A working school: the Mattatoio student residence project in Rome (original) (raw)


the paper consists of three parts. The first one deals with the origins of university and consequently with the attached structures such as the university residences. >From this premise we can clearly understand that university and student residences have always been linked to the urban centre by a symbiotic relationship. The second part is about the most important normative references and includes the illustration of the organizational models suggested by the regulations considering the contemporary building situation. Two examples of student housing are finally proposed: a reused building in Turin and a new structure in Pisa, through which we illustrate the same urban redevelopment problems.

Energy and technological refurbishment of the School of Architecture Valle Giulia, Rome

District heating networks are commonly addressed in the literature as one of the most effective solutions for decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions from the building sector. These systems require high investments which are returned through the heat sales. Due to the changed climate conditions and building renovation policies, heat demand in the future could decrease, prolonging the investment return period. The main scope of this paper is to assess the feasibility of using the heat demand – outdoor temperature function for heat demand forecast. The district of Alvalade, located in Lisbon (Portugal), was used as a case study. The district is consisted of 665 buildings that vary in both construction period and typology. Three weather scenarios (low, medium, high) and three district renovation scenarios were developed (shallow, intermediate, deep). To estimate the error, obtained heat demand values were compared with results from a dynamic heat demand model, previously developed and validated by the authors. The results showed that when only weather change is considered, the margin of error could be acceptable for some applications (the error in annual demand was lower than 20% for all weather scenarios considered). However, after introducing renovation scenarios, the error value increased up to 59.5% (depending on the weather and renovation scenarios combination considered). The value of slope coefficient increased on average within the range of 3.8% up to 8% per decade, that corresponds to the decrease in the number of heating hours of 22-139h during the heating season (depending on the combination of weather and renovation scenarios considered). On the other hand, function intercept increased for 7.8-12.7% per decade (depending on the coupled scenarios). The values suggested could be used to modify the function parameters for the scenarios considered, and improve the accuracy of heat demand estimations. Abstract Modern architecture built in historical urban contexts represents a demanding issue when its energy efficiency should be improved. Indeed, the strongest efforts have to be made to maintain the architectural identity and its harmony with the surrounding cultural heritage. This study deals with the main building of the School of Architecture Valle Giulia in Rome, designed by Enrico Del Debbio in the 30's. Further constraints are related to several interventions of airspace expansion starting from 1958 which involved the building starting from 1958. So, preservation would mean highlighting its historic change but, adapting the built environment to the contemporary users' needs. As above-mentioned, the building belongs to the Valle delle Accademie, within the historic park of Villa Borghese, so that to acquire landscaping values. Those latter ones call for ulterior requirements when any new design process is conceived. The study provides a global renewal of the building accounting for the current low Indoor Environmental Quality in both summer and winter seasons and the lack of suitability to the contemporary University student's needs. The interaction between building performance and HVAC systems was studied by collecting data and architectural surveys conducted by all the architects who modified the building. This procedure was chosen since thermo-physical investigations are considered destructive due to required perforations to identify the actual wall layers. Moreover, thermographic surveys were carried out to validate the modelled building response. The result of the study is the identification of viable interventions to improve the accessibility and fruition of the building as well as its energy performance. A specific cost-benefit analysis was done to prioritize the design options along with considering the measures needed to preserve all the architectural features and values. Abstract Modern architecture built in historical urban contexts represents a demanding issue when its energy efficiency should be improved. Indeed, the strongest efforts have to be made to maintain the architectural identity and its harmony with the surrounding cultural heritage. This study deals with the main building of the School of Architecture Valle Giulia in Rome, designed by Enrico Del Debbio in the 30's. Further constraints are related to several interventions of airspace expansion starting from 1958 which involved the building starting from 1958. So, preservation would mean highlighting its historic change but, adapting the built environment to the contemporary users' needs. As above-mentioned, the building belongs to the Valle delle Accademie, within the historic park of Villa Borghese, so that to acquire landscaping values. Those latter ones call for ulterior requirements when any new design process is conceived. The study provides a global renewal of the building accounting for the current low Indoor Environmental Quality in both summer and winter seasons and the lack of suitability to the contemporary University student's needs. The interaction between building performance and HVAC systems was studied by collecting data and architectural surveys conducted by all the architects who modified the building. This procedure was chosen since thermo-physical investigations are considered destructive due to required perforations to identify the actual wall layers. Moreover, thermographic surveys were carried out to validate the modelled building response. The result of the study is the identification of viable interventions to improve the accessibility and fruition of the building as well as its energy performance. A specific cost-benefit analysis was done to prioritize the design options along with considering the measures needed to preserve all the architectural features and values.

