Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan dan Komunikasi Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai di Gudang Distributor PT. Bina San Prima Tasikmalaya (original) (raw)
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The purpose of this study was to determine how much influence and the relationship between leadership style and employee performance. The data collected through a sample to represent the entire population and data collection using a questionnaire. The method used is descriptive method with data collection through questionnaires and observations. The T test results show a significant effect of leadership style on employee performance, it is proven that the variable (X) leadership style and variable (Y) employee performance have a significant value of 0.00 less than 0.05, so it is concluded that the hypothesis is accepted with significantly strong. Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dan hubungan antara gaya kepemimpinan dengan kinerja pegawai. Data dikumpulkan melalui sampel untuk mewakili seluruh populasi dan pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan pengumpulan data melalui angket dan...
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Gaya Komunikasi Pimpinan Dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Karyawan Pada Pt. White and Blue DI Pekanbaru
Jurnal Online Mahasiswa Bidang Ilmu Sosial Dan Ilmu Politik, 2014
Every chief has particular characteristic and different style of communication in managing his/her company. Those three basic system are the styles that should be used by the chief in a company. The goals of this reasearch are to know how communacation styles of the chief in advancing the performance of employess on White and Blue Company in Pekanbaru and what factors which influence the usage of communication style of the chief in advancing the performance of employess on White and Blue Company in Pekanbaru. In this research, the writer uses communication process model. This research uses qualitative methodology. Data collection technique of this research are by observation, interview, and documentation. The analysed data then will be reduced, presented and therefore will result in a general inference. The informen on this research are 10 people selected by using purposive sampling. In order to measure validity of the data, this research uses extension participation and triangulation technique. The result of this research showed that communication style used by the chief in White and Blue Company were family communication and flexible communication which led toward the equalitarian style, whereas the styles family comunication and flexible communication used by the chief on this company were carried out in free. It means that every member of organization can reveal any ideas/concepts or opinions in relax and informal situation. Thereby, the chief can give the employees such comfort situation on company and therefore the performance of the employees can be increased.
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan terhadap Kinerja Karyawan di Kantor Pos Cabang Utama Kota Bandung
El-Mal, 2024
The main goal of the study is to look into and evaluate how leadership styles affect how well employees perform at the Bandung City Main Branch Post Office. This study uses a descriptive methodology and a quantitative approach. Field research projects, surveys, and indepth literature reviews are all used to collect data. The SPSS (Statistical Product and Service Solutions) programme, version 29, is used to analyse the gathered data. Validity, reliability, normalcy, heteroskedasticity, linearity, simple linear regression, t-tests, and the coefficient of determination are all included in the completed assessments. This study also shows how aspects of leadership styles such as accountability, communication skills, and decision-making capacity have a big impact on worker performance. The results of the t-test, where the computed t-value exceeds the tabulated t-value, namely 6.027 > 2.048, support this conclusion. Therefore, it can be concluded that variable X does in fact have an impact on variable Y.
Pengaruh Gaya Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Percetakan Dimas Kota Palembang
This study aims to determine the effect of leadership style on employee performance in Printing Dimas City Palembang by using questionnaires as much as 52 respondents. It can be concluded that the value of regression coefficient for indicator of autocratic leadership style with value 0,413, democracy with value 0,422 and laise faire with value 0,412 at regression equation show positive value. It can be interpreted that the style of leadership of democracy has greater influence than other indicators. And for the indicator laise faire leadership style has the least influence compared to other indicators. result of hiptesis test of leadership style show significant level 0,001. This significant level is smaller than 0.05, which means that the hypothesis in this study reject Ho and accept Ha.If P value = 0.05 then Ha accepted and can be interpreted leadership style has a significant influence on performance. Keywords : leadership and performance
Jurnal Manajemen
This study aims to determine the influence of leadership style on compensation; the influence of leadership style on employee performance; the effect of compensation on employee performance and the influence of leadership on performance through compensation in the Sub-Department of Highways Administration of South Jakarta Municipality. The population in this study amounted to 260 employees, using Simple Random Sampling. The sample collected are 72 respondents. The analysis method used in this research are descriptive method and Path Analysis. The results showed that leadership style has no significant effect on compensation; The leadership style has a positive but insignificant effect on performance; compensation has a positive and significant effect on performance, and leadership style has a positive and significant influence on performance through compensation.