Mininet Research Papers - (original) (raw)

The entire network is doing paradigm shift towards the software-defined networks by separating forwarding plane from control plane. This gives a clear call to researchers for joining the ocean of software-defined networks for doing... more

The entire network is doing paradigm shift towards the software-defined networks by separating forwarding plane from control plane. This gives a clear call to researchers for joining the ocean of software-defined networks for doing research considering its security aspects. The biggest advantage of SDN is programmability of the forwarding plane. By making the switches programmable, it can take live instructions from controllers. The versions of OpenFlow protocol and the compatibility of programmable switches with OpenFlow were the stepping stone making software-defined networks thrashed towards reality. The control plane has come up with multiple options of controllers such as NOX [2], Ryu [3], Floodlight [4], OpenDayLight [6], ONOS [7] and the list is big. The major players are Java based which keeps the doors open for enhancement of features by the contributors. However, more is expected from the practicality of P4Lang programmed switches by bringing skilled people to the industry...

In software defined network the network infrastructure layer where the entire network devices, like switches and routers reside is connected with the separate controller layer with the help of standard called OpenFlow. The open flow... more

In software defined network the network infrastructure layer where the entire network devices, like switches and routers reside is connected with the separate controller layer with the help of standard called OpenFlow. The open flow standard enables different vendor devices like juniper, cisco and Huawei switch to connect to the controller or a software program. The software program controls and manages the network devices. Therefore, software defined network architecture makes the network flexible, cost effective and manageable, enables dynamic provisioning of bandwidth, dynamic scale out and dynamic scale in compared to the traditional network. In this study, the architectures and principles of software defined network is explored by emulating the software defined network employing a mininet.

Numerous people have acknowledged the need to re-engineer the contemporary internet industry effort into a much more high-octane central network which is facing the challenge of sustaining firewalls up to date. It is difficult for today’s... more

Numerous people have acknowledged the need to re-engineer the contemporary internet industry effort into a much
more high-octane central network which is facing the challenge of sustaining firewalls up to date. It is difficult for today’s
inflexible infrastructure to cope with the fast-changing necessity of the users. Hence, Software-Defined Network (SDN) was
introduced in the mid-2000s to transform today’s network to have centralized rapid transformation, centralized management,
and programmability by separating the data plane and the control plane. Here we focus on initiating firewall functions that run
on an SDN controller based over an OpenFlow protocol, to show that most of the firewall functionalities can even be built easily
via software, without the help of a resolute hardware. Among many OpenFlow controllers that already exist for the public, we
have chosen Floodlight written in Python for the project and to create the SDN network topology, we have used VirtualBox and
Mininet. In our study, we incorporate the implementation details of firewall functions, in addition to the experimentation

Software Defined Networking that performs the separation about a network data , control planes, joint together to centralized running. be a significant characteristic from the cloud computing settings, schemes or planning data centers,... more

Software Defined Networking that performs the separation about a network data , control planes, joint together to centralized running. be a significant characteristic from the cloud computing settings, schemes or planning data centers, communication service suppliers, which make running the software defined data centers .Here, will introduce a training onto the utilizing of the network figuration devices like as standard Mininet downloading on virtual machine (VM), characterize how represents the Software Defined networking characteristics like : open source network controller, such an Open Daylight controller, floodlight. Commands to multiple instances of servers, network nodes be debated, along with recommendations on network latency and scale. The resulting models have applications to network education and tutorials in adittionto supplying a way ,path into calculate the Software Defined Networking rearranges previous onto deployment.

For managing SDN are still working, but some things have become quite clear. Network management systems will need new interfaces for interacting with cloud orchestration systems and SDN controllers. New network devices that provide a... more

For managing SDN are still working, but some things have become quite clear. Network management systems will need new interfaces for interacting with cloud orchestration systems and SDN controllers. New network devices that provide a great deal of data about the overall network, SDN controllers also have tremendous impact on network state, given their ability to program other network devices. Two-way integration between a network management system and an SDN controller allows that network management system to do the following. Despite these regular improvements and upgrading, computer networks of today are struggling to meet 10 heterogeneous and ubiquitous society's demand. The architectural inflexibility of computer networks gives researchers challenges in experimenting new ideas. The paradigm SDN then ONFarchitecture, open ways for implementation of a programmable network architecture to be applied gradually in production networks. software switches into a virtual network environment replace physical switches. Software Defined Networking into Graphic User Interface, Floodlight controller was implemented as the network OS. Adapting its codes to develop components; packet forwarding/address learning, load balancer and firewall for optimizing network. This research achieved a state of the art network management from both a centralized after that Graphic User Interface ..

