Medieval Coinage Research Papers - (original) (raw)

A beginner's guide to the more common Medieval coins of Hungary

A beginner's guide to the more common Medieval coins of Cilician Armenia

"Lo studio presentato in questo volume cerca di cogliere i vari aspetti legati alla monetazione medievale del Comune di Pisa, giocando di rimando tra le varie fonti. Il quadro che ne emerge non è sempre organico, e i documenti spesso non... more

"Lo studio presentato in questo volume cerca di cogliere i vari aspetti legati alla monetazione medievale del Comune di Pisa, giocando di rimando tra le varie fonti. Il quadro che ne emerge non è sempre organico, e i documenti spesso non raccontano tutto il necessario.
L’assenza pressoché totale degli atti pubblici sulla zecca medievale, che soli avrebbero potuto rendere conto in modo esaustivo di certi fenomeni, quali gli ordini di coniazione, il titolo ed il volume delle monete, la struttura dell’officina monetaria e l’organizzazione dei monetieri, ha reso ancora più importante lo studio di tutti gli altri documenti, per quanto meno immediati.
Le monete stesse (apetto estrinseco ed intriseco) e la documentazione archeologica assumono per ciò in questa ricerca un ruolo fondamentale, grazie al quale si raggiungono inediti risultati e nuovi spunti di riceca.
Ne è nato un mosaico che, accostando piccoli frammenti, delinea un’immagine in parte nuova per Pisa ed il suo Comune, soprattutto per il periodo che va dal 1260 fino all’epilogo della signoria gambacortiana, anche se numerosi interrogativi rimangono ancora aperti, soprattutto per il periodo a cavallo del Trecento. "

A beginner's guide to some of the more common Crusader Coins one ight encounter!

The anticipated catalogue "Early Russian Coins, 1353-1553" is a study of the wonderful and fascinating world of the earliest Russian coinage of the feudal and fragmented Russian states, never before published outside Russia and almost... more

The anticipated catalogue "Early Russian Coins, 1353-1553" is a study of the wonderful and fascinating world of the earliest Russian coinage of the feudal and fragmented Russian states, never before published outside Russia and almost unknown in the West.Before the later 14th century, Russia was an assembly of small independent states, plagued by infighting and lingering under the overlordship of the Mongols. Starting in the 14th century and in under a century most of these Russian states were united under the rule of Moscow, partially through treaties and other political means and partially through heavy-handed military action. By the late 15th century the unification was complete, and a large single state with a capital in Moscow was formed.Many of the feudal Russian states minted coins of their own starting in the 14th century, using new and original designs and naming their own rulers. The coinage, almost unknown in the West, exhibits a fascinating diversity, with many hundreds of types in silver and bronze produced. These early coins include imitations of the Mongol (Golden Horde) dangs, coins combining Russian elements and Islamic elements and, finally, a huge range of purely Russian coins showing a surprising variety of designs including biblical themes and verses, mythological themes and animals, numerous violent scenes of fighting, stabbings, decapitations and other things one might expect from medieval coins. Other strange things found on these coins are designs showing Alexander of Macedon, scenes of homage, scenes of coin minting and ever-present Russian inscriptions naming the ruling Dukes.This catalogue includes descriptions and images of many hundreds of coins, from the inception of the native Russian coinage to the eventual unification of types under the Vasily Ivanovich of Moscow (1505-1533). Coins of the Russian states which were not conquered by Moscow (such as Lithuania and Red Russia) are also included this book. The relative rarity ranking for all the listed coins is also given, which should be of immense help to any collector of medieval coins.The information is based on the most modern numismatic research available, but is presented in a simple-to-use way, aiming to introduce this fascinating coinage to the wide circle of both collectors and researchers. This book is an English version of "Russian Coins 1353-1533" edition of 2013 which has now become a standard catalogue for Russian medieval coins collectors being actually a first publication of such scale since 19th century catalogues.

Survey of a century of research on the monetary history of Byzantine coinage in Early Medieval Italy with extensive bibliography. Assessment of the evolution of Byzantine coinage in Italy from the Late Roman unified period to the... more

Survey of a century of research on the monetary history of Byzantine coinage in Early Medieval Italy with extensive bibliography. Assessment of the evolution of Byzantine coinage in Italy from the Late Roman unified period to the fragmented situation in the 11th c. in the context of conflicting influences.

