The Early Childhood Curriculum Analysis Lecturing Strategy to Increase Pedagogical Competence in Mastering Concepts and the Ability to Develop Early Childhood Curriculum (original) (raw)

Curriculum Management in Early Childhood Education


Potential Early childhood can be developed through proper planning, implementation and evaluation of the learning curriculum. This paper is a qualitative study which carried out in-depth observations at TKIT Islahul Ummah Prabumulih City. The results obtained indicate that PAUD learning activities begin with 1) curriculum planning starting from meetings attended by all educators, making annual and semester program curriculum plans as well as the design of weekly activities and the design of daily activities; 2) curriculum implementation has used in door activity and out door activity; 3) curriculum evaluation is carried out periodically and has been set a time, every once a month parents of students are invited to discuss and talk about learning that has been done one month before. This paper provides new insight for implementation of curriculum management for early childhood education should refer to the national curriculum with additional Islamic religious material where we could ...

Descriptive analysis of researches on curriculum development in education

Descriptive analysis of the studies using the curriculum as a descriptive and published at the Curriculum Inquiry journal is conducted in this study. Results revealed that literature review is the preferred method, document analysis is the preferred data collection tool, purposeful sampling is the preferred sampling method, qualitative research is the most used research, and elementary education is the most investigated level in the studies. Future research should concentrate on other respective journals to reach the broad understanding of the studies conducted in the Curriculum and Instruction.

The Aspects Of Child Development On Early Childhood Education Curriculum


Selection of learning objectives that are not quite right can affect the success of the implementation of learning, so a learning device is needed with attention to the formulation of learning objectives. This study aims to analyze learning tools regarding the learning objectives of language aspects, social emotional aspects, artistic aspects, religious and moral aspects, and physical motor aspects in the 2013 Curriculum curriculum. This type of research is a development research with the Rowntree development model. The subjects of this research are learning tools regarding the learning objectives of language aspects, social emotional aspects, artistic aspects, religious and moral aspects, and motoric physical aspects. The data collection method used in this research is to use the interview method, the questionnaire method and the documentation method. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis technique and quantitative descriptive statist...

Evaluation of Curriculum Development Process

The essence of the achievement of curriculum objectives depends on its evaluation process during development. If the process indicators involve comprehensively at grass root level the product will be valid for use. Content selection regarding objective consideration and with respect to the content organization is somewhat critical during the process of curriculum development. Since often no evaluation of the implemented curriculum is carried out; hence no feedback is received to revise the curriculum. This study addresses the curriculum development process issues. A validated questionnaire consisting of 84 statements was developed. Data was collected from 810 personals involved in curriculum development process and analyzed by Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) using Chi Square. Result shows a significant association between existing process and desired process for curriculum development. Some new trends showed a mark difference like Memorandums of Understanding, Expressions of Interest, study tours and learner cognitive level.

The Role of Curriculum and Development in Teaching and Learning: A Critical Appraisal

Research paper, 2013

Introduction The need for the development of a curriculum to guide the activities of a school or any academic endeavour for efficient attainment of its goals and objectives cannot be overemphasized. Education essentially involves the teaching and learning experiences, and to ensure a fruitful and rewarding experience which implies a good education, the curriculum must be adequately formulated or structured to meet or reflect the needs of the society and of the individual learner. It is on the basis of the above observation that this paper will attempt an examination of the roles which a curriculum plays in a teaching and learning condition. That is, such questions as how does the curriculum enable the teacher to do his job with relative proficiency? What importance does the curriculum hold for the learner in his effort at acquiring knowledge and improving himself? And what does the educational system generally stand to gain with the development of a curriculum?, will form the major concern of this paper. However, to achieve the goal of this paper, an explanation of the concept of curriculum becomes of utmost necessity. Hence, the paper begins with the clarification of the concept of curriculum and proceeds to the analysis of the various roles of the concept in teaching and learning. The point will be made that, a deviation from the curriculum will be detrimental to the educational system, the learner and the teacher. And only by developing a curriculum which is positive oriented focusing on the learner's abilities and interest, can a proper education be attained through an enhanced teaching and learning.

Curriculum as an instrument in developing teaching and learning


The digital generation, the development of digital economy, globalization, the restriction, the development of the branches of national economy are significant factors for a sustainable development of education to become one of the most significant issues of the development of society. Education in school practice takes place in a dramatically new informative environment (social nets, digitalization, plenitude} and for the future, which cannot be clearly characterized and described. One of the objectives of the curriculum development is the assurance of the teaching / learning in classrooms of all levels. It all is influenced both by the new technologies coming into our national economy and also in school practice, and by the changes of the perception and the way of thinking of the young generation. From this point of you there is a great necessity revise curriculum using new approaches, new principles in developing educational leadership in the classrooms. The research of prospecti...



The curriculum comprises all the opportunities for learning offered by the school: the formal and informal; the extended curriculum; learning and teaching styles; relationships; the general quality of life established in the learning community as a whole. Before students even enter a classroom, the instructor needs to design curriculum to complete the foundational work of education: curriculum development. This is often done in collaboration with numerous other educational professionals, including other teachers, administrators, and researchers. The curriculum is the skeleton that holds up the lessons in the classroom; it is the map by which students navigate their educational travels. The teaching curriculum outlines the materials, the benchmarks, overall classroom management and the assessments used each and every day in the classroom, and as such, needs to be developed in a highly-structured way using educational philosophy.

Curriculum Management Paud in Integrated Islamic Kindergarten Fania Salsabila Barokah Jambi

Edunesia: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan

This study aims to find out how PAUD curriculum management in Fania Salsabila Barokah Jambi integrated Islamic kindergarten means management includes planning, implementing, organizing, supervising, and evaluating early childhood education curricula and knowing what problems are encountered in planning, implementing, organizing, supervision, and evaluation of early childhood education curricula. This type of research is descriptive and qualitative to obtain information related to curriculum management. The subjects in this study were school principals and teachers. Data collection techniques are by observing, interviewing, and documenting. Curriculum management is a set of plans and learning regarding objectives, content, learning materials, and the methods used as guidelines for learning activities. The curriculum is structured to realize educational goals that must be achieved and learning experiences that students must obtain. The curriculum applied in the Fania Salsabila Barokah...

Growth in Teachers' Curriculum Knowledge through the Process of Curriculum Analysis

Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 1991

This study examined how teachers' curriculum knowledge grows through the process of curriculum analysis and identifies particular areas of growth derived from the experience. The research was conducted with eight individual teachers in Israel. Curriculum analysis is the critical and systematic examination of curriculum materials in order to identify their positive and negative characteristics, potential for teaching end learning, and hidden values Ind assumptions. Materials-in-use are analyzed to determine strengths or weaknesses to allow for modified implementation. The analysis is guided by an instrument or a scheme which includes questions or criteria to be considered throughout the examination. This instrument is called "SALTAL" and includes 33 prescriptive criteria which explicate the desirable characteristics of good curriculum materials and therefore are normative and judgmental. A description is given of the teachers who participated in the study, the SALTAL instrument, and the way the study was conducted. While substantial growth in curriculum knowledge in the eight teachers was observed, they had difficulty when analyzing familiar materials in detaching themselves from their implementation mode and regarding them objectively. The strengths and weaknesses of the SALTAL instrument are analyzed and recommendations are made for further research. (JD) mmmmxmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMkMMMMMMMM Growth in Teachers' Curriculum 'Mao/ledge = the Process of Curriculum Analysis