Today everything is getting digitized where people want to be wireless by all aspects. There is a high demand of WiFi in every sector. Highest influence on network planning of newly developed network infrastructure is of SDN to meet the... more

Today everything is getting digitized where people want to be wireless by all aspects. There is a high demand of WiFi in every sector. Highest influence on network planning of newly developed network infrastructure is of SDN to meet the futuristic needs of upcoming technology. As a result, newly developed networks have become more adaptive to dynamic circumstances along with enhanced flexibility. Being globally connected, it is inevitable to obtain adequate services from data centers through Wi-Fi support on SDN Networks, which is still a dream. Thus, the target of the experiment performed and presented by the authors of this paper is to implement WiFi support on SDN. Further, authors have also demonstrated the scalability and resilience of SDN based WiFi Network on Mininet by testing performance parameters in various dynamic scenarios. This paper will have a high impact on the end users as SDN technology can be implemented as last mile technology using WiFi SDN.

In traditional network, a developer cannot change the configuration of a router with software programs to control the behavior of the network switches due to closed vendor specific configuration scripts. In order to make the... more

In traditional network, a developer cannot change the configuration of a router with software programs to control the behavior of the network switches due to closed vendor specific configuration scripts. In order to make the routers/switches programmable, a new architecture of network has to be developed and this gave rise to Software defined networks. It is the new architecture for Computer Networks in which, the old traditional architecture is slowly depreciated. It is very difficult to adapt new technology especially to decide upon which controller has to be considered and what may be its scalability to compete the dynamic circumstances of networks. Many researches are working on possible solutions and look upon SDN to overcome the traditional network limitations. There are many SDN controllers existing amongst them, some are OpenDaylight, Floodlight, Onos, Ryu, Beacon etc. From the existing multiple controllers serving the SDN services to the network, Onos is one of the Controller. ONOS can be deployed on Docker container and it is accessed using its IP as a host. In this paper, authors are contributing for the evaluation of the Performance to check the Scalability of ONOS controller by taking many scenarios which are experimented on the simulation tool of Mininet, Onos Controller, Docker and iPerf. ONOS Controller"s simulated environments are observed for its throughput evaluated in dynamic conditions of a network over Mesh topology by gradually increasing the number of hosts until its supported by the system with optimum resource utilization.

SDN (Software Defined Networking) is a revolutionary technology that is currently indeed in demand in various network services. VoIP services can be greatly improved with SDN being used in their network. In this lab, we review the... more

SDN (Software Defined Networking) is a revolutionary technology
that is currently indeed in demand in various network services. VoIP
services can be greatly improved with SDN being used in their network.
In this lab, we review the technologies we are going to use in our
experiment and go through the background needed in our lab. Then,
we show how we built the lab itself in its different phases. Lastly, we
present the results we got from this lab. However, that doesn’t summarize
the capabilities of any of the used technologies but, it rather
gives a glimpse of what can be done with them especially SDN.

Software Defined Network is the most researcher’s choice of research domain to make the internet an architecture independent structure which will bring the biggest leap in the domain of networks. The growth of network has gone mature and... more

Software Defined Network is the most researcher’s choice of research domain to make the internet an architecture independent structure which will bring the biggest leap in the domain of networks. The growth of network has gone mature and slow due to restricted architecture of traditional network which needs the changes from
fundamental designing. Since 2010, till date, the modeling has been proposed by top research oriented universities worldwide. Now what is needed is to bring the imagination to reality by implementing the proposed ideas that brings solution as per researcher’s expectation. This paper is the effort to help the researchers to mplement the SDN Infrastructure such that further analysis and improvement can be looked into by research community. In this paper, we have shown step by step procedure to implement ODL – OpenDayLight Controller of SDN and development and implementation of desired Scenario.