Gli scavi nell’area del castello di Piombinara hanno messo in luce ventiquattro monete, attraverso lo studio delle quali si possono ricostruire alcuni aspetti della vita quotidiana e dell’economia del sito. Le più antiche, databili... more

Gli scavi nell’area del castello di Piombinara hanno messo in luce ventiquattro monete, attraverso lo studio delle quali si possono ricostruire alcuni aspetti della vita quotidiana e dell’economia del sito. Le più antiche, databili all’età romana repubblicana, sono da mettere in relazione alla presenza di un piccolo insediamento, già individuato dal rinvenimento di frammenti ceramici. Per i successivi dodici secoli non sono al momento noti ritrovamenti monetali. Dopo questa lunga cesura, a partire dal XIII secolo, l’attestazione di moneta sia in mistura che in argento, emessa prevalentemente dalla zecca di Roma – ma sono attestati esemplari di diverse zecche dell’Italia centrale –, si manifesta con numeri più rappresentativi. Il maggior afflusso di moneta coincide con l’acme del popolamento del castrum, per interrompersi con la sua distruzione. La quantità di moneta che raggiunge il castello, rinvenuta negli strati o nelle tombe, e la varietà delle emissioni attestate appare di un certo interesse, consentendo di tracciare un’analisi preliminare della circolazione monetaria nel basso Lazio in età medievale.

A beginner's guide to Medieval Austrian coins

Over the course of almost a millennium, the Venetian Republic operated a mint that produced coins of gold, silver, and bronze, of varying standards and denominations, for use in domestic and international transactions. In the written... more

Over the course of almost a millennium, the Venetian Republic operated a mint that produced coins of gold, silver, and bronze, of varying standards and denominations, for use in domestic and international transactions. In the written records of these transactions, however, sums rarely appear as simple quantities of specific coins; rather they are expressed in terms of systems of money of account, that give a standard values for transactions made in a variety of coins, Venetian and foreign. For both state and

The fruitful scientific production of Franco D'Angelo, from the '60s to today, touches on various aspects of the Sicilian Middle Ages and illustrates important testimonies especially in the field of ceramics and numismatics. Every single... more

The fruitful scientific production of Franco D'Angelo, from the '60s to today, touches on various aspects of the Sicilian Middle Ages and illustrates important testimonies especially in the field of ceramics and numismatics. Every single essay produced by this lovable scholar, who always knows how to reconcile scientific rigour with the "passion" for research, has punctually added, over the years, precious pieces to the investigation of our past, proposing at the same time new ideas and hypotheses to those who approach the history and archaeology of medieval Sicily. Not even the Arabist can escape such solicitation. Especially if, as I do, he investigates coins, pottery or other Sicilian artefacts of the Islamic or Norman age to interpret their inscriptions.
This contribution wants, therefore, to be a small branch of "arabesques" as a testimony of the inseparable link between East and West that characterizes our Middle Ages.

"In the historical course of Santiago de Compostela there are outstanding gaps and absences, forgotten places hidden in the embankments of History. This book seeks to return to the city one such absent landscape: the Castle of A Rocha... more

"In the historical course of Santiago de Compostela there are outstanding gaps and absences, forgotten places hidden in the embankments of History. This book seeks to return to the city one such absent landscape: the Castle of A Rocha Forte. For two centuries, between mid-13th and mid-15th century, Santiago boasted a formidable fortress, the biggest in the Kingdom of Galicia and among the most spectacular in the Iberian Peninsula. An imposing building, the archbishop’s dwelling, an impregnable stronghold, a true fortified city… A Rocha Forte was many things, but first and foremost, a key site in the struggle for power in the Late Middle Ages between the city councillors and the archbishops".

Questo contributo mira a descrivere le tipologie monetali fridericiane prodotte in Sicilia ed in Puglia, la loro distribuzione in particolare in Sicilia e gli eventi storico-politici che portarono alla loro produzione

У результаті першого хрестового походу виникає ряд держав хрестоносців, зокрема Едеське графство, Антіохійське князівство, Ієрусалимське королівство, графство Тріполі, баронати Бейруту та Сідону, Латинська імперія, Кіпрське королівство,... more