ArcHistoR architettura storia restauro-architecture history restoration anno I (2014) n.1 Comitato scientifico internazionale

The unrealised architectural projects of Borromini for the princely Pamphili and Carpegna palaces in Rome have been relegated to a genre of ideal architecture on account of the grandeur of their conception and for their typological design complexity which anticipated the developments of seventeenth and eighteenth-century architecture. Rather, it can now be demonstrated that as far as questions regarding models for a "Palace of the Prince" in Renaissance practise and theory, Borromini was well aware of this long architectural tradition for high-ranking patrons-a tradition which culminated in the second half of the sixteenth century in the graphic experimentalism of the Florentine Accademia del Disegno. This article analyses two architectural projects for the Palazzo Barberini which can be related to this Florentine academic environment: the first, attributed by Wittkower to Pietro da Cortona, and the second, an allegorical drawing by Orazio Busini, still imbued with a late Renaissance schematic vision. To underline the specific importance of this academic type of architectural design in contrast to the inventiveness of Borromini's architecture, his design projects for the Palazzo Carpegna are compared to the series of ideal palaces featured in the Album of drawings of Giovanni Vincenzo Casale, secretary to the Accademia del Disegno during the period when he closely followed the models of Montorsoli. From these comparisons it will be argued that the novelty of Borromini's architectural projects for the Carpegna and the Pamphili palaces derives from the dynamic activation, interpreted in a "Brandian"-baroque meaning, of traditional academic schemes, that, once freed from the rigidly modular academic pattern, reach a harmonious fusion between interior and exterior design.

University residences in Italy: comparison between four projects


Recently, the construction policy of the Italian universities has been characterized by a complex implementation process aimed at rebalancing structural equipment and meeting previous and current needs. From this point of view, many existing and new buildings have been acquired by the Universities to solve the shortcomings of student reception and the international mobility. The contribution describes four experiences of design research and realization of university residences, promoted by the Luigi Bocconi University of Milan, IUAV of Venice, Florence University and Salerno University: different situations that reiterate how much programming and design affect the overall quality of a University.

House Housing. Una storia inattuale dell’architettura e dei beni immobiliari in diciannove episodi


House Housing è il titolo della mostra allestita dal Temple Hoyne Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture al secondo piano di Casa Muraro, nei locali di proprietà della Columbia University, durante il mese di giugno 2014, e che coinciderà con l’apertura della Quattordicesima Mostra Internazionale di Architettura di Venezia. Realizza- ta da un gruppo di ricercatori della Columbia, la mostra è allestita in forma di open house e presenta gli inizi di un progetto di lunga durata incentrato sull’analisi critica del coinvolgimento dell’architettura con il mercato immobiliare, in special modo nel campo della progettazione residenziale. La mostra è una risposta—seppur non sollecitata—al tema “Fundamentals,” proposto dal curatore della Biennale, Rem Koolhaas, che definisce “gli elementi fondamentali dell’architettura impiegati da ogni architetto, ovunque e in qualsiasi momento.” House Housing risponde a tale tema con una campionatura multimediale di “fondamentali” economici che mostrano i fatti basilari della modernità in costruzione—dai governi, industrie, istituzioni e culture—a partire dall’inizio del Novecento. Diciannove brevi episodi storici sviluppati dall’esibizione collocano, dal 1910 al 2014, il settore dell’abitazione al centro del regime economico corrente, con gli Stati Uniti d’America quale nodo di influenza in una rete transnazionale.