Software defined networks is the future of Computer networks which claims that traditional networks are getting replaced by SDN. Considering the number of nodes everyday connecting to the global village of internet, it becomes inevitable... more

Software defined networks is the future of Computer networks which claims that traditional networks are getting replaced by SDN. Considering the number of nodes everyday connecting to the global village of internet, it becomes inevitable to adapt to any new technology before testing its scalability in presence of dynamic circumstances. While a lot of research is going on to provide solution as SDN to overcome the limitations of the traditional network, it gives a call to research community to test the applicability and caliber to withstand the fault tolerance of the provided solution in the form of SDN Controllers. Out of the existing multiple controllers providing the SDN functionalities to the network, one of the basic controllers is Ryu Controller. This paper is a contribution towards performance evaluation of scalability of the Ryu Controller by implementing multiple scenarios experimented on the simulation tool of Mininet, Ryu Controller and iPerf. Ryu Controller is tested in the simulation environment by observing throughput of the controller and checked its performance in dynamic networking conditions over Mesh topology by exponentially increasing the number of nodes until it supported tested on high end devices.

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking scheme in network technologies in which the data plane and network plane are separated. It can be considered as an umbrella including numerous sorts of network topologies, such as... more

Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking scheme in network technologies in which the data plane and network plane are separated. It can be considered as an umbrella including numerous sorts of network topologies, such as linear, minimal, tree, datacenter topologies and several others, proposed principally to solve problems of diverse nature of applications and different demands for resource management and performance. Where traditional networks would utilize a specific machine, for example, a firewall or load balancer, a Software-Defined Networking conveys an application that uses the controller (like OpenDaylight, Floodlight, OVS, etc.) to oversee information plane conduct. SDN can be implemented on Mininet emulator or NS3 simulator, which are both Linux basis but can also be implemented on other operating systems. One of important tools in network simulation is Fast Network Simulation Setup (FNSS); which is very useful toolchain that provides the ability of parsing di...

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm that is expected to revolutionize computer networks. With the decoupling of data and control plane and the introduction of open communication interfaces between layers, SDN... more

Software Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm that is expected to revolutionize computer networks.
With the decoupling of data and control plane and the introduction of open communication interfaces between layers, SDN enables programmability over the entire network, promising rapid innovation in this area.
The SDN concept was already proven to work successfully in cloud and data center environments thus the proper monitoring of such networks is already in the focus of the research community.
Methods for measuring Quality of Service (QoS) parameters such as bandwidth utilization, packet loss, and delay have been recently introduced in literature, but they lack a solution for tackling down the question of \emph{available bandwidth}.
In this paper, we attempt to fill this gap and introduce a novel mechanism for measuring available bandwidth in SDN networks.
We take advantage of the SDN architecture and build an application over the Network Operating System (NOS).
Our application can track the topology of the network and the bandwidth utilization over the network links, and thus it is able to calculate the available bandwidth between any two points in the network.
We validate our method using the popular Mininet network emulation environment and the widely used NOS called Floodlight.
We present results providing insights into the measurement accuracy and showing its relationship with the delay in the control network and the polling frequency.

create a custom topology and run it within the 'mn' create a custom topology in a python script and run without the 'mn' m i n i n e t @ 1 0-0-2-1 5 : ~ / m i n i n e t / c u s t o m $ p w d / h o m e / m i n i n e t / m i n i n e t / c u... more

create a custom topology and run it within the 'mn' create a custom topology in a python script and run without the 'mn' m i n i n e t @ 1 0-0-2-1 5 : ~ / m i n i n e t / c u s t o m $ p w d / h o m e / m i n i n e t / m i n i n e t / c u s t o m m i n i n e t @ 1 0-0-2-1 5 : ~ / m i n i n e t / c u s t o m $ m o r e R E A D M E T h i s d i r e c t o r y s h u l d h o d c o n f i g u r a t i o n f i l e s f o r c u s t o m m i n i n e t s. S e e c u s t o m _ e x a m p l e. p y , w h i c h l o a d s t h e d e f a u l t m i n i m a l t o p o l o g y. T H e a d v a n t a g e o f d e f i n i n g a m i n i n e t i n a s e p a r a t e f i l e i s t h a t y o u t h e n u s e t h e-c u s t o m o p t i o n i n m n t o r u n t h e C L I o r s p e c i f i c t e s t w i t h i t. T o s t a r t u p a m i n i n e t w i t h t h e p r o v i d e d c u s t o m t o p o l o g y , d o : s u d o m n-c u s t o m c u s t o m _ e x a m p l e. p y-t o p o m y t o p o m i n i n e t @ 1 0-0-2-1 5 : ~ / m i n i n e t / c u s t o m $ m i n i n e t @ 1 0-0-2-1 5 : ~ / m i n i n e t / c u s t o m $ l s m e s h. p y m e s h y. p y ~ R E A D M E t o p o-2 s w-2 h o s t. p y m i n i n e t @ 1 0-0-2-1 5 : ~ / m i n i n e t / c u s t o m $ as an example we will create a topology in mininet with a python file that is already in the custom with file for example we topo­2sw­ m i n i n e t @ 1 0-0-2-1 5 : ~ / m i n i n e t / c u s t o m $ s u d o m n-c u s t o m t o p o-2 s w-2 h o s t. p y-t o p o m y t o p o-c o n t r o l l e r = r e m o t e , i p = 1 0. 0. 2. 1 5 then conduct experiments like this