У результаті першого хрестового походу виникає ряд держав хрестоносців, зокрема Едеське графство, Антіохійське князівство, Ієрусалимське королівство, графство Тріполі, баронати Бейруту та Сідону, Латинська імперія, Кіпрське
королівство, держава ордену св. Іоана Ієрусалимського (госпітальєри) на о. Родос, держава Тевтонського ордену в Прусії, а також її відділення в Лівонії та ін. Усі ці державні утворення мали власні емісії монет. Колекціонування монет держав хрестоносців є досить поширеним у світі, а монети хрестоносців є популярними на світовому нумізматичному ринку. Ще в античну епоху виробництво підробних
монет для колекціонерів було пов’язано із поширенням колекціонування, проте розквіту підробка колекційних монет досягла в епоху Ренесансу. Технічні можливості сьогодення дають простір сучасним фальшивомонетникам для розвитку своєї діяльності. Сьогоднішній нумізматичний ринок, на жаль, насичений сучасними фальсифікатами монет, які під виглядом автентичних монет зловмисники намагаються продати колекціонерам та музеям. Сучасні фальсифікатори давніх монет активно працюють над підробками для колекціонерів та музеїв монет держав хрестоносців. У свої виробничих процесах фальсифікатори використовують переважно технологію
лиття, хоча зустрічаються й карбовані фальсифікати. Стаття присвячена аналізу сучасних підробок монет держав хрестоносців.

Città etrusca, romana e poi medievale, Roselle, nell’arco di più di cinquanta anni di attività della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, ha restituito una grande quantità di materiali. La catalogazione e la... more

Città etrusca, romana e poi medievale, Roselle, nell’arco di più di cinquanta anni di attività della Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologici della Toscana, ha restituito una grande quantità di materiali. La catalogazione e la pubblicazione di buona parte dei reperti numismatici rende ora possibile ripercorrere la storia di questa città e dei suoi scavi, dalle prime ricerche condotte con criteri scientifici nel 1959 fino al 1991, quando si conclusero le indagini del Comune di Grosseto che hanno messo in luce la chiesa ed il cimitero cristiano. A partire dalle più antiche attestazioni di esemplari di zecche campane ed etrusche (IV-III secolo a.C.), le monete recuperate contribuiscono a delineare i contesti socio-economici nei diversi periodi storici e a ipotizzare movimenti di uomini e scambi di merci. Una parte consistente dei rinvenimenti è pertinente al periodo repubblicano, quando Roselle conobbe un rinnovato sviluppo (II sec. a.C.) successivo alla conquista romana del 294 a.C., e alla prima età imperiale, in concomitanza con la crescita e la monumentalizzazione della città (I sec. d.C.). La presenza di moneta è abbondante per tutta l’età imperiale, con un picco di attestazioni nella seconda metà del III secolo ed una riduzione evidente nel IV secolo, quando in città cessarono nuove attività edilizie. L’assenza di nominali coniati dopo il 388 d.C. rende plausibile l’ipotesi che anche a Roselle si utilizzarono, tra la fine del IV ed il V secolo, emissioni coniate precedentemente. Dopo un vuoto di alcuni secoli, l’evidenza numismatica riappare alla fine dell’VIII secolo, con un denaro di Carlo Magno, e più tardi con esemplari di XI e XII secolo, a ricordare il ruolo avuto da Roselle come sede vescovile fino al 1138, prima di cadere definitivamente in rovina. Il quadro offerto dalle monete recuperate negli scavi della città è integrato da una serie di ritrovamenti dal territorio di Roselle, che permette di tracciare in modo più completo la diffusione e la circolazione della moneta antica in questa parte d’Etruria.

Questo articolo parla dei vari tipi di Follis anonimi Bizantini. E' stato scritto traducendo dall'inglese un articolo apparso su e inserendo un piccolo glossario. Scritto principalmente per chi è a digiuno di... more

Questo articolo parla dei vari tipi di Follis anonimi Bizantini. E' stato scritto traducendo dall'inglese un articolo apparso su e inserendo un piccolo glossario. Scritto principalmente per chi è a digiuno di numismatica bizantina, vuole solamente essere una piccola guida per chi si avvicina a questa monetazione. Per studi approfonditi suggeriamo altri articoli e testi.