2014_ Restoring a Modern building - the Tavolara Pavillon.pdf

The paper aims to discuss a case study representative of the challenging issues of restoring a Modern building, respecting the original principles (which today would be recognized as sustainable) that guided the architect, Ubaldo Badas, throughout the project. The Tavolara Pavilion is probably one of the best examples of Modern architecture in Sardinia and combines art and architecture together, establishing a special connection with the lieu. The purpose of the project was to revaluate Sardinian craft, by giving the region a place for temporary exhibitions. In addition to the valuable architecture, the building is interesting because the problems of air-conditioning and heating are solved without technological systems, but naturally. Therefore, the difficult question is how to revive the delicate system of natural cooling while meeting the needs for a contemporary use. The paper presents the restoration results, and focuses on the solution adopted to maintain the natural ventilation.

Rappresentazione, percezione e wayfinding. L’architettura per l’università del passato e del presente / Representation, Perception and Wayfinding. University Architecture of the Past and Present


Il contributo nasce nel contesto di un più ampio studio sui rapporti tra percezione, wayfinding e rappresentazione dell'architettura. In questo articolo abbiamo sviluppato il confronto tra due architetture accomunate dalla stessa funzione come sedi di studio universitario. Si sono sperimentate metodologie qualitative e quantitative per verificare come la percezione visiva permetta di individuare alcune modalità di riconoscimento dei luoghi e di orientamento all'interno di essi. La prima architettura, il palazzo dell'Università di Genova di origini secentesche, è studiata attraverso il metodo di analisi degli spazi visibili da un punto di osservazione (isovista) con l'ausilio di un algoritmo (Grasshopper) capace di individuare l'impronta planimetrica di tali spazi e della loro trasposizione in forma tridimensionale grazie al confronto con la fotografia nodale a 360°. Il secondo esempio, la Facoltà di Architettura dell'Università di Porto costruita tra il 1985 e il 1996, è composto da un complesso di edifici che evidenzia immediatamente l'evoluzione del rapporto tra spazio di studio e fruitori. Quella che nel palazzo secentesco era la manifestazione di una gerarchia monumentale che enfatizzava le funzioni rappresentative e celava quelle private, peraltro composte in una originale formula architettonica, si trasforma, infatti, in una volontà di individuazione dei singoli elementi, grazie alla ricerca di una caratterizzazione geometrica all'interno di categorie comuni. Parole chiave percezione dell'architettura, wayfinding, università, collegi gesuiti, Alvaro Siza.

2015_The construction fo the ice - houses in the aristocratic residences in the Emilia countryside

ICCH Chicago 2015 - 5th International Congress on Construction History, Chicago, 3 - 7 giugno 2015, volume 1, Construction History Society of America 2015, pp. 113 - 120, 2015

The present research focuses on the ice-houses built between the 17 th and the 19 th c. in the numerous villas and palaces in the Emilia countryside, more specifically in the former Este dukedom. These were a necessary element to preserve ice and perishable foods both for the aristocracy summer holidays and for the production of their surrounding agricultural properties. The investigation is centered on how the ice-houses were built. Within the field of material culture, its purpose is the identification of the technical expertise of workers beneath the construction of these functional buildings. Thus, it was based on close and direct survey of a number of ice-houses, pointing out the aspects of continuity and change. A critical reading of treaties, adapted to the evidence coming from such material documents, contributed to the interpretation of the data. The study analyzes the dimensions and distribution of the ice-houses, the features of their masonries and of their brick vaults and also the internal finishing, an essential element proper functioning of the system. Lastly, also the peculiar drainage system was taken into consideration, which, though rare that may be, in a few cases have been preserved until present day. The data were interpreted taking into account the different situations that can be found in this area. For instance, the structures which were partially dug in the ground in the villas built from scratch as well as the ice houses realized in the deep moats during the renovations of the ancient feudal fortresses. To better understand how they worked, conserve are not considered as isolated elements, but the wider context of the villas in which they were integrated has been evaluated. The analysis of archival documents, such as the inventories, especially offered original contributions to delineate their functional relationships with the internal rooms of residences and the external service buildings around them/in the surroundings. In some extraordinary cases, this functional integration is extended to the architectural layout of villas. These data outline a wide and useful framework on these common but little-known structures and can be considered as the first step toward a more extended and systematic study in this territory. Moreover, they could guide more conscious preservation designs on these often abandoned structures, offering further suggestions on the meanings and on the historical values of the material elements which compose them.