MPEG2 Research Papers - (original) (raw)

MPEG stands for MOVING PICTURE EXPERTS GROUP is a standard for video and audio compression for eliminating the noisy signals from the transmitted signals from the satellite. Audio compression is a basic method defined under MPEG-1 and... more

MPEG stands for MOVING PICTURE EXPERTS GROUP is a standard for video and audio compression for eliminating the noisy signals from the transmitted signals from the satellite. Audio compression is a basic method defined under MPEG-1 and MPEG-4 which by coding techniques compress audio signals to filter out undesired signals.This paper focuses on the MPEG technology, need and coding technique for audio compression.

This paper presents a transcoding scheme for the conver-sion from one bitstream coded with the H.264/AVC stan-dard into another compliant with the MPEG-2 standard. This type of transcoding is very interesting nowadays both from the point... more

This paper presents a transcoding scheme for the conver-sion from one bitstream coded with the H.264/AVC stan-dard into another compliant with the MPEG-2 standard. This type of transcoding is very interesting nowadays both from the point of view of the broadcaster and of the customer. Due to the many differences between these two standards, the overall transcoding process has to be per-formed in the spatial domain; nevertheless, the proposed transcoding scheme adapts all the motion and coding modes information, avoiding the complete decoding and re-encoding of the incoming bitstream. Experimental re-sults and comparisons with the classical decoder-encoder cascade are provided over the common video sequences benchmarks.

Many factors can affect and / or compromise the quality of visual media. Most video compression standards use motion compensation and block-based encoding scheme for compression. As a result, the decoded video is altered by one or more... more

Many factors can affect and / or compromise the quality of visual media. Most video compression standards use motion compensation and block-based encoding scheme for compression. As a result, the decoded video is altered by one or more compression artifacts, such as block effect, blur, color bleeds, buzzing, false edges, jagged motion and flickering chrominance. In this framework, we present in this paper a quality prediction model for video encoders. Our model is designed to calculate the distortions of blocking and blurring effects, which appeared from the coding operation. We also give an overall score of the two distortions. The validation of our model is done using the subjective video database "LIVE" to correlate with the judgment of the observers. Correlation indicators such as the Spearman rank correlation coefficient (SROCC) and the Pearson linear correlation coefficient (PLCC) indicate that our model gives good performance.

O desempenho das redes de comunicação tem evoluído, e isso tem permitido a implementação de novos serviços que foram originalmente desenvolvidos para outros tipos de redes. Esse advent o é usualmente chamado de convergência de redes, ou,... more

O desempenho das redes de comunicação tem evoluído, e isso tem permitido a implementação de novos serviços que foram originalmente desenvolvidos para outros tipos de redes. Esse advent o é usualmente chamado de convergência de redes, ou, convergência tecnológica e o resultado disso pode ser uma significante economia em infraestrutura, desenvolvimento, suporte e custos de gerenciamento. Nesse contexto, este trabalho descreve um conjunto d e mecanismos de encapsulamento para integração de serviços existentes em redes IP e MPEG. São detalhados os mecanismos de transporte de fluxos MPEG - 2 e MPEG - 4 através de datagramas IP, assim como detalhados maneiras de datagramas IP serem transportados atr avés de redes MPEG.