Fungsi SDN dan OpenFlow telah dipelajari dalam beberapa tahun terakhir untuk packet networks (paket jaringan), tetapi implementasinya masih terbilang jarang. Penelitian ini membangun infrastruktur Software-Defined Network dengan biaya... more

Fungsi SDN dan OpenFlow telah dipelajari dalam beberapa tahun terakhir untuk packet networks (paket
jaringan), tetapi implementasinya masih terbilang jarang. Penelitian ini membangun infrastruktur
Software-Defined Network dengan biaya murah, dan membandingkan hasil dari prototipe dengan hasil yang
diperoleh dari simulator mininet. Penelitian melakukan uji pengiriman paket ICMP, uji pengiriman paket ICMP
- VLAN, uji pengiriman paket ICMP - Routing, uji telnet dan uji respon switch terhadap kontroler. Prototipe
yang dibangun telah berhasil dan mendekati hasil yang diperoleh simulator mininet.

Network Coding (NC) shows great potential in various communication scenarios through changing the packet forwarding principles of current networks. It can improve not only throughput, latency, reliability and security but also alleviates... more

Network Coding (NC) shows great potential in various communication scenarios through changing the packet forwarding principles of current networks. It can improve not only throughput, latency, reliability and security but also alleviates the need of coordination in many cases. However, it is still controversial due to widespread misunderstandings on how to exploit the advantages of it. The aim of the paper is to facilitate the usage of NC by (i) explaining how it can improve the performance of the network (regardless the existence of any butterfly in the network), (ii) showing how Software Defined Networking (SDN) can resolve the crucial problems of deployment and orchestration of NC elements, and (iii) providing a prototype architecture with measurement results on the performance of our network coding capable software router implementation compared by fountain codes.

Secara nasional upaya penanggulan bencana harus dilakukan secara komprehensif dan sistematis. Penyampaian informasi dari tiap shelter diharapkan dapat memberikan andil besar dalam proses penanggulangan pasca bencana. Software-Defined... more

The Internet of Things (IoT) is advancing and the adoption of internet-connected devices in everyday use is constantly growing. This increase not only affects the traffic from other sources in the network, but also the communication... more

The Internet of Things (IoT) is advancing and the adoption of internet-connected devices in everyday use is constantly growing. This increase not only affects the traffic from other sources in the network, but also the communication quality requirements, like Quality of Service (QoS), for the IoT devices and applications. With the rise of dynamic network management and dynamic network programming technologies like Software-Defined Networking (SDN), traffic management and communication quality requirements can be tailored to fit niche use cases and characteristics. We propose a publish/subscribe QoS-aware framework (PSIoT-SDN) that orchestrates IoT traffic and mediates the allocation of network resources between IoT data aggregators and pub/sub consumers. The PSIoT framework allows edge-level QoS control using the features of publish/ subscribe orchestrator at IoT aggregators and, in addition, allows network-level QoS control by incorporating SDN features coupled with a bandwidth allocation model for network-wide IoT traffic management. The integration of the framework with SDN allows it to dynamically react to bandwidth sharing enabled by the SDN controller, resulting in better bandwidth distribution and higher link utilization for IoT traffic.

— Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking paradigm in network technologies in which the data plane and network plane are separated. This new technology began to be widely used in last few years and studies started to... more

— Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is a new networking paradigm in network technologies in which the data plane and network plane are separated. This new technology began to be widely used in last few years and studies started to increase on this new technology. The communication scheme of the network consists mainly of the controller and programmable OpenFlow switches. The centralized controller can be considered as the brain of the network which is basically responsible on determining the path of the incoming packet by informing the switches to route that packet in the right direction. In this paper, a complete definition and description have been shown and a survey study on the SDN has been presented based on different types of studies have been already made historically. An overview on the simulators used to implement these networks has also been shown.

