Literature Survey on Co-Operative Adaptive Cruise Control System (original) (raw)
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Design and experimental evaluation of cooperative adaptive cruise control
2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2011
Road throughput can be increased by driving at small inter-vehicle time gaps. The amplification of velocity disturbances in upstream direction, however, poses limitations to the minimum feasible time gap. String-stable behavior is thus considered an essential requirement for the design of automatic distance control systems, which are needed to allow for safe driving at time gaps well below 1 s. Theoretical analysis reveals that this requirement can be met using wireless intervehicle communication to provide real-time information of the preceding vehicle, in addition to the information obtained by common Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) sensors. In order to validate these theoretical results and to demonstrate the technical feasibility, the resulting control system, known as Cooperative ACC (CACC), is implemented on a test fleet consisting of six passenger vehicles. Experiments clearly show that the practical results match the theoretical analysis, thereby indicating the possibilities for short-distance vehicle following.
2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2018
Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) have the potential to address the safety, mobility and sustainability issues of our current transportation systems. Cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC), for example, is one promising technology to allow CAVs to be driven in a cooperative manner and introduces system-wide benefits. In this paper, we review the progress achieved by researchers worldwide regarding different aspects of CACC systems. Literature of CACC system architectures are reviewed, which explain how this system works from a higher level. Different control methodologies and their related issues are reviewed to introduce CACC systems from a lower level. Applications of CACC technology are demonstrated with detailed literature, which draw an overall landscape of CACC, point out current opportunities and challenges, and anticipate its development in the near future.
Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2015
Cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) includes multiple concepts of communication-enabled vehicle following and speed control. Definitions and classifications are presented to help clarify the distinctions between types of automated vehicle-following control that are often conflated with each other. A distinction is made between vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) CACC, based on vehicle–vehicle cooperation, and infrastructure-to-vehicle CACC, in which the infrastructure provides information or guidance to the CACC system (such as the target set speed value). In V2V CACC, communication provides enhanced information so that vehicles can follow their predecessors with higher accuracy, faster response, and shorter gaps; the result would be enhanced traffic flow stability and possibly improved safety. A further distinction is made between CACC, which uses constant-time-gap vehicle following (forming CACC strings), and automated platooning, which uses tightly coupled, constant-clearance, vehicl...
Towards on-the-road implementation of cooperative adaptive cruise control
This paper presents a setup for cooperative adaptive cruise control for which feasibility of the actual implementation is one of the main objectives. The approach considers communication with the directly preceding vehicle only, can deal with heterogeneous traffic, accounts for communication delay, and enables graceful degradation to standard adaptive cruise control if communication fails. The stability of a string of vehicles is analyzed using a frequency-domain approach.
Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2017
Connected and automated vehicle (CAV) has become an increasingly popular topic recently. As an application, Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) systems are of high interest, allowing CAVs to communicate with each other and coordinating their maneuvers to form platoons, where one vehicle follows another with a constant velocity and/or time headway. In this study, we propose a novel CACC system, where distributed consensus algorithm and protocol are designed for platoon formation, merging maneuvers, and splitting maneuvers. Predecessor following information flow topology is adopted for the system, where each vehicle only communicates with its following vehicle to reach consensus of the whole platoon, making the vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication fast and accurate. Moreover, different from most studies assuming the type and dynamics of all the vehicles in a platoon to be homogenous, we take into account the length, location of GPS antenna on vehicle, and braking performance ...
Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics, 2021
Nowadays, the number of vehicles on the roads is progressively increasing, this leading to a saturation of the traffic. In order to reduce the travel times and to increase the drivers' comfort, a series of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) that assist the drivers in cities or on highways were developed. The need of increasing the roads' capacities conducted to a concept named vehicle platooning in which the vehicles are grouped in convoys and they move as a single entity with the same velocity on the same lane. Beside simple radar devices that measure the distance to the vehicle in front, the studied platoons contain followers equipped with wireless communication systems (WCS). This feature offers to the followers the possibility to anticipate the behaviour of their predecessor considering that they receive the velocity or acceleration from the front vehicle through WCS. This type of vehicle platoon can be viewed as being composed of two layers: a virtual one, called cyber plane, consisting of the communication messages themselves and a real one, called physical plane, represented by the vehicles in the platoon. The paper presents a comparative analysis of two cyber-physical systems implemented with dedicated algorithms from literature (generalized predictive controller (GPC) and linear quadratic regulator (LQR)) at which were added a series of doctoral researches that cover the case study related to vehicle platooning for city and highway travelling. Each considered platoon is a hybrid system composed of a cruise control (CC) system for the leader and cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) systems for the followers. All proposed algorithms were simulated in MATLAB/Simulink and the results were analyzed providing some conclusions related to their efficiency.
