Biobehavioral Research Research Papers - (original) (raw)

Behavior analysis relies on the idea of a science dealing with specific interactions between the organism and its environment. Yet it is not always clearly defined what does an “organism” mean. I will contend that disagreements arise from... more

Behavior analysis relies on the idea of a science dealing with specific interactions between the organism and its environment. Yet it is not always clearly defined what does an “organism” mean. I will contend that disagreements arise from the roles the organism is said to have in behavioral settings. I will also argue for the organismal level as appropriate for explaining behavior in an attempt to reconcile physiology with behavior analysis thus considering organismal variables as either bodily conditions or physiological mechanisms without neglecting the selective pressures of the environment for guiding behavior.

Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to various methods of assessing the beat-to-beat variation in the heart over time, in order to draw inference on the outflow of the autonomic nervous system. Easy access to measuring HRV has led to a... more

Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to various methods of assessing the beat-to-beat variation in the heart over time, in order to draw inference on the outflow of the autonomic nervous system. Easy access to measuring HRV has led to a plethora of studies within emotion science and psychology assessing autonomic regulation, but significant caveats exist due to the complicated nature of HRV. Firstly, both breathing and blood pressure regulation have their own relationship to social, emotional, and cognitive experiments – if this is the case are we observing heart rate (HR) changes as a consequence of breathing changes? Secondly, experiments often have poor internal and external controls. In this review we highlight the interrelationships between HR and respiration, as well as presenting recommendations for researchers to use when collecting data for HRV assessment. Namely, we highlight the superior utility of within-subjects designs along with the importance of establishing an appropriate baseline and monitoring respiration.

The report was prepared on the basis of 2015 study "Monitoring of behavior and HIV prevalence among sex workers as component of second generation HIV surveillance". The report presents the survey results regarding the social and... more

The report was prepared on the basis of 2015 study "Monitoring of behavior and HIV prevalence among sex workers as component of second generation HIV surveillance". The report presents the survey results regarding the social and demographic structure of sex workers, risky behavior, access to prevention and treatment programs, HIV, HBV, HCV and syphilis prevalence.

El aprendizaje de categorías es uno de los temas de mayor amplitud y controversia de la psicología contemporánea. Siguiendo al enfoque "biocomportamental" se describirán algunos aspectos comportamentales, neurofisiológicos y... more

El aprendizaje de categorías es uno de los temas de mayor amplitud y controversia de la psicología contemporánea. Siguiendo al enfoque "biocomportamental" se describirán algunos aspectos comportamentales, neurofisiológicos y neuropsicológicos reportados recientemente. Los ...

Category learning is one of the most controversial and widely studied topics of contemporary psychology. According to the “biobehavioral” approach, certain recently reported neuropsychological, neurophysiological and behavioral aspects... more

Category learning is one of the most controversial and widely studied topics of contemporary psychology. According to the “biobehavioral” approach, certain recently reported neuropsychological, neurophysiological and behavioral aspects will be described. The behavioral aspects of conceptual learning will be described from the experimental analysis of behavior, by providing a detailed account of the different stimuli (or categories) class types and of the manner in which they are studied in humans and other species. Particularly, the equivalence class paradigm, postulated by Sidman, will be dealt with, on account of the significant advances in the understanding of the behavioral bases of symbolic behavior. Afterwards, several intra-organic processes or events taking place during category formation will be described, from their corresponding analysis level: the neuroanatomical and the physiological ones. Also, the contributions to the application of the experimental and theoretical paradigm of equivalence classes to the field of Neuropsychology will be mentioned. Finally, the possible utility of the mentioned neurophysiological and neuropsychological aspects for the study of category learning will be commented.

Special kinds of interactions between organisms and environments are deemed as proper subject matters for behavior analysis. However, there are still disagreements on the meaning and nature of interactions (Järvilehto, 2009; Palmer, 2004;... more

Special kinds of interactions between organisms and environments are deemed as proper subject matters for behavior analysis. However, there are still disagreements on the meaning and nature of interactions (Järvilehto, 2009; Palmer, 2004; Wachs and Plomin, 1991). Hence a formal characterization of organism-environment transactions is needed. Since higher psychological processes (language and cognition) are said to arise within these orderly relations, a discussion on behavioral complexity from a selectionist perspective is then provided.

У цьому звіті представлені ключові результати біоповедінкового дослідження серед ЛВНІ, яке було проведено наприкінці 2017 року. Результати описують соціально-демографічні характеристики, ризиковані сексуальні та ін’єкційні практики,... more

У цьому звіті представлені ключові результати біоповедінкового дослідження серед ЛВНІ, яке було проведено наприкінці 2017 року. Результати описують соціально-демографічні характеристики, ризиковані сексуальні та ін’єкційні практики, охоплення профілактичними сервісами, поширеність ВІЛ-інфекції та гепатиту С.

Behavior analysis and neuroscience constitute fields with distinct theories, goals, and research methods. The experimental analysis of behavior and physiology were once deemed as different disciplines by the behavior analytic community... more

Behavior analysis and neuroscience constitute fields with distinct theories, goals, and research methods. The experimental analysis of behavior and physiology were once deemed as different disciplines by the behavior analytic community which disregarded internal states while favoring the control of stimuli conditions for explaining behavior. Nevertheless, physiology was entrusted with the study of the structures and mechanisms of behavior mediating the relations between environmental events and responses (Skinner, 1976). I will onwards review behavior analysis and neuroscience according to some key concepts provided by Bunge (2016) and Lakatos (1978) to evaluate the scope of a program relating behavioral and biological data.

Category learning is one of the most controversial and widely studied topics of contemporary psychology. According to the “biobehavioral” approach, certain recently reported neuropsychological, neurophysiological and behavioral aspects... more

Category learning is one of the most controversial and widely studied topics of contemporary psychology. According to the “biobehavioral” approach, certain recently reported neuropsychological, neurophysiological and behavioral aspects will be described. The behavioral aspects of conceptual learning will be described from the experimental analysis of behavior, by providing a detailed account of the different stimuli (or categories) class types and of the manner in which they are studied in humans and other species. Particularly, the equivalence class paradigm, postulated by Sidman, will be dealt with, on account of the significant advances in the understanding of the behavioral bases of symbolic behavior. Afterwards, several intra-organic processes or events taking place during category formation will be described, from their corresponding analysis level: the neuroanatomical and the physiological ones. Also, the contributions to the application of the experimental and theoretical pa...