I describe the results of our experiment to determine the performance of Open vSwitch under conditions of congestion. We created four compute nodes on Mininet with each compute node having four VMs each. The VMs within a compute node and... more

I describe the results of our experiment to determine the performance of Open vSwitch under conditions of congestion. We created four compute nodes on Mininet with each compute node having four VMs each. The VMs within a compute node and the four compute nodes are all connected using Open vSwitch. We generated a lot of traffic between VMs using iperf and determined at what level of traffic Open vSwitch saturates leading to a drastic drop in throughput. I found that the Open vSwitch will saturate if the traffic generated at 1.7Gbps.

In the context of network evolution, concepts like Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) appeared on the market. Network virtualization permits the implementation of routers, switches and load... more

In the context of network evolution, concepts like Software Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualisation (NFV) appeared on the market. Network virtualization permits the implementation of routers, switches and load balancers in software and separation of control plane and data plane brings easier configuration, implementation and scalability. The monolithic design of traditional network devices can be changed by implementing new algorithms which will improve the overall system performance. An example is our Software Load Balancer with a Genetic Algorithm. The code written in Python is functional through the POX Controller and the advantages of evolutionary algorithms make this implementation an innovative solution for dynamically modified topologies.

In traditional network, a developer cannot develop software programs to control the behavior of the network switches due to closed vendor specific configuration scripts. In order to bring out innovations and to make the switches... more

In traditional network, a developer cannot develop software programs to control the behavior of the network switches due to closed vendor specific configuration scripts. In order to bring out innovations and to make the switches programmable a new network architecture must be developed. This led to a new concept of Software Defined Networking(SDN). In Software defined networking architecture, the control plane is detached from the data plane of a switch. The controller is implemented using the control plane which takes the heavy lift of all the requests of the network. Few of the controllers used in SDN are Floodlight, Ryu, Beacon, Open Daylight etc. In this paper, authors are evaluating the performance of Beacon controller using scalability parameter on network emulation tool Mininet and IPERF. The experiments are performed on multiple scenarios of topology size range from 50 to 1000 nodes and further analyzing the controller performance.

For managing SDN are still working, but some things have become quite clear. Network management systems will need new interfaces for interacting with cloud orchestration systems and SDN controllers. New network devices that provide a... more

For managing SDN are still working, but some things have become quite clear. Network management systems will need new interfaces for interacting with cloud orchestration systems and SDN controllers. New network devices that provide a great deal of data about the overall network, SDN controllers also have tremendous impact on network state, given their ability to program other network devices. Two-way integration between a network management system and an SDN controller allows that network management system to do the following. Despite these regular improvements and upgrading, computer networks of today are struggling to meet 10 heterogeneous and ubiquitous society's demand. The architectural inflexibility of computer networks gives researchers challenges in experimenting new ideas. The paradigm SDN then ONFarchitecture, open ways for implementation of a programmable network architecture to be applied gradually in production networks. software switches into a virtual network envi...

For managing SDN are still working, but some things have become quite clear. Network management systems will need new interfaces for interacting with cloud orchestration systems and SDN controllers. New network devices that provide a... more

For managing SDN are still working, but some things have become quite clear. Network management systems will need new interfaces for interacting with cloud orchestration systems and SDN controllers. New network devices that provide a great deal of data about the overall network, SDN controllers also have tremendous impact on network state, given their ability to program other network devices. Two-way integration between a network management system and an SDN controller allows that network management system to do the following. Despite these regular improvements and upgrading, computer networks of today are struggling to meet 10 heterogeneous and ubiquitous society's demand. The architectural inflexibility of computer networks gives researchers challenges in experimenting new ideas. The paradigm SDN then ONFarchitecture, open ways for implementation of a programmable network architecture to be applied gradually in production networks. software switches into a virtual network envi...

