guarantees of workers. The General trend towards individualization of work, which began at the beginning of the third industrial revolution, is becoming even more pronounced in the era of the Industry 4.0. Together with increased competition for jobs, this impedes the collective struggle of workers for their rights, whi...