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ABSTRAK Kajian ini membincangkan mengenai kitab Sharāb al-ᶜĀshiqīn yang dikarang oleh Hamzah Fansuri sekitar abad ke-16. Kitab ini secara umumnya membincangkan mengenai Ilmu Tasawwuf dan khususnya berkaitan asas-asas seorang ahli tasawuf dalam mencari tingkatan tertinggi ilmu Tasawwuf. Disamping itu, kitab ini juga disediakan bagi menerangkan konsep wahdatul wujud yang berlegar dalam kalangan masyarakat Acheh tetapi kefahaman mengenainya masih kabur, maka kitab ini diterbitkan oleh Hamzah Fansuri. Objektif kajian ini adalah untuk membincangkan isu penulisan kitab Sharāb al-ᶜĀshiqīn dan kaitannya dengan perkembangan tasawwuf di zamannya. Manakala objektif yang kedua pula adalah untuk menyingkap etimologi berkaitan tajuk Sharāb al-ᶜĀshiqīn. Manakala dalam menjawab segala objektif-objektif ini, penulis menggunakan metodologi kajian kepustakaan secara menyeluruh dengan merujuk secara langsung manuskrip asal Sharāb al-ᶜĀshiqīn serta pengkajian-pengkajian para sarjana mengenai kitab ini. ABSTRACT This study discusses the manuscript of al-ᶜ Sharāb Āshiqīn written by Hamzah Fansuri around the 16th century. This manuscript discusses the general and particular knowledge related Tasawwuf foundations of Sufism in search of a high level knowledge of Tasawwuf. In addition, this manuscript also available to explain the concept of wahdatul wujud which hovering among people in Aceh, but the understanding of it is still unclear, but this manuscript was published by Hamzah Fansuri. The objective of this study is to discuss issues of writing the book al-ᶜ Sharāb Āshiqīn and its relation to the development of tasawwuf in his time. While the second objective is to explain about etymology to reveal the title al-ᶜ Sharāb Āshiqīn. While the answer to all these objectives, the authors used a comprehensive literature
Zad Al-Mufassirin Vol. 03, No. 1, 2021
This paper aims to find out balaghi's interpretation patterns with analysis through the Tafsīr Al-Kassyāf ‘An Ghawāmiḍ Al-Tanzīl Wa ‘Uyūn Al-Aqāwīl Fī Wujūh Al-Ta’wīl by Abu al-Qasim Az-Zamakhsyari. The method used in this paper is a qualitative approach method with the method of literature study (library research). Based on the discussion, balaghi interpretation patterns can be known by looking at mufassir in interpreting certain verses. In the context of al-Kassyaf's interpretation, AzZamaksyari has a special method of interpreting certain verses including: starting by mentioning the names of letters, makkiyah and madaniyah, Explain the meaning of the letter name, mention the virtues of the letter, include qira'at, explain the language, nahwu, sharaf and other Arabic sciences (tahlili), and interpret the verse by referring to certain opinions and refute interpretations that it considers inappropriate. Keywords: Tafsir Balaghi ; Al-Kassyāf ; Az-Zamakhsyari ; Mufassir
Diterbitkannya Permendagri No 61 Tahun 2007 tentang Pedoman teknis Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (BLUD) serta UU No 44 Tahun 2009 tentang Rumah Sakit, mengharuskan manajemen Rumah Sakit menganut Pola Pengelolaan Keuangan Badan Layanan Umum Daerah (PPKBLUD). Rumah Sakit dapat meningkatkan statusnya menjadi BLUD Penuh dengan menerapkan PPK-BLUD penuh. Sebaliknya, status BLUD juga bisa menurun jika Satuan Kerja atau Unit Kerja tidak dapat mempertahankan penerapan PPK-BLUD Penuhnya. Lebih jauh, status BLUD bahkan dapat “DICABUT” jika Satuan Kerja atau Unit Kerja tidak dapat mempertahankan penerapan PPK-BLUD dan kembali menjalankan pola lama. Jika hal itu sampai terjadi maka status BLUD, berikut fleksibilitas berupa keleluasaan untuk menerapkan praktek-praktek bisnis yang sehat dan keistimewaan-keistimewaan lainnya juga dicabut. (Permendagri No 61 Tahun 2007, BAB I ; Ketentuan Umum, Pasal 1). Karenanya sangat penting bagi Rumah Sakit yang ingin terus berkembang di era BPJS untuk mempertahankan dan meningkatkan penerapan PPK-BLUD.
Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam
Khulasah Ketika berakhirnya zaman Salaf, terlalu banyak firqah yang sesat muncul terutamanya dari kelompok Qadariyyah dan Jabariyyah yang membahas isu qadar Allah. Imam al-Ash'arī lahir sekitar kurun ketiga Hijrah membawa fahaman akidah Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah dan membahaskan isu qadar Allah SWT. sehingga beliau telah mengarang kitab al-Luma' dan membicarakan isu khusus dalam masalah perbuatan hamba dalam menentang kelompok Qadariyyah dan Jabariyyah. Kajian ini berusaha untuk menterjemah karya al-Luma' oleh al-Ash'arī yang mengambil hanya bab qadar Allah SWT sahaja. Kajian ini juga berusaha untuk memberikan kefahaman terhadap isu qadar Allah menurut perspektif al-Ash'arī dalam menentang kelompok yang sesat. Kajian ini menggunakan metode pengumpulan data, analisis data yang merangkumi analisis perbandingan, analisis berasaskan sejarah, analisis kandungan, dan metode induktif dan deduktif. Hasil Kajian mendapati bahawa
Indonesian Journal of Islamic Literature and Muslim Society, 2021
Pau-Pau Rikadonna I Daramatasia (PRID) is a very popular story and has an important position in the lives of Bugis people in South Sulawesi as well as in other region. In the script form, the story has three versions: Bone, Barru, and Pangkep. Not only being written in script form, the story is also staged in short films, picture stories, dances, and others. This article aims to understand the meaning for the Bugis' collective awareness of PRID stories. To reveal the meaning, Bone version of PRID will be used with considering the whole story. Bone's PRID is also unique because it has some additions of episodes at the beginning and at the end of the story that become the focus of this article analysis. In understanding the meaning contained in the PRID, Levi Strauss's theory of structuralism will be used by building binary opposition to the depth structure of the text. Based on the analysis conducted, the addition of episodes contained in the PRID version of Bone is close...
PENAOQ : Syair al-Hikmah wa al-Mauidzoh Fi Diwan Mahmud al-Warraq (Analisis Semiotika Riffaterre)
Penaoq Jurnal Sastra, Budaya dan Pariwisata, 2020
Literary works make language the medium, because through the language of writers imagining their thoughts and ideas. Poetry genre is a literary genre. Poetry explains something with something else. In other words there are indirect expressions in poetry. This research is titled poem al-Hikmah wa al-Mauidzoh Fi Diwan Mahmud al-Warraq with a Semiotic analysis knife proposed by Michael Riffaterre. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The results of this study are based on heuristic reading, it means that a human being must forgive one another's mistakes, even though there are so many mistakes. In the hermeneutic reading, it means that a judge who requires himself to forgive the mistakes of others, then described three types of judges namely the noble, the lowly judge, and a good judge or comparable to a noble judge. The model is found in four sentences namely "there is no human being, but one in three", "as for my comparability", "I guard against answering it, for my honor", "actually respect with respect, is wise," And also in the poem found a simplified binary opposition of the words sorry and wrong, noble and contemptible, and the words above and below. The matrix in this verse of poetry is the wisdom of a judge. As for the intellectual relationship, the poem put forward by Mahmud Al-Warraq has similarities with the verses of the Qur'an, the hadith of the Prophet and the poetry put forward by Imam Shafi'i in his Diwan.
Al-Bukhari : Jurnal Ilmu Hadis, 2021
Hadith has its classification. Hadith consists of ṣahih and ḍa'īf. The s}ahīh is accepted in his hadith while the ḍa'if is rejected in his hadith. But not every hadith ḍa'īf is rejected. There are several criteria of hadith ḍa'īf that can be accepted, namely ḍa'īf which level of ḍa'īf is not to severe. The scholars have compiled the book of hadith from the category of s}ahīh until there is a ḍa'īf. The most ṣahih books are found in the books of ṣahih Al-Bukhārī and Muslim and the rest, like the sunan al-'Arba'ah where the hadiths in which ṣahih are also ḍa'īf. The purpose of this study is to know the position of Muḥammad bin 'Abdirraḥmān aṭ-Ṭufāwī in the view of the scholars of jarh wa ta'dīl and to know the position of the hadiths narrated by aṭ-Ṭufāwī in Ṣaḥīḥ Al-Bukhārī. The methodology used in this research is descriptive analysis, which consists of three stages of research, namely the stages of orientation, exploration and analysi...
Vol. 24 No. 2 (2022): Afkar: Jurnal Akidah & Pemikiran Islam, 2022
The intellectual tradition in the Malay world is not isolated from the overall intellectual development in other parts of the Muslim world. The rapid and intense development of the intellectual development in this region especially during the 16th and 17th centuries contributed to the creation of specific and technical definitions in various sciences because scholars and thinkers require those specific and technical definitions in their teaching and articulation of ideas. The discovery of the manuscript Ta‘rifāt Jāwī written by Tuan Guru Haji Ibrahim Haji Jusoh (d. 1980), consisting of various technical terms in many sciences, which is similar to the popular work of Ta‘rifāt by al-Jurjānī (d. 1413), is a momentous finding in understanding the development of the creation of scientific dictionaries in the Malay world. This study intends to make a survey on the concept and history of dictionary-making with a reference to Ta‘rifāt Jāwī and to understand its contribution to the development and establishment of the intellectual tradition in this region particularly and the Muslim world in general. The technical terms will be selected and discussed their meanings. This study highlights a new intellectual and scientific horizon in dictionary-making and the development of the field of knowledge in the Malay world.