Bandwidth allocation models (BAM) provide an efficient and practical mechanism for dynamic and flexible resource allocation in a network for application classes. This article presents BAMSDN, a tool that dynamically allocates the "... more

Bandwidth allocation models (BAM) provide an efficient and practical mechanism for dynamic and flexible resource allocation in a network for application classes. This article presents BAMSDN, a tool that dynamically allocates the " bandwidth " resource in a MPLS-based network through the SDN paradigm and the OpenFlow protocol. The tool presents a modular and low-cost solution that allows a SDN controller to dynamically manage the Label Switched Paths (LSPs) allocation and their respective bandwidths on the Open-Flow switch output ports, but without requiring the development of intelligence or traffic engineering for the LSPs allocation. The environment supports the inclusion of multiple BAMs and other traffic engineering modules. BAMSDN was developed in the Python language and can be reused in any Linux environment with Mininet, OpenVswitch, OpenFlow and POX controller for different network scenarios.

Resource management in Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an important aspect in this brand new approach of networking. Implementing an efficient resource management with high Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements like low delay or high... more

Resource management in Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an important aspect in this brand new approach of networking. Implementing an efficient resource management with high Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements like low delay or high bandwidth is a big challenge. Dynamic and adaptive solutions can be benefit for improving the performance of these networks. In this paper, we propose a novel approach of using genetic algorithm with SDN architecture and FNSS toolchain for better optimization of adaptive resource management with testbeds on datacenter topologies with video streams run on VLC media player to evaluate the performance of our solution. We explained the testbeds on the test video (delay and bandwidth) by implementing the adaptive solution using Genetic Algorithm (GA) for adaptively selecting the capacity according to link delay which then reduces the overall timeof packet delivery and increases the bandwidth. The final results shows an improvementin reducing the average delay values of 94.4% when using OVS controller and 90.1% when using Floodlight controller, and an improvement in bandwidth of 950 Mbps-1.82 Mbps to 37.075 Mbps-42.9 Mbps in OVS controller and 952 Mbps-1.7 Mbps to 22.97 Mbps-27.45 Mbps in Floodlight controller.

In software defined network the network infrastructure layer where the entire network devices, like switches and routers reside is connected with the separate controller layer with the help of standard called OpenFlow. The open flow... more

In software defined network the network infrastructure layer where the entire network devices, like switches and routers reside is connected with the separate controller layer with the help of standard called OpenFlow. The open flow standard enables different vendor devices like juniper, cisco and Huawei switch to connect to the controller or a software program. The software program controls and manages the network devices. Therefore, software defined network architecture makes the network flexible, cost effective and manageable, enables dynamic provisioning of bandwidth, dynamic scale out and dynamic scale in compared to the traditional network. In this study, the architectures and principles of software defined network is explored by emulating the software defined network employing a mininet.

For managing SDN are still working, but some things have become quite clear. Network management systems will need new interfaces for interacting with cloud orchestration systems and SDN controllers. New network devices that provide a... more

For managing SDN are still working, but some things have become quite clear. Network management systems will need new interfaces for interacting with cloud orchestration systems and SDN controllers. New network devices that provide a great deal of data about the overall network, SDN controllers also have tremendous impact on network state, given their ability to program other network devices. Two-way integration between a network management system and an SDN controller allows that network management system to do the following. Despite these regular improvements and upgrading, computer networks of today are struggling to meet 10 heterogeneous and ubiquitous society's demand. The architectural inflexibility of computer networks gives researchers challenges in experimenting new ideas. The paradigm SDN then ONFarchitecture, open ways for implementation of a programmable network architecture to be applied gradually in production networks. software switches into a virtual network envi...


Today everything is getting digitized where people want to be wireless by all aspects. There is a high demand of WiFi in every sector. Highest influence on network planning of newly developed network infrastructure is of SDN to meet the... more

Today everything is getting digitized where people want to be wireless by all aspects. There is a high demand of WiFi in every sector. Highest influence on network planning of newly developed network infrastructure is of SDN to meet the futuristic needs of upcoming technology. As a result, newly developed networks have become more adaptive to dynamic circumstances along with enhanced flexibility. Being globally connected, it is inevitable to obtain adequate services from data centers through Wi-Fi support on SDN Networks, which is still a dream. Thus, the target of the experiment performed and presented by the authors of this paper is to implement WiFi support on SDN. Further, authors have also demonstrated the scalability and resilience of SDN based WiFi Network on Mininet by testing performance parameters in various dynamic scenarios. This paper will have a high impact on the end users as SDN technology can be implemented as last mile technology using WiFi SDN.