Cooperative adaptive cruise control, design and experiments
Proceedings of the 2010 American Control Conference, 2010
The design of a CACC system and corresponding experiments are presented. The design targets string stable system behavior, which is assessed using a frequency-domain-based approach. Following this approach, it is shown that the available wireless information enables small inter-vehicle distances, while maintaining string stable behavior. The theoretical results are validated by experiments with two CACC-equipped vehicles. Measurement results showing string stable as well as string unstable behavior are discussed.
Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014
Since the introduction of the Vehicle Infrastructure Integration (VII) and Connected Vehicle (CV) initiatives, numerous in-vehicle technologies based on wireless communications are currently being deployed. One of these technologies is Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) systems that provide better connectivity, safety and mobility by allowing vehicles to travel in denser platoons through vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication. Accordingly, the research presented in this paper develops a simulation/optimization tool that optimizes the movement of CACC-equipped vehicles as a replacement for traditional intersection control. This system, which is entitled iCACC, assumes that the intersection controller receives vehicle requests to travel through an intersection and advices each vehicle on the optimum course of action ensuring no crashes occur while at the same time minimizing the intersection delay. Four intersection control scenarios are compared, namely: a traffic signal, an all-way stop control (AWSC), a roundabout, and the iCACC controller. The results show that the proposed iCACC system significantly reduces the average intersection delay and fuel consumption level by 90 and 45 percent, respectively. Additionally, the paper investigates the impact of vehicle dynamics, weather conditions and level of market penetration of equipped vehicles on the future of automated vehicle control.
A Co-Operative Driving for Safer Travel Using Vehicle to Vehicle Communication
Vehicular communication is one of the most advanced technologies used in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Vehicle to Vehicle (V2V) communication is one of the most durable ways to get rid of accidents than the automated vehicles, which tends to be annoying and unreliable when the vehicles stop, while the drivers have their own plans. This V2V communication is solves the problems by cooperative driving. In co-operative driving, the information about the nearby vehicles is displayed in the LCD display like their acceleration, steering wheel angle and braking style. Alerts will be sent to the driver by buzzering during emergency situations. Not only to avoid crashes, this can also be used for many purposes like communication between vehicles by radio transmitter and receiver, to identify special vehicles like Ambulance, Police vehicles, etc. We can make sure that the path we are going is safe or accident free by the instant message from the damaged vehicle to the vehicles nearby an...
A Decision Support System for Improving Resiliency of Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Systems
Procedia Computer Science, 2016
Advanced driver assistance systems (ADASs) enhance transportation safety and mobility, and reduce impacts on the environment and economical costs, through decreasing driver errors. One of the main features of ADASs is cruise control system that maintains the driver's desired speed without intervention from the driver. Adaptive cruise control (ACC) systems adjust the vehicle's speed to maintain a safe following distance to the vehicle in front. Adding vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-toinfrastructure communications (V2X) to ACC systems, result in cooperative adaptive cruise control (CACC) systems, where each vehicle has trajectory data of all other vehicles in the same lane. Although CACC systems offer advantages over ACC systems in increasing throughput and average speed, they are more vulnerable to cyber-security attacks. This is due to V2X communications that increase the attack surface from one vehicle to multiple vehicles. In this paper, we inject common types of attack on the application layer of connected vehicles to show their vulnerability in comparison to autonomous vehicles. We also proposed a decision support system that eliminates risk of inaccurate information. The microscopic work simulates a CACC system with a bi-objective PID controller and a fuzzy detector. A case study is illustrated in detail to verify the system functionality.