Harmful Effects of Ionizing Radiation Research Papers (original) (raw)


Recent papers in Harmful Effects of Ionizing Radiation

Human population throughout the world is surrounded by an invisible continuously increasing web of radiation, originating from both natural and non-natural sources. Radiation is of two types: ionizing and non-ionizing depending upon their... more

Human population throughout the world is surrounded by an invisible continuously increasing web of radiation, originating from both natural and non-natural sources. Radiation is of two types: ionizing and non-ionizing depending upon their energy. The exposure to radiation has increased many folds in the recent years with the invention and launch of many electromagnetic devices. Exposure to ionizing radiations has been found to cause severe abnormalities in human beings such as DNA damage, cancer, infertility, electro-hypersensitivity, etc. which however is of different intensity depending upon the age group of human beings, with children and fetus being the maximum sufferers because of immature immune system and also various other cells in their body are still at the stage of division and differentiation. Present study has been aimed to investigate a generalized preliminary idea of various health related complications caused by ionizing radiations to human beings with special emphasis to fetus and children.

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