With the growing impact of globalization, large-scale networks are now not countable with the tip of fingers as businesses have grown drastically and every day more and more organization are stepping into the lobby of large-scale... more

With the growing impact of globalization, large-scale networks are now not countable with the tip of fingers as businesses have grown drastically and every day more and more organization are stepping into the lobby of large-scale networks. While the entire network is allocated with a diverse set of resources, it is necessary to address the balance of the usage of Internet resources to avoid long waiting queues and congestions over certain hotlines of communication channels that have always been the focus for the entire market. As the traditional network has evolved to software defined-networks (SDN), for addressing load balancing issue over SDN, we as researchers have come forward to provide the solution to the problem by means of this chapter. Here, researchers have discussed and demonstrated the implementation of the unique technique of load balancing on software-defined networks on Floodlight Controller over mininet simulator with the focus on Data Visualization while performing the experiment.

The entire network is doing paradigm shift towards the software-defined networks by separating forwarding plane from control plane. This gives a clear call to researchers for joining the ocean of software-defined networks for doing... more

The entire network is doing paradigm shift towards the software-defined
networks by separating forwarding plane from control plane. This gives a clear call to researchers for joining the ocean of software-defined networks for doing research considering its security aspects. The biggest advantage of SDN is programmability of the forwarding plane. By making the switches programmable, it can take live instructions from controllers. The versions of OpenFlow protocol and the compatibility of programmable switches with OpenFlow were the stepping stone making
software-defined networks thrashed towards reality. The control plane has come up with multiple options of controllers such as NOX [2], Ryu [3], Floodlight [4], OpenDayLight [6], ONOS [7] and the list is big. The major players are Java based which keeps the doors open for enhancement of features by the contributors. However,
more is expected from the practicality of P4Lang programmed switches by bringing skilled people to the industry who can actually implement programmable switches with ease. The obvious reason for delayed progress in the area of software-defined networks is the lack of awareness towards data visualization options existing as of
now. The purpose of writing this chapter is to throw light upon the existing options available for data visualization in the area of SDN especially addressing the security aspect by analyzing the experiment of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack on SDN with clarity on its usage, features, applicability and scopes for its adaptabilities in the world of networks which is going towards SDN. This chapter is a call to network researchers to join the train of SDN and push forward the SDN technology by proved results of data visualization of network and security matrices. The sections and subsections show clearly the experimental steps to implement DDoS attack on SDN and further provide solution to overcome the attack.

A special OpenFlow controller that can slice the network Allows multiple tenants to use the same physical network 1.Create Mininet Topologysudo mn ­­topo=linear,4 ­­arp ­­mac ­­controller=remote m i n i n e t @ C O 0-1 9 2 1 6 8 5 6-1 0 1... more

A special OpenFlow controller that can slice the network Allows multiple tenants to use the same physical network 1.Create Mininet Topologysudo mn ­­topo=linear,4 ­­arp ­­mac ­­controller=remote m i n i n e t @ C O 0-1 9 2 1 6 8 5 6-1 0 1 : ~ $ s u d o m n-t o p o = l i n e a r , 4-a r p-m a cc o n t r o l l e r = r e m o t e s u d o : u n a b l e t o r e s o l v e h o s t C O 0-1 9 2 1 6 8 5 6-1 0 1 * * * C r e a t i n g n e t w o r k * * * A d d i n g c o n t r o l l e r U n a b l e t o c o n t a c t t h e r e m o t e c o n t r o l l e r a t 1 2 7. 0. 0. 1 : 6 6 3 3 b e r t o p e n g 1 7 @ b e r t o p e n g 1 7-T h i n k P a d-T 5 2 0 : ~ $ c d f l o w v i s o r & & m a k e a n t

Creating single topology with 4 hosts and 1 switches, using command sudo mn ­­topo=single,4 Controller = 1 Switches = 1 Hosts = 4 m i n i n e t @ c o n t r o l l e r : ~ $ s u d o m n-t o p o = s i n g l e , 4 s u d o : u n a b l e t o r... more

