Learning Model in Elementary School Saren 1 Elementary School, Kalijambe Subdistrict, Sragen Regency (original) (raw)
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Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning Model and Direct Instruction for Student Learning Achievement
Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan Agama Islam (JIPAI)
Based on the problems that occur where there are still many students who have not completed their learning achievements, they try to apply a model like this, the study aims to determine the extent to which the effectiveness of cooperative learning and direct instruction learning models can can be used to teach the practice of worship in the management of corpses. The research method used in this study was a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-postest control group design and a quantitative approach. Where the population of this research is all 8th grade students of Mts Darul Falah PPI 61 Cisurupan. The data obtained is the result of the instrument in the form of test questions for the pretest and posttest, and documentation of research results. The instrument analysis includes data validity, reliability, level of difficulty, discriminatory power, normality test, T test, and man whitney test. The result of this research is that when doing a pretest to students the result is that...
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Cooperative learning model is one learning model of activities and interactions between students to motivate each other and help each other in mastering subject matter to achieve maximum achievement. This research was conducted in n cycles. Each cycle is carried out by the changes to be achieved starting from initial reflection to returning to analysis and reflection. The average value of students has increased in each cycle of 50.75 in cycle 1, then increased in cycle 2 that is equal to 52.2 and cycle 3 to 72.75. teacher activity during the chemistry learning process in the classroom for each cycle using the type cooperative learning model with greeting and questions techniques continued to increase namely from an average score of 30 to 34.5 and increased very well in the cycle to 3 which is equal to 42 with good criteria while for student activity the average score of 26 to 31.5 and increased very well in the third cycle that is equal to 39 with good criteria. The conclusion is th...
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Journal of Early Childhood Special Education (INT-JECSE), 2021
Research with the title Application of Cooperative Learning Models and Interaction Patterns in an effort to improve student learning outcomes in the Junior High School XVIII, South Tangerang Indonesia, in social studies subjects. This research was conducted on seventh grade students of Junior Hight School XVIII, South Tangerang. Indonesia. This research method uses a descriptive quantitative approach, while the research instrument used in this study is a questionnaire. The data analysis technique in this research is descriptive statistical test. The results of the study are the results of the application of cooperative learning models and interaction patterns in an effort to improve student learning outcomes, in social studies subjects, as evidenced by the results of statistical tests obtained based on the level of satisfaction, the average value obtained is strongly agree at 31%, agree at 50%, disagree by 18%, answers that strongly disagree obtained a value of 1%. Meanwhile, based on the answers according to the percentage of peer group interaction pattern variables, the average value obtained was 31% strongly agree, 41% agree, 24% disagree and 3% strongly disagree. The results of the answer test based on student achievement in social studies obtained the average value of those who answered strongly agree amounted to 29%, san who answered agreed 47%, and disagreed 22%, and strongly disagreed by 2%.
This study aims to investigate: (1) the difference in the effect of STAD type cooperative learning model and jigsaw type on the fifth grade student learning outcomes at Cinta Rakyat state primary school, (2) the difference in learning outcomes between students with high social skills and low social skills at grade five and (3) the interaction between cooperative learning approaches and social skills on the learning outcomes of fifth grade students of state primary school. This research is a quasi experimental research. The population of this study is students in class V1, V2, V3 at Cinta Rakyat state primary school. The sample in this study is class Va for the experimental class that is taught by using STAD type cooperative learning and the control class is Vb which is taught by using jigsaw type cooperative learning. The results show that: (1) the learning outcomes of students who are taught by STAD cooperative learning, 25.70. It is greater than students who are taught by jigsaw c...
The New Education Review, 2016
This study aimed to examine the effectiveness and practicality of modules used to teach the elementary students in Ambon, Moluccas, Indonesia and as a result generate a thematic module based on Numbered Heads Together (NHT) cooperative learning model. We adopted a 4d development model, which comprises four stages: define, design, develop, and disseminate to produce the module. A survey and interviews were conducted at the define stage and the results proved that the students used modules which only accommodate the traditional learning model. These modules did not provide the students with activities which could help improve their thinking skills. At the define stage, a thematic module was created and at the develop stage, it was revised based on suggestions from experts and the results of the field try-outs. The use of the module showed a significant improvement in student achievement. The final step of the development of the module was performed by providing teachers with a training program on teaching resources and lesson study. Future research is expected to be empirical so that it can investigate the effect of the thematic module on students' higher order thinking skills. Keywords: module, thematic, NHT, 4D
Challenges of Cooperative Learning Scheme at Secondary Schools of Wolaita Zone
The purpose of this study was to investigate the implementation problems of cooperative learning at secondary schools of Wolaita zone. The samples used for the research work were selected randomly from 8(eight) secondary schools found in the sample woredas. Two hundred forty eight (248) students eighty one (81) teachers and eight (8) principals were included in the study. Simple random and purposive sampling techniques were used. The instrument used were questionnaires, interview and document review. Triangulation design type of mixed method was used. This was due to the fact thattriangulation mixed method was more appropriate to collect adequate informationfrom various participants. The study findings show that secondary schools in the zone implemented cooperative learning, but not to the expected level. It has been recommended that for the group learning to be more likely to work in the classroom, teachers’ and students should get access to long term support and learn from one ano...
Mahkamah Syariah DI Sabah Perkembangan Dan Bidangkuasa
International Islamic University Malaysia, 1986
Elementary School (SD) is the first basic education institution that plays an important role in the world of education in order to provide the basis for the next level of education. Elementary School is one of the nine-year compulsory basic education programs established by the government. Therefore, adequate management and handling of basic education in order to improve the quality of education is needed. This research aims to make teachers able to plan the implementation of learning, so that the material delivered by the teacher is more absorbed by students. Based on the results of interviews, the average teacher at Public Elementary School Number 57 / II TalangSilungko 2 has not been able to properly compile the learning tools, especially the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) to overcome this problem, the author conducted research on Public Elementary School teachers Number 57 / II. TalangSilungko 2 is entitled: Efforts to Improve Teacher Competence in Preparing Learning Implementation Plans (RPP) through a Workshop at Public Elementary School Number 57 / II TalangSilungko 2 of 2019. Action research is carried out in 2 cycles and each cycle consists of 4 stages, namely planning, acting, observing and reflecting. It can be concluded that based on the results of action research through workshops followed by guidance from cycle to cycle there has been an increase in teacher competence, namely in the first cycle with an average of 60.4, in the second cycle it became 76.