"Coins minted in Santiago with the bust of St. James Apostle on the obverse give witness to the influential nature of coinage as a form of artistic expression as well as a reflection of current artistic styles even in seemingly... more

"Coins minted in Santiago with the bust of St. James Apostle on the obverse give witness to
the influential nature of coinage as a form of artistic expression as well as a reflection of
current artistic styles even in seemingly independent forms such as sculpture. In this case we
can detect that influence of Master Mateo and his workshop, contributing a style and level of
artistry superior to that found on other coins of the same period. This coin bears the imprint
of the stylistic advances reflected in the Pórtico de la Gloria of the catedral in Compostela.
The frame of references and influences embraces Compostela and the Anglo-Normand sphere
of the twelfth century with Limoges as a possible point of convergence and the practice of
pilgrimage as the lively channel that facilitated the traffic in coinage and metals between the
Islamic world and northern Europe as the economic backdrop of these relationships."

Mis en chantier en 2011, le répertoire des monnaies publiées dans la chronique numismatique, depuis sa création trente ans plus tôt, est désormais disponible via l'HALMA-IPEL (sous format Excel). À ce stade du dépouillement, il intègre... more

Mis en chantier en 2011, le répertoire des monnaies publiées dans la chronique numismatique, depuis sa création trente ans plus tôt, est désormais disponible via l'HALMA-IPEL (sous format Excel). À ce stade du dépouillement, il intègre les chroniques I à XXII avec un total de 3 822 monnaies isolées, contre 2 834 précédemment 1 , et 58 trésors, toutes périodes confondues.

El presente texto trata de ofrecer un esbozo de respuesta a la cuestión de si las prácticas impositivas desarrolladas por las monarquías feudales en el siglo XIII eran, como parecen sostener varios autores, el medio que permitía... more

El presente texto trata de ofrecer un esbozo de respuesta a la cuestión de si las prácticas impositivas desarrolladas por las monarquías feudales en el siglo XIII eran, como parecen sostener varios autores, el medio que permitía introducir la moneda en los usos sociales. Se examinan tres aspectos: la aparición del impuesto en moneda como consecuencia de la propia naturaleza del artefacto monetario; el impacto de las recaudaciones en el stock de moneda legal; y los criterios de la oferta monetaria impuesta por la monarquía. Las evidencias manejadas permiten concluir que, pese al carácter determinante que mantiene el lucro en la producción de moneda, y a diferencia de lo que sucedía en los órdenes políticos tributarios, las características y el volumen de las emisiones debían resultar socialmente aceptables, en particular para los grupos más interesados en su manejo. No podían obedecer, pues, de un modo prioritario, a objetivos fiscales.

This paper explores the different attitudes and approaches to the display and use of coins in modern museums. The paper may be of interest to the museum employee and offers advice for achieving the optimal potential from even the most... more

This paper explores the different attitudes and approaches to the display and use of coins in modern museums. The paper may be of interest to the museum employee and offers advice for achieving the optimal potential from even the most modest coin collection.

A beginner's guide to the more common Medieval coins of Bavaria

Клад из c. Стижок является одним из крупнейших депонирований серебряных монет XIV–XV вв., найденных на исторической территории Великого княжества Литовского. Деньги из глиняного горшка имеют отношение к истории многих современных... more

Клад из c. Стижок является одним из крупнейших депонирований серебряных монет XIV–XV вв., найденных на исторической территории Великого княжества Литовского. Деньги из глиняного горшка имеют отношение к истории многих современных государств: Литвы, Беларуси, Молдовы, Украины, Польши, Чехии, Румынии, Италии, Турции. Совокупность стран-эмитентов делает клад своеобразной и неповторимой энциклопедией средневековья. По нему можно проследить сложные процессы денежного обращения и международной торговли Европы с итальянскими колониями в Северном Причерноморье, исследовать влияние золотоордынской и крымско-татарской валюты на рынке Восточной Европы, выявить проникновение пражских, молдавских и валашских монет на территорию Великого княжества Литовского, установить особенности надчеканивания серебряной монеты в конце XIV — середине XV в.

Coins have a value which can be used as a form of payments for certain goods and services. On the hand, coins have uniquely represented the country of origin which have a value on it. This study aims to classify the 20 most traded coin... more

Coins have a value which can be used as a form of payments for certain goods and services. On the hand, coins have uniquely represented the country of origin which have a value on it. This study aims to classify the 20 most traded coin values together including the new coin Philippine currency with its corresponding information which greatly helps people to identify the value of the coin and other relative information of the coin. The study applied the SVM for classification and Canny Edge method for feature extraction and Euclidean distance for coin detection with a result of 100% classification and recognition accuracy with 3.4 seconds in speed of detecting the coin features.