Creating single topology with 4 hosts and 1 switches, using command sudo mn ­­topo=single,4 Controller = 1 Switches = 1 Hosts = 4 m i n i n e t @ c o n t r o l l e r : ~ $ s u d o m n-t o p o = s i n g l e , 4 s u d o : u n a b l e t o r e s o l v e h o s t c o n t r o l l e r * * * C r e a t i n g n e t w o r k * * * A d d i n g c o n t r o l l e r m i n i n e t > d u m p h o s t h 1 : h 1-e t h 0 : 1 0. 0. 0. 1 p i d = 1 2 1 5 h o s t h 2 : h 2-e t h 0 : 1 0. 0. 0. 2 p i d = 1 2 1 9 h o s t h 3 : h 3-e t h 0 : 1 0. 0. 0. 3 p i d = 1 2 2 1 h o s t h 4 : h 4-e t h 0 : 1 0. 0. 0. 4 p i d = 1 2 2 3 O V S S w i t c h s 1 : l o : 1 2 7. 0. 0. 1 , s 1-e t h 1 : n o n e , s 1-e t h 2 : n o n e , s 1-e t h 3 : n o n e , s 1-e t h 4 : n o n e p i d = 1 2 2 8 C o n t r o l l e r c 0 : 1 2 7. 0. 0. 1 : 6 6 3 3 p i d = 1 2 0 8 m i n i n e t >

Following command spawns a single switch with 3 hosts attached to it.

In recent years, the paradigm of Software Defined Networking for has been extensively studied, especially in academia. One of the basic principles of this latest technology is the separation of data plans and control through specific... more

In recent years, the paradigm of Software Defined Networking for has been extensively studied, especially in academia. One of the basic principles of this latest technology is the separation of data plans and control through specific protocols like OpenFlow. As a result many people have opted to use the emulator Mininet network which allows defining and experimenting with the OpenFlow protocol to develop new applications, projects and systems. One of the particularities Mininet is that it is a bit ergonométrica tool that requires relatively complex setup and adjustments when performed manually. This paper presents a web interface, which is designed to make the interaction between the user and Mininet more friendly compared with the direct interface with the tool.

In traditional network, a developer cannot change the configuration of a router with software programs to control the behavior of the network switches due to closed vendor specific configuration scripts. In order to make the... more

In traditional network, a developer cannot change the configuration of a router with software programs to control the behavior of the network switches due to closed vendor specific configuration scripts. In order to make the routers/switches programmable, a new architecture of network has to be developed and this gave rise to Software defined networks. It is the new architecture for Computer Networks in which, the old traditional architecture is slowly depreciated. It is very difficult to adapt new technology especially to decide upon which controller has to be considered and what may be its scalability to compete the dynamic circumstances of networks. Many researches are working on possible solutions and look upon SDN to overcome the traditional network limitations. There are many SDN controllers existing amongst them, some are OpenDaylight, Floodlight, Onos, Ryu, Beacon etc. From the existing multiple controllers serving the SDN services to the network, Onos is one of the Controll...

The entire network is doing paradigm shift towards the software-definednetworks by separating forwarding plane from control plane. This gives a clear callto researchers for joining the ocean of software-defined networks for doing... more

The entire network is doing paradigm shift towards the software-definednetworks by separating forwarding plane from control plane. This gives a clear callto researchers for joining the ocean of software-defined networks for doing researchconsidering its security aspects. The biggest advantage of SDN is programmabilityof the forwarding plane. By making the switches programmable, it can take liveinstructions from controllers. The versions of OpenFlow protocol and the compat-ibility of programmable switches with OpenFlow were the stepping stone makingsoftware-defined networks thrashed towards reality. The control plane has come upwith multiple options of controllers such as NOX [2], Ryu [3], Floodlight [4], Open-DayLight [6], ONOS [7] and the list is big. The major players are Java based whichkeeps the doors open for enhancement of features by the contributors. However,more is expected from the practicality of P4Lang programmed switches by bringingskilled people to the industry who can actually implement programmable switcheswith ease. The obvious reason for delayed progress in the area of software-definednetworks is the lack of awareness towards data visualization options existing as ofnow. The purpose of writing this chapter is to throw light upon the existing optionsavailable for data visualization in the area of SDN especially addressing the securityaspect by analyzing the experiment of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack onSDN with clarity on its usage, features, applicability and scopes for its adaptabilitiesin the world of networks which is going towards SDN. This chapter is a call to net-work researchers to join the train of SDN and push forward the SDN technology byproved results of data visualization of network and security matrices. The sectionsand subsections show clearly the experimental steps to implement DDoS attack onSDN and further provide solution to